Michael Palmer on Hiroshima and the Faked Atomic Bombing

Michael Palmer on Hiroshima and the Faked Atomic Bombing
The United States Dropped Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki During World War 2. Allegedly.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
December 26, 2022


On 6 August 1945, during World War II, an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion immediately killed an estimated 80,000 people; tens of thousands more eventually died of radiation exposure. Uncle Sam repeated the same atomic bombing over Nagasaki a few days later.

Or did he?

Was it actually atomic?

Michael Palmer (whose biography can be found at his website) held a faculty position in the chemistry department at the University Of Waterloo before being fired after his refusal to receive a toxic mRNA jab.

He published an eye-opening book – which is freely available for download – in which he debunks the “atomic bomb” story using archival medical and scientific data and showing that the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a result of mustard gas and napalm akin to the bombing of other cities (like Tokyo).

Bombing of Tokyo, (March 9–10, 1945), firebombing raid (codenamed “Operation Meetinghouse”) by the United States on the capital of Japan during the final stages of World War II, often cited as one of the most destructive acts of war in history, more destructive than the bombing of Dresden, Hiroshima, or Nagasaki. Although the precise death toll is unknown, conservative estimates suggest that the firestorm caused by incendiary bombs killed at least 80,000 people, and likely more than 100,000, in a single night; some one million people were left homeless. The Japanese later called this the “Night of the Black Snow.”


To be clear, the official narrative is that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed with nukes while Tokyo was bombed with napalm.

However, if the following is true, then it is quite damning.

The day and hour Hiroshima was bombed, U.S. air command logged a fleet of 66 bombers for an operation in nearby Imabari Japan. But this city no longer existed. It had been wiped out in two previous raids. This was the fleet that firebombed Hiroshima.

Swedish engineer Anders Björkman

For a detailed collection of critiques and analyses, I recommend going through this “guided tour” which includes patents, photos, reports, testimonies and more.

For example, one individual noted that locating photos captured by Japanese witnesses is very hard to come by, but that he discovered the following photos from a Japanese book published during 1949.

He added the following caption.

However several photographs appear online claiming to show ‘the mushroom cloud’. I’ve looked at Hiroshima in detail here (not Nagasaki) and tried to find details – including by use of google.jp, and online translators, though these don’t usually handle proper names. There are only three principal photographs, neither showing any general scenery. They could be genuine – but showing the effects of firebombing; they could show firebombing in some other location – I haven’t attempted to collate the points from which they were supposedly photographed with the actual view which would have been seen; they could be faked; or they could as claimed show the after effect of an atomic bomb exploded in the air. I leave it to you to judge. The first appearances of these photographs all post-date 1945 by a number of years – at least as far as I could discover from Internet. Moreover, one has to wonder why these people only took one picture of what is presented as a horrific and unusual event. (And there are no doubt copyright issues – there seem to be different sets of photographs in circulation).

The Daily Telegraph published the following photo of the bombing, during January 2013. It also resembles a firebombing.

A coverup?

What about the famous Bikini Atoll nuclear tests between 1946 and 1958? An interesting study was published during 2014 by a profoundly fascinating thinkers by the name of Miles Mathis.

He published a related study, during 2016, which is also worth reading. And here’s a study published by Jeremy James, refuting the existence of explosive nuclear devices.

Meanwhile, Marvin Minsky was a computer scientist and co-founder of MIT’s artificial intelligence laboratory. He received many accolades including the Turing Award in 1969.

Take a listen to what he said in the following clip.

If I am willing to accept that a lot of history has been misrepresented by the establishment, such as 9/11, the TitanicSandy Hook and JFK’s assassination, then I am willing to accept that what I believed about Hiroshima (and Nagasaki) is equally misrepresented by the establishment.

Our conversation

The following conversation with Michael is a slideshow. It is possible to follow via listening but I think it is preferable to watch.

He covers talking points including

  • no nuclear detonations taking place;
  • cities being destroyed with conventional explosives and napalm; and
  • the victims being killed not with radiation but with mustard gas and napalm.


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Tom Cowan on Why There Is No Immune System

Tom Cowan on Why There Is No Immune System
If Viruses Don’t Exist Then the Concept of an Immune System Becomes Redundant.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
January 5, 2023


Tom Cowan, who was previously on my podcast in which he discussed his book The Contagion Myth and why germs don’t cause disease, is a doctor and author of multiple books challenging current medical paradigms, specifically relating to illness and optimal wellbeing.

His approach is sensible and logical and he has a wonderful way in simplifying complex concepts.

In terms of the discourse around viruses and germs in general, I’ve had numerous conversations with great thinkers including

There are more but the aforementioned discussions cover a lot of ground and well worth listening to.

Tom joined me on my radio show to chat about similar talking points, but gave some superb analyses into the differences between contagion and infection as well as the absurdity of the currently established virus isolation claims.

The cherry on the top was his takedown of the immune system and why it can’t exist if there is nothing against which to be immune.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

 Partial transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light



Tom, you are one of the biggest influences on my life in the last year or so — yourself, Andy Kaufman, Sam Bailey and a handful of others. And I never in my life thought that I would have taken this road in challenging my own paradigm, particularly around viruses and germs in general…

And holy cow, Tom, how is it possible that we have all gone down this wrong road? …


How is it possible? I don’t know. That’s a speculative question, I would say. My role in this, I think, is not to speculate on so much why it happened, but documenting that it did happen…


Because one thing that I’ve learned in these past three years, and I try to be as rigorous about this as I can, is that the road to — I’m not sure what you call it, freedom or health or liberation — is not so much finding the truth as finding out what’s not true.

Because at the end of the day, once you extricate all the things that we think or believe or hope that are not true, you end up, like I say, back home as a place that you are always looking for.


That’s very true, Tom. It does feel like I’m home… There’s a sense of liberation that comes when you realize that you don’t need to outsource your health to the pharmaceutical industry…


Right. Again, it’s all about questioning fundamental assumptions. And you can get into this with things to do with actions of the government.

And interestingly, the fundamental assumption when you’re dealing with actions by the government is that the government is there to help you. Right?

That’s why these elected officials, we put them there and their job is to help the population. And of course, they have different ideas how to do that. But the fundamental assumption there is they’re there to help. And I would submit that there’s actually no evidence for that. They’re not there to help you at all. They’re there for a whole different reason.

And once you realize that, then you stop looking to them to help you because you realize that’s not what they’re meant to do.

And the reason I bring that up in response to what you said is it’s actually the same thing with doctors and pharmaceutical industries and health organizations like the CDC and the NIH and whatever you have in your country, in the world.

We think they’re there to protect and foster health. But that’s an assumption which I would submit is actually not true. Now, it doesn’t mean that the individuals who work for the CDC may think that’s what they’re doing. I’m sure a lot of them do.

But as an institution and as an endeavor — like the pharmaceutical industry is there to make money off you. And one of the ways they do that is to get you to buy their products by making you sick.

And if you think like that, which I would submit is actually closer to reality, then it makes sense of everything they do. It’s just obvious.

If that was your goal, then you would give people things, otherwise known as vaccines, to make them sick, and then they would get asthma, and then you sell them this drug, and then they would get bronchitis, and then you sell them this drug. And it all makes sense…

Once you realize that and you realize those are not the people that you should even be asking the question to, because they’re not interested. They have a different agenda, basically.


I was one of those people about two years ago. I remember when I first came across some of your work and I knee jerked. And I thought, no, come on. And there was something in me that said, no, just keep on go down this path and see where it goes.

And I have to say, Tom, I now have the converse view. I think ‘how can people think like I did three years ago?’…


So, okay, Tom, where does the story start? I mean the contagion myth. When we talk about contagion, what are we talking about?


Well, there’s also a difference between contagion and transmission. Transmission is likely a real phenomena. Contagion is not a real phenomenon…

So what we mean by that is classically — I mean, you can get into semantics here, but contagion refers to the fact that microorganisms, in particularly viruses and bacteria, are spread between organisms like people or animals or maybe plants, and they cause disease.


If you drop a bomb on somebody with napalm, somebody meaning a city, and a lot of people burn to death and asphyxiate or whatever, does that mean that napalm bomb was contagious? So obviously no.

So then at that point, you have to do something called science. Which means you have to actually do an experiment. Which means if you think that a virus is contagious, meaning spread from one person to another, you have to do an experiment in which you take the virus, and the virus only, and introduce that to a number of people or animals in the usual way…and see if they get sick.

It’s like the example I use. If you say ping pong balls knock down walls, the only way to prove that is to take a ping pong ball, and only a ping pong ball, and throw that at the wall and see if the wall knocks down.

You can’t put a ping pong ball in a bucket of stones and throw it at the wall, and if the wall knocks down, say it’s because of the ping pong ball…


Now, let me just say transmission means sure that organisms can communicate with each other. And that actually is a real phenomenon.

Like, you put 20 menstruating, women in a cabin for a year and they all start menstruating, more or less at the same time. Is that a virus? I mean, nobody thinks that. Is it some sort of communication between people? Apparently. How does that work? I mean, I don’t know. Nobody has actually studied it. Is there chemicals called pheromones? Maybe, but I have my doubts about that.

So that gets into a whole realm of how do biological organisms communicate with each other?

Trees do it, frogs do it. Presumably people do it. If one person starts laughing, other people start laughing…



Tom, before I ask you about the alternative vectors to illness or the expression thereof, obviously I have to ask you the elephant- in-the-room question which everybody always asks.

‘Okay, but these scientific journals say that viruses have been isolated.’ SARS-CoV-2 was apparently isolated, if you read that substack by Steve Kirsch. All those comments keep coming up.

So what is it that they are seeing?


So the problem with that question is you have to get into the definition of what isolation means…

When you ask somebody like Steve Kirsch, ‘has there been a paper that claims isolation of SARS-CoV-2’, he says yes.

In fact, I would say there’s let me guess, 10,000 papers in the medical literature claiming the isolation of a virus.

So the question is not ‘do they say that?’, it’s ‘how did they do it?’.


So you would think they would take a sick person, and doing very well-known and easily-performed techniques, they would purify the virus out of the snot or the blood or the cerebrospinal fluid, and then they would show you the pictures of the pure virus and that would constitute an isolated virus.

That has never been done. And they agree that that’s never been done. So no organism, no particle that’s “a replication competent protein coat, DNA or RNA on the inside, infectious particle” has ever been isolated using the definition that we all use — from any plant, animal or human being. And I will stake my entire career on the fact. And everybody agrees with that.

So because they couldn’t do that, and because you can’t study something that you haven’t isolated, they made a new definition of isolation.

So what they do is they take snot from a person who’s got a cough for unknown reasons. They do certain techniques, either centrifugation or filtration, which does not end up with a purified virus. It’s just to get some of the debris out of the sample, right? So that is not a purified or isolated sample. That’s just the liquid from your snot.

And then they put that on a cell culture, which means growing kidney cells from African green monkey, called verocells. And then they take away the nutrients. They add nephrotoxic, kidney toxic antibiotics. They add fetal bovine serum. (They suck the serum out of the heart of a newborn calf.) They add trypsin and usually some other things. Then they don’t do an appropriate control. They do what they call a mock infection, sometimes, but they always change the parameters.

So, for instance, they don’t add antibiotics. They never do what a mock infection is meant to. The definition is to do the same thing without a virus. Obviously they can’t do that because they can’t find a virus in the snot.

And then when the tissue breaks down — so we take monkey kidney cells that are growing, we take away their nutrients, we poison them, we add other genetic material and growth factors, we put in pancreatic enzymes — and when that cell culture breaks down, that is called isolation in the medical virology literature.

So if you ask Kirsch or any of those people, ‘has it been isolated?’, they say yes. If you say, ‘how is it isolated?’, they don’t know. He doesn’t know. Some of them know, but they won’t tell you because everybody who can think knows that, like Vince Raccanello, that’s not isolation.

And if it’s not isolation, that means you never actually found the virus. Which means there’s no evidence that the virus exists, Which means you can’t study it. You can’t find what genetics it has because you don’t even have it in a pure form.

So all they do then is essentially assess the genetic material in the broken down kidney cells and fetal bovine serum and all the rest of it. And then they make a hypothetical model, which they match up with the previous hypothetical model to say they have a new virus. This is simply madness.

You cannot have a more unscientific procedure than what I just described…



Now, your book basically states that, I think, there are about four vectors to what would be defined as illness or the expression of illness, one of them being toxicity or poison, another being mental wellness or mental state. What’s the other one? Physical injury and I think starvation of the cells. I think those are the four major vectors, am I right?


Yeah, not quite. It’s simple.

Number one, injuries, i.e. fall off your horse, right? Because that can give you a broken leg.

Number two, starvation. I wouldn’t say of the cells, because even the whole cell theory is an unproven theory. But you don’t have good food. Now, food includes — like stuff we eat and stuff we drink, and also mental, emotional food. If you’re fed lies and BS all the time, you’re starving for the truth.

The third one is poisoning. And we have varied and creative ways of poisoning other people and animals and plants.

And the fourth one, which I didn’t used to emphasize so much, but now I think is the most important, is: people are delusional. In other words, they believe in nonsense. And because they believe in nonsense… typically when you believe something, that becomes the basis for the actions of your life. And the actions then have consequences.

And I can give you an example that really hit this home. There was a guy I knew who was an anthroposophical doctor, and I met him 20 years ago, and he worked at a community clinic in San Francisco treating so-called AIDS patients with HIV drugs.

I told him HIV has never been proven to exist, and the whole thing is nonsense. And of course, he didn’t believe it. And he spent his life treating people for imaginary viruses, right? That’s what he believed in.

So then, of course, because he believes in imaginary viruses, he got four COVID shots — the two normal ones, whatever normal is, and then the two boosters. And I think it was four or five days after this second booster, he was found dead in his bed. And he was otherwise a healthy guy, supposedly.

So why did he die? You could say he died because he was poisoned, and that’s true. But the real reason he died was because he believed in viruses, because that led him to self inflict this poison, and that killed him.

So it’s huge what you believe…



The thing though, Tom, is then what is sickness? Or what is illness? Is it an expression of something?


The whole concept of illness is misinterpreted by doctors and medicine.

Again, I’ve given this example a million times. You get a splinter in your finger, you don’t take it out. That’s like a toxin, so to speak. And then you make pus to get the splinter out.

And in medical school you learn pus means infection, means bad, means give the person antibiotic.

But it’s obvious that if you get rid of the pus, the splinter will stay there and you’ll get pus again and again and again. And then you’ll encapsulate the splinter, unless you take it out, and then you’ll have a tumor, which means a new growth. And that’s exactly the sequence of events of what happens to people.

So another one. You put debris in your lungs. People do that with smoking and breathing crappy air like Wuhan and Italy and places all over the world. And then you get a cough to get the crap out of your lungs. Well, you go to the doctor and he says, because he doesn’t understand medicine, he says you have bronchitis. So he gives you cough medicine and antibiotics to keep the debris in your lungs. And then you do that twice a year for 20 years. And then you get a bag of debris in your lungs and we call that lung cancer. And we say, I don’t know how you got lung cancer. You must have smoked or something. Right? But your body kept trying to get it out.

And the doctors, because they don’t understand how medicine works or how every symptom you have is your body’s attempt to heal and we don’t understand that. So every encounter makes things worse.


I suppose, by extension, Tom, I have to ask you, does the immune system exist in any meaningful way?


There is no immune system. They made that up to make you think there were viruses. What happens — there is no immunity to imaginary viruses. There has never been any proof of any chickenpox, smallpox, measles virus in any living human being or animal, period.

And so you can’t get immune to something that doesn’t exist. In fact, what happens if you have a situation in your life of toxicity or exposed to mental stress or a child who’s growing too much too fast essentially, and they don’t have the collagen in their diet to keep up, they break down a little bit and they excrete that through their skin.

We call that measles or chickenpox and we can’t even really tell the difference between measles and chickenpox.

If you go back to the historical literature, they knew that these were just different manifestations. And so then you make white blood cells to clean up the debris. That’s like garbage collectors. And then you make these proteins called antibodies to repair the tissue. They’re not killing off or remembering any viruses. And so obviously, if you’re breaking down more like you have AIDS, you’ll have more antibodies because you have more tissue to repair. That has nothing to do with anything called immunity.

It has to do with if you break somebody down because they smoke and take amphetamines and poppers and you don’t eat and all that stuff and their tissues break down and they’re psychologically terrorized. They break down and they make antibodies to repair. And we test and see if they have antibodies and then they say they have a virus. This is absurd.

It’s like nursery school thinking.


But yet it’s 150 years, or thereabouts, old. I mean it’s crazy to think that it’s been so established.


Well, it’s not the only thing, I can tell you that.


…Going into the year 2023, what advice could you give people?


Don’t believe anything coming out of mainstream media or your doctor or health authority. And don’t let anybody put stuff in you that a) you don’t know what it is, b) if it came from a carrot, that’s okay. If it’s the chemicals that supposedly are in a carrot, don’t eat it because it’s not good for you. That’s not how we’re organized. Don’t inject anything into yourself. And think for yourself.

I think the most important thing I’ve learned is focus on understanding what’s not true and give yourself a break from saying therefore I must know what is true. You will find out what’s true at the end of the day once you’ve cleared out all the stuff that you believe that wasn’t true.

There was a quote from Mark Twain that I sometimes show. He says, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you. It’s what you know for sure but just ain’t so. “

That’s the problem. You have a lot of things that people, including myself, we think we know for sure: There’s cells, there’s immune system, there’s viruses. The medical profession is there to help you. The government is there to protect your well being.

There’s no evidence for any of that stuff. So once you get rid of that, then you will be left with ‘so how does this all work?’. Then that becomes fun.


Cover image credit: silviarita

Sanity, Harmony, Love, Amazement, and Freedom, Are Now the Hidden Side of Life: A Backward and Deranged State of Mind

Sanity, Harmony, Love, Amazement, and Freedom, Are Now the Hidden Side of Life: A Backward and Deranged State of Mind

by Gary D. Barnett
January 4, 2023


“I have observed this in my experience of slavery,–that whenever my condition was improved, instead of its increasing my contentment, it only increased my desire to be free, and set me to thinking of plans to gain my freedom. I have found that, to make a contented slave, it is necessary to make a thoughtless one. It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and, as far as possible, to annihilate the power of reason. He must be able to detect no inconsistencies in slavery; he must be made to feel that slavery is right; and he can be brought to that only when he ceased to be a man.”

~ Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

What in the world has happened to the human animal? What has happened to man? Why is it acceptable to be lorded over, to be allowed to exist, to be told what to do and what not to do, to be metaphorically and in many cases literally chained by draconian mandates, to be restricted as to what to say and what not to say, and to be controlled by the malevolent dregs of society called ‘leaders’ and rulers? Is this the true nature of man, or is this deranged state of mind the creation of evil intent by those seeking the power to dominate others? This is a very important distinction, for if this weak and pathetic state of being is natural, then there is nothing that can remedy the misery of the ruled. But if it is a designed and contrived effect of long term indoctrination, dumbing down, and a propagandized conspiratorial plot, then it can be reversed, and therefore, this voluntary slavery could be eliminated in favor of mass freedom.

As was pointed out by Jacob Hornberger recently, there was a time in our history when there was no income tax or IRS, no government welfare, no drug or medical laws, no immigration controls, few economic regulations and restrictions, no foreign wars, no passports, no three letter enforcement agencies, no government controlled markets, no foreign military bases, few if any government bureaucracies, little if any mandated ‘public’ schooling, no unbacked currency or central bank, and absolutely no gun control. Things were certainly not perfect, nor was any utopia present, but better times did exist in this country, and people were for all intents and purposes, temporarily free. This was a superior time, and should be instructive of what could be, instead of what is today.

Has this society lost all of its intellectual capabilities, its desire to be free, and fully succumbed to a subordinate position, and therefore settled for a dependent level of existence? Have the masses voluntarily accepted the idea that life is serfdom, or is this a temporary phenomenon, and one that can be reversed? I would like to think in terms of the latter, but this current state of being gives my great pause, as the controlling system that exists in this country and the world is being allowed to continue its drive toward a technocratic dictatorship. This is a tragedy, and if accepted by the bulk of society as normal, all hope for freedom would simply disappear.

It seems we live in a time when the bulk of populations are on the verge of ‘clinical’ depression, are filled with hate, are divided in every aspect of life, are worried and troubled constantly, are in a continuous state of fear, are dissatisfied with all the good in life while concentrating only on anger and immediate gratification, are consumed by indifference, and have lost any ability to improve self in order to gain a more harmonious connection to the wonders that life has to offer. This is a sad state of affairs to be sure, and a stark realization that humanity is teetering on the edge of willing annihilation.

Regardless of all the strife, uncertainty, antagonism, moral decay, and psychopathic insanity that confronts us daily, it should be recognized that life goes on, and each of us has a responsibility to develop and strengthen his ability to survive and prosper, and to be independent, so as to find peace of mind. The most important aspects of life can never be given to you, they must come from within, and cannot be experienced unless and until one is secure and satisfied with self. This is a mandatory aspect of growth that can lead to becoming a light for others. Without self-control, self-dependence, self-awareness, and self-confidence, love, family, compassion, empathy, and joy cannot be fully and truly experienced. To gain such a state of mind as this requires honesty and an unlimited acceptance of truth, regardless of risk.

Whining, complaining, cursing, lying, laying blame, dependence, voting, and begging for a master to grant you favors, will never be of any use whatsoever in any struggle to gain or retain freedom. Freedom cannot be given, it must be lived, taken, and forever defended. The founding of this country was structured in such a manner so as to present a false picture that rights are somehow tied to government parchment, which is a gross misrepresentation of fact. No rights come from any piece of paper, no rights can be secured by governments; for if that is so, then no rights ever existed in the first place. This is one of the most egregious misconceptions of duped Americans who have been inundated with the notion that some constitution is there to protect their freedom. It is not!

Yes, those who lived in this country in past times did have a much more free society than exists today, but even then, there were attacks against the sovereignty of the individual by the state. The aggression against liberty levied by the ruling class over time has increased greatly, but only because it was voluntarily allowed. Currently, little if any freedom has survived, and this is of course a planned outcome, that has been generally accepted by the herd. This atrocity can only be remedied by the masses themselves, not by a few, and not by the total, but by large numbers of willing participants (individuals) who will practice the negation of government and rule.

“I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.”

~ Robert A. Heinlein


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: un-perfekt

Dr. Tom Cowan: “You Don’t Have to Go Looking for What Is Real, It Will Reveal Itself. But You Have to Do the Painful Work of Discarding That Which Is Untrue. That’s Our Quest.”

Dr. Tom Cowan: “You Don’t Have to Go Looking for What Is Real, It Will Reveal Itself. But You Have to Do the Painful Work of Discarding That Which Is Untrue. That’s Our Quest.”


Looking Ahead to 2023- What Are the Questions?- Webinar From December 28th, 2022 

by Dr. Tom Cowan
December 28, 2022


In this webinar, Dr. Cowan addresses what will be coming up next year: what he is working on, the topics he plans to discuss, and what questions we should be asking.


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan
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Excerpts (prepared by Truth Comes to Light):

Okay, so the first area that we’re going to look for the truth in and again, the strategy here is not to look for the truth per se, at least not directly, at least not in the beginning, but to discard that which isn’t true, no matter where it leads, no matter how unpleasant uncomfortable…

So as a lot of people know, I’m not necessarily a huge fan of Carrie Mullis, but he is or was a Nobel Prize winning biochemist, so you would think he knows something about looking for chemicals, i.e. molecules in living systems. Whether he was as radical or on “our side” as some people make him out to be, is maybe another issue. But look what he said. ‘People don’t realize that molecules themselves are somewhat hypothetical and that their interactions are more so and that the biological reactions are even more so.’

I think what he just told us…is that these chemicals, molecules that we all have learned to believe in, are the basis of biology and medicine. They’re actually hypothetical, meaning we’re not even sure that they exist.

So what chemicals are we talking about? Well, how about estrogen? And how about progesterone? And how about insulin? And how about testosterone? And how about cortisone? And how about serotonin? And how about dopamine? And how about oxytocin? These are all molecules, i.e. chemicals. We all think they exist. We all think that they are what medicine should be studying and we believe in them. We even give people so-called bioidentical estrogen or testosterone or cortisone under the theory that these chemicals must exist in biological systems like us…


One of the things I’m intending to do is look — this next year — what in biology/medicine, especially in the so-called physical realm, what is real? Because if, at the end of the day, none of these molecules are actually in living systems, then we have a huge problem. And we have a huge other kind of medicine, which is all based on water and energy and electromagnetic fields, just like we’re all suspecting.


And again, this search for the truth is not particularly looking for what is true, but as I said, trying to discard that which is clearly not true.

So let’s look at another one. And some of you, I’m sure, have heard this and there’s a lot of people who know a lot more about this than I do. But this has to do with our history. And I’ve alluded to this a little bit in some of my previous talks. But let me just show you something here.

Okay? So history. What do we know about history? Well, we have a story that we’ve been told.

The thing that we’re wondering about today, and hopefully we’re going to be looking at next year, is this story true? Because we need to be warriors for the truth, search for the truth, even if it means giving up misconceptions.

Because, we have a theory or an idea that discarding our misconceptions — the lies, the phony stories, the make believe stuff that we all have grown up with — discarding that, at the end of the day will leave you with this, I think, beautiful understanding of what is real.

You don’t have to go looking for what is real, it will reveal itself. But you have to do the painful work of discarding that which is untrue. That’s our quest.

So we’re told that history is a kind of linear exercise. In other words, the history — we used to be slime mold and then we became lizards or something and then we became monkeys. And all this took millions and millions of years, and then we became people, and we were pretty stupid and technologically uninformed…

So this is a linear history. And particularly when you look at a country like the United States before the Europeans arrived, there was just sort of nothing. And people who had no technology, no building, no advancement in any of the usual sort of things. And it’s slowly linear built up, built up more and more complex and never went backwards. That’s the story we’re told…


Okay, let’s take a look at something here. So I used to live in San Francisco. Here is what we’re told San Francisco looked like in 1848.

Now, I just want to point out this is obviously a drawing. I’m not sure who drew it, but this is not a photograph, this is a drawing. San Francisco, 1848. Basically wilderness. All the people who had lived there had been basically Native Americans or similar sort of people. And obviously they had no technology, no building, no what we call civilization, advanced building and sewage and water systems, et cetera. They basically lived in primitive buildings and huts and cetera, sort of like this. And then around 1848, when this was drawn, there was approximately 300 Mormons who arrived, I’m not sure why.

And then a bunch of immigrants, I think mostly Irish or other places in Europe looking for gold.

So — Story: nothing before this, there was nobody who could build anything or any technology before 1848. Basically primitive sort of wilderness with primitive sort of people uncivilized, who couldn’t possibly build anything. And again, this is a drawing, not a photograph.

And then, interestingly, we see another. This is also a drawing, not a photograph. 1850 — 2 years later…

A drawing of some buildings that were apparently made in those two years. And there’s all these people.

And not only how did they do it, but why would they do that?

These were people who, we’re told, barely survived, were probably at war with the native people. And so you’re telling me that in two years they built structures like this?


So then we move on. And I believe I could be incorrect about the date, but this is the first actual photograph that we see. And now this is from 30 years after that drawing…

And if you see this, look at this panorama of the city and you can see these amazing buildings with spires and cherubim carved on top, and domes and spires looking up to the sky…

And a city for approximately 500,000 people at least, mostly made out of some sort of stone or granite or something, with some wood, I’m sure. Amazing carving.

And somehow the official history is telling us that this all was made with people with no power tools, no transportation, no roads, no building experience, except for architects who supposedly came in from the east coast, which would have been a hell of a trip to get there. No factories, no ability to quarry, no ability to transport huge stones and spires and no copper smelting, no metalworks. And they did all this in 30 years? For what reason?


So one has to wonder whether this drawing is actually real. And if it’s not real, why did they draw this? What reason was there to convince people that this city hadn’t been there for a really long time in order to build something like this?


And then you go back and you look at the history of the so-called World’s Fairs and you see these were all in the period between 1870 and say 1910 or so.

And you see again, we’re talking about all these cities all over the world…

And pretty much every city in what’s now called the United States had structures like this before, supposedly, there were any roads, any factories, any transportation, any power tools, any of the things that we would normally think would be needed to build a monstrosity like this.

Or in New Zealand, where there was apparently just a handful of immigrants. And again, the story is these people who were there before, I think the Maori or something, they didn’t do any of this stuff. They didn’t know how to build anything. The story is a linear increase in the complexity of everything, the increase in the ability to do everything related to technology.

But this is a monster thing.

Here is a picture of Atlanta from around the turn of the century…

All of these things, by the way, are now gone. They were all destroyed. Most of them apparently, supposedly, through a fire. Because why? Because Atlanta couldn’t use a structure or an infrastructure like this?

Or this is Paris… All of this was supposedly built as temporary installations, temporary structures, for a temporary world’s fair. And so apparently, they didn’t need any of this stuff going forward.

And here’s another picture of the San Francisco World’s Fair.

These are the buildings which were supposedly made in two to three years.

You can see the entire city landscape behind. And all these concrete and stone buildings — these amazing architecture with with all this intricate design — all of it was torn down. Because who could possibly need something as functional and beautiful and amazing as this cluttering up your city?

And all this was supposedly made in two to three years with people who had no access to power tools, roads, transportation, cranes, or anything else.

Here are two pictures of St. Louis. Again, turn of the century. Who built this, and how would you build it, and why would you build it?


And there’s a lot of people who are looking into:

What is the real history of our people?

What is the history of this land?

How did we get here?

Does it matter?

Does it matter if our history was actually fabricated?

Does it matter going forward that we actually know where we came from?

And if all these things were torn down, why were they torn down?

What were they able to do? … You see — in I think it was Philadelphia — you see a 23-acre, essentially glass and steel, looks like a sort of greenhouse, that apparently they could grow all the food that was needed for the entire city of Philadelphia. This is in 1870s or 1880s.

Why would you tear something like that down and not use that to grow food for the people going forward?


So I would love to hear from people, what do they think about this? I’m not saying that anybody should believe it. I think everybody, including myself, we need to look into this. We need to try to get answers, and we need to be warriors for the truth.

The question, people will say, ‘well, why would they possibly cover this up?’. And that may actually have something to do with our health. Because if these were devices that were used in healing, and in promoting peace and harmony in the land and in the population, and if they were used to create energy like some people suspect, then that’s a whole different situation than we have now.

And so we have a lot of technology that could make a huge difference in our overall well-being and in our health. And this actually is tied with a whole different conception of life, which is: Are we really chemicals or are we really energetic electromagnetic beings?

And that there were people who lived before us who were well aware of the electromagnetic nature of living beings and reality and didn’t spend their time looking for chemicals which are basically hypothetical in living systems.

People will also say this is a kind of scam or thing that nobody could pull off. It’s too big… Somebody would blow the whistle.

Well, a) somebody is blowing the whistle and b) anybody who’s lived through three years of so-called covid, caused by an imaginary virus, shouldn’t be able to use the excuse of ‘how could they possibly have pulled this off’.

I would admit it’s a tremendous project to do that, but it’s been done before and it’s being done right now.

There may be a whole different way of looking at living systems, including us — in who we are and what we’re doing here than we have been led to believe.


How do we try to understand ourselves as living electromagnetic beings rather than biochemical hypothetical beings that we’ve been told and ascribing all of our troubles to?

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Jon Levi is one researcher & video content creator who is consistently sharing new findings. In reference to Dr. Cowan’s mention of the great buildings found in 1800 era Philadelphia, see Jon Levi’s “Philadelphia World’s Fair of 1876 (Building Castles and Cutting Limbs)” for photos along with his narrative and excellent questions.

Great Central Fair Buildings, Philadelphia. The Great Central Fair was held in 1863 in Logan Square.

If you are new to these ideas, you can research more about hidden history using search terms such as  ‘Tartaria’, ‘world’s fairs’ or ‘mud floods’, ‘melted history’,  ‘star forts’ or even ‘mud fossils’. Another very active researcher is Auto didactic (his second channel is here). See his work on star forts.

There are many video channels, reddit threads and blogs out there where people share their research, old photos, maps, etc. And, as is to be expected, there is lots of speculation and there are many theories about our past and about the nature of reality.

At this point, we don’t have the answers. However, we are  seeing quite clearly that what we’ve been told about the history of mankind can’t possibly be the truth. We owe it to ourselves, to our children and to all creatures who share this planet with us, to always question everything.


Cover image credit: geralt

6 ‘Noncompliance’ Strategies for Protecting Kids and Teens in 2023

6 ‘Noncompliance’ Strategies for Protecting Kids and Teens in 2023

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
originally published December 22, 2022


Since 2020, parents have had to contend with increasingly brazen efforts by governments, schools, foundations,
Big TechBig Pharma and others tohijack, injure or destroy children’s minds and bodies.

Far from being piecemeal or merely opportunistic responses to a convenient “pandemic,” these assaults on children — and adults, too — reflect a well-financed, long-term control agenda aimed at implementation of digital identities, social scoring and “full monitoring and tracking of every human being through … mechanisms already in place.”

At the “Defeat the Mandates” rally in January 2022, Children’s Health Defense Chairman and Chief Litigation Counsel Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., asserted, “Nobody in the history of the planet has ever complied their way out of totalitarian control” and reminded the public, “Every time you comply, you get weaker.”

Kennedy also warned, “they’re coming for our children.”

As if in confirmation, infantskindergartners and college students were badgered throughout the year to get — and then suffered atrocious damage from — COVID-19 shots, despite overwhelming evidence that the jabs urgently needed to be withdrawn from the market.

Clued in to these and other dangers crowding around their children, a growing number of parents recognized the need for noncompliance.

Keeping noncompliance as the watchword for 2023, here are some actions that could make a real difference in the coming year.

Choose home schooling

In a nine-part series written earlier this year, journalist Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs described comprehensive social engineering efforts — “obedience training” — rolling out in coordinated fashion in 110 countries, in part via school-based “Social and Emotional Learning” programs.

Implemented by educators, counselors and other professionals in “public schools, charter schools, after-school programs, summer camps, virtual schools and remote schooling,” the goal is, according to Lynn, “shaping minds, regulating emotions, controlling behaviors, instilling twisted beliefs, and building an obedient workforce.”

As Anna L. Noble put it in an April 2022 article in The Defender, “Schools provide a useful testing ground to experiment with ways to hold the attention of children, develop nudges, and elicit desirable behavioral responses.”

Scathing education whistleblower Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, a now-deceased former senior policy advisor for the U.S. Department of Education, decried the “deliberate dumbing down of America” and traced the education system’s shift “from academics to behavioral modification” back to at least 1965.

Iserbyt observed that the Department of Education did not exist prior to its 1979 creation under the Carter Administration, stating, “There is nowhere in the constitution that calls for a Department of Education.”

Even private schools, under the thumb of the agenda-driven National Association of Independent Schools, appear to have lost any vestiges of “independence,” with enrollment contracts reportedly prohibiting parents “from ‘[voicing] strong disagreement’ with school policy or curricula, under threat of expulsion.”

Instead of continuing to expect something different from an “abusive” educational system, Lynn suggests that home schooling can be a powerful form of noncompliance.

Many parents apparently agree — responding to schools’ disastrous imposition of measures like remote learning and masking in 2020, a record number of households turned to home schooling.

Prior to COVID-19, roughly 3.4% of school-age children were home-schoolers, but by the start of the 2020-2021 school year, the U.S. Census Bureau’s estimate had risen to 11.1%.

Home schooling is now the fastest-growing form of education in the U.S.

Stop the poisoning

Earlier this month, more than a third of parents surveyed (35%) — up from less than one-fourth (23%) in 2019 — questioned school vaccine mandates,

And this was only the latest in a string of reports addressing rising parental ambivalence about “routine” childhood vaccines.

These trends suggest that a critical mass of parents is coming to see vaccines as a “con man trick,” understanding that promises of vaccine safety were false and conflict-of-interest-riddled well before COVID-19 shots came along — and in fact, since the very inception of childhood vaccination programs.

The world’s vaccine experts conceded this point in a roundabout manner at a World Health Organization Global Vaccine Safety Summit in late 2019, as did Danish researcher and long-time vaccine insider Christine Stabell Benn at around the same time.

Benn commented, “Vaccination opponents are justified in being concerned [about safety],” adding:

“No vaccines have been studied for their non-specific effects on overall health, and before we have examined these, we cannot actually determine that the vaccines are safe.”

Benn’s colleague Peter Aaby admitted, also in 2019, “Most of you think that we know what all our vaccines are doing; we don’t.”

In mid-2021, Benn and Aaby cautiously argued against COVID-19 shots for children in the high-status BMJ scientific journal.

Given the shocking odds of vaccine injury that already prevailed prior to COVID-19 — conservatively estimated in a 2010 government-commissioned report at one in every 39 vaccines administered — it is not surprising that the carnage from COVID-19 jabs would now be swelling the ranks of questioners and “ex-vaxxers.”

However, vaccination — even with its payload of known and undisclosed toxic ingredients and apparent batch-to-batch variability — is far from the only vehicle for poisoning our most vulnerable.

Parents willing to do their own research and forge their family’s own nutritional and healthcare path will find that it may be within their reach to lessen, if not entirely eliminate, their children’s exposure to other common poisons such as food additivesglyphosateorganochlorine and organophosphate pesticides and over-the-counter drugs like acetaminophen, all of which come with vastly underreported dangers.

Reduce screen time

In 2006, author Richard Louv coined the term “nature-deficit disorder” in the subtitle to his book “Last Child in the Woods,” suggesting that today’s “wired generation,” with parents’ conscious or unconscious permission, has unwisely prioritized screens over time in nature.

With the worsening of children’s screen habits over the past several years, the nature deficit has become a “hot topic.”

Worried researchers also describe how screens are displacing “developmentally beneficial activities” as basic as sleep, physical activity, family interactions and book reading.

The related problem of screen or social media addiction — linked not just to sleeplessness but to eating disorders and outcomes like suicide — has become the focus of lawsuits alleging that social media companies “aggressively” deploy algorithms designed to addict children and adolescents.

Discovering the major role that “social influencers” seem to play in the exploding phenomenon of “rapid onset gender dysphoria” among girls, author Abigail Shrier’s top recommendation in her book, “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” is to not give one’s daughter a smartphone.

As “Financial Rebellion” and the Solari Report’s Catherine Austin Fitts explains, “Children are targets of some of the most powerful people and dangerous technology on the planet,” and it is parents’ job to “understand this and protect them.”

Teach kids to use cash, not plastic

In late 2020, Bank for International Settlements General Manager Augustín Carstens shared central bankers’ unfriendly vision of a monetary system enabling complete control of all transactions through central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) which, ominously, would also allow central banks to turn people’s money on and off at will.

Unfortunately, the younger generations are marching heedlessly toward this dystopian vision, with millennials, according to 2021 research by Capital One, “increasingly moving away from cash spending” in favor of digital payment systems.

Pushing a “convenience” narrative, some banks — seemingly unaware that CBDCs threaten their own future — are promoting the cashless agenda by offering high school debit cards that double as school ID cards, telling parents they’ll no longer have to “worry about lost lunch money.”

Fitts is a strong proponent of revitalizing the use of cash.

Parents can help by not only being cash role models themselves but by having their children “start handling cash when they are young.”

In 2015, Editor-at-Large Janet Bodnar of Kiplinger’s Personal Finance opined that “using cash is the best way to get young minds thinking wisely about money,” including older teens who can benefit from “the discipline of managing a stash of real cash.”

Bodnar dismissed as flawed the parental argument that plastic can teach kids “financial responsibility.”

A British math expert told The Guardian in 2021, “Being able to handle money and buy something yourself is very special: it builds up your confidence with money.”

Don’t fall for mental health traps 

Over the years, many parents have learned to be wary of recommendations coming from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an agency so accustomed to conflicts of interest and fake science that it is not embarrassed to use the same PR firm as Big Pharma.

Thus, calls for more mental health screening and greater access to “care” — from birth through young adulthood — by CDC and CDC/pharma front groups like the American Academy of Pediatrics deserve careful scrutiny.

As recently outlined in The Defender, cradle-to-grave psychiatric surveillance is a stealth tool for social control, and also risks stigmatizing and potentially life-threatening consequences like overdiagnosis, overmedicalization and overmedication.

Schools increasingly serve as the delivery mechanism for mental health screening and services, but as the Los-Angeles-based Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) — a mental health watchdog group — warned in a fact sheet, the “subjective and unscientific” mental health screening tools that schools are using are “developed by psychiatrists predominantly with financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry.”

According to CCHR:

“Mental health screening asks young students embarrassing, personal and potentially upsetting questions that psychiatrists have worded in such a way that no student could escape being labeled mentally ill at some point during their education.”

CCHR adds, “These questionnaires can result in psychological or psychiatric intervention in the lives of a child and his or her family — often against their will or under threat.”

For households that are not home schooling, the watchdog group recommends that parents become aware of what is happening, sign exemption forms prior to mental health screening or counseling and “unite to get psychiatric screening expelled from schools.”

Stop financing the enemy

Author and researcher Dr. Naomi Wolf recently braved the cold in front of her alma mater Yale University to make the case that the university’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates turn students into “medical hostages” and constitute human trafficking.

In her Substack account of the Yale visit, Wolf described conversations with parents, who said “their children had begged them not to speak out, not to call the Dean, not to advocate for them to protect them from these injections, in any way,” due to the fear of reprisal and expulsion.

However, parents have a duty to make sure their young people understand what they are trading off for prestige — including, potentially, their health, their future fertility or their life.

Moreover, even if, as Wolf alleges, universities are now more beholden to government contracts than to those who pay tuition, college students and their parents still represent a powerful economic bloc capable of voting with their feet.

One tool at parents’ disposal, suggests Wolf, is to escrow potential donations to show universities the funds they are missing out on.

But parents who give their current or soon-to-be college students the permission and courage to shun any higher education institution that shows itself willing to poison them and deprive them of their constitutional freedoms can offer their children an even more powerful life lesson.

A high school student who recognized that “mandates will not end as long as we participate” developed a letter for college admissions offices (available as a template for others) that says:

“At this time, I’m only considering schools, colleges or universities that do not require a Covid-19 vaccine and that would mean the initial series, any boosters and including upcoming requirements to be considered ‘up to date.’ Medical freedom and body autonomy are my highest priority.”

Say no to the control grid

Although this article has focused on measures to protect young people, the control grid — in the form of interventions like digital IDsvaccine passports and CBDCs — is also coming after adults.

As Kennedy wrote in the afterword to his bestseller, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” “We can bow down and comply … Or we can say no. We have a choice, and it is not too late.”

CHD.TV’s “Financial Rebellion” offers weekly suggestions on how to not comply.

In Kennedy’s words:

“We can say no to compliance with jabs for work, no to sending children to school with forced testing and masking, no to censored social media platforms, no to buying products from the companies bankrupting and seeking to control us. These actions are not easy, but living with the consequence of inaction would be far harder. By calling on our moral courage, we can stop this march towards a global police state.”


This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.   Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense

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Cover image credit: T_usher

Dr. Mike Yeadon: “I Don’t Think I’ll Ever Accept or Recommend Another Vaccine”

Dr. Mike Yeadon: “I Don’t Think I’ll Ever Accept or Recommend Another Vaccine”

by Dr. Mike Yeadon
sourced from Dr. Mike Yeadon Telegram channel
December 24, 2022



I was just writing a briefing note for myself and it grew into this, which might be useful for some.

I don’t think I’ll ever accept or recommend another vaccine & sincerely wish I’d checked the facts on the established ones & didn’t wait for covid to point out to me how corrupt politicians are.

I do recognize that we mostly took at face value what was claimed for most products, pharmaceutical companies and non.

We’d have thought that a reasonable stance, because we know each industry sector is regulated and, in addition, surely ordinary people would stop companies deliberately harming others?

Well, yes. These assumptions rest upon other assumptions, that there isn’t such a thing as “regulatory capture” (where government employees are tempted to bend the rules in exchange for benefits, generally deferred).

Also, the assumption that there aren’t many people & organisations intent on accruing & using power over ever greater proportions of the population.
In fact, I don’t think that there are many truly terrible / evil people. There are probably only a few thousand people around the world who are, for reasons I’ll never understand, intent on seizing power at an extraordinary level.

The big problem we have is a very much larger group of people who are easily swayed by greed or fear to enact the wishes of the tiny group of evil perpetrators. Who are they, the enablers? This is MY personal take. They’re not in any particular order.

1. Pretty much all healthcare staff.

2. Those who create or communicate “content” for high-reach media entities, because people like to trust those they virtually invite into their homes every day on TV.

3. Politicians (almost all of them, whether active or passive).

4. Seniormost staff & a very small number of well-placed employees of huge pharmaceutical companies.

5. An analogously small number of decision-makers in the regulatory environment.

6. “Law enforcement”, not only police, judiciary & the covert services but also technocrats & civil servants, lying with statistics.

7. Only in the modern era have “Influencers” taken centre stage, but they’re oh so important now. In UK, people like “Professor” Devi Sridhar, TV Doctor Hillary, football pundit Gary Lineker & more.

8. *Philanthropaths everywhere, like Gates, Soros, Oprah Winfrey, who deploy billions of dollars of seemingly generous efforts to save the planet.

9. Some of your own friends and family, perhaps. Quite likely & tragically. They’re just aligning to what they believe is the right to do.

10. People I’ve missed out. Oh, like the WEF, the UN, the WHO, the EU, the Group of XX (most important nations), the Council for Foreign Relations, the IPCC, etc

Those who insist that we’re destroying earth’s climate through global warming (we’re definitely not) & that there are too many people (also not true) provide convenient partial excuses for the “unavoidably undemocratic processes, necessary to save the planet”.

Borderline genius, is this. It also offers a believable explanation for why we’re being subject increasingly authoritarian control. “Having tried democratic methods to accomplish a needed change, & failed, this is something we’ve just got to do”.

I forgot banks. Makes me realise that the ultimate movers & shakers are more or less out of site & certainly beyond reach. A large fraction of those above deserve whatever is the prevailing punishment for convicted murderers or accessories to the fact.

I don’t expect this lot to be brought before a justice system that’d beyond corruption. But we don’t need that in order to thwart their plans.

To defer, deflect or derail their intended future for us, “the little people”, that’s all we need to accomplish. In every dimension, be awkward, don’t follow their diabolical agendas. I expect they’ll have a flexible timeline, but it won’t be open-ended (“2030: you’ll own nothing & be happy”).

If we’re able to slow them down just a little bit, I expect they’ll have to move more quickly & that’s when their mistakes will become to be easier to see & opposition will grow.

Best wishes


*Philanthropaths: those who pretend to be doing good works with their own money. In fact, they’re using a charitable structure to disguise their malign intent. You know who I mean.


Follow Dr. Mike Yeadon on Telegram

Cover image credit: EvgeniT

Feliz Navidad: A Musical Tribute to Grandpa Elliott, Playing for Change

Feliz Navidad | Grandpa Elliott Tribute | Playing For Change

by Playing for Change
December 23, 2022


Celebrate the season of togetherness with this special holiday tribute in memory of our beloved Grandpa Elliott. Enjoy the soulful sounds of Grandpa singing the classic “Feliz Navidad” and join us in remembering his impactful journey from singing on the streets of New Orleans for 65 years, to joining the PFC Band in 2009 and performing in over 25 countries around the world!

Grandpa Elliott’s amazing authenticity, passion for music and joyful spirit captivated the hearts of the people. May his memory and music continue to uplift us as he sings with the angels.

“Let’s all try a little harder, care more than we do about each other and honor him by giving love and joy to everybody we meet, the way Grandpa did for all of us.” — Mark Johnson, PFC co-founder

“Feliz Navidad”- Written by José Feliciano


Connect with Playing for Change

James Corbett: ‘Solutions Watch’ 2022 Year in Review

James Corbett: ‘Solutions Watch’ 2022 Year in Review

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
December 21, 2022


Another year of #SolutionsWatch has come and gone and so it’s time for James to take a moment to take stock of this year’s episodes.

What resonated?

What didn’t?

What can be applied moving forward?

What new developments have taken place?

Don’t miss this comprehensive year-in-review edition of Solutions Watch.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack or Download the mp4


Show Notes:


Introducing #SolutionsWatch


2021 Year in Review – #SolutionsWatch


JAN 11

#1 – Translate The Truth – #SolutionsWatch

Translate The Truth Odysee channel

Email Derrick at intothelight [at] protonmail [dot] com with translation help or suggestions

JAN 25

#2 – How to Eat a Pine Tree – #SolutionsWatch




#3 – Acceptance of and Commitment To Freedom – #SolutionsWatch


#4 – How to Research Online – #SolutionsWatch

FEB 21

#5 – Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve – #SolutionsWatch



Purchase a Corbett Report or Media Monarchy t-shirt and support independent media!


#6 – Are Petitions and Protests The Answer? – #SolutionsWatch


#7 – The Highlighter is Mightier Than the Sword! – #SolutionsWatch

MAR 16

#8 – Presearch Search Engine – #SolutionsWatch

MAR 24

#9 – How to Get Around the Digital Iron Curtain – #SolutionsWatch


#10 – Truth Art – #SolutionsWatch

Interview 1713 – James Gets His Portrait Painted


FlipCityMag.com (use code SOLUTION for 15% discount)



#11 – Fairy Tales and Children’s Stories – #SolutionsWatch

Fairy tale released in seven languages – Press Release

Now in seven languages! (video)



#12 – Teaching Children About History – #SolutionsWatch



#13 – Autodidacticism – #SolutionsWatch



Aug 10

#14 – Delete Your Social Media – #SolutionsWatch

AUG 24

#15 – Corbett Pirate Streams – #SolutionsWatch


#16 – Email – #SolutionsWatch

SEP 28

#17 – Freedom Cells 2.0 – #SolutionsWatch


OCT 12

#18 – Wikispooks and LittleSis – #SolutionsWatch

OCT 26

#19 – Simple Sabotage – #SolutionsWatch


#20 – Auditing the Police – #SolutionsWatch

NOV 24

#21 – Giving Thanks – #SolutionsWatch

NOV 29

#22 – Eye-bouncing – #SolutionsWatch



Connect with James Corbett

Anthony Brink on Thabo Mbeki Being Right About HIV

Anthony Brink on Thabo Mbeki Being Right About HIV

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
December 15, 2022


former South African president Thabo Mbeki

Anthony Brink is an advocate of the High Court of South Africa and argues that former South African president Thabo Mbeki was right about HIV not causing AIDS. In fact, to be accurate, he did not say that HIV does not cause AIDS (as is often stated in the mainstream press); he said that HIV does not exist.

It’s an important distinction.

Attacking the foundation

For example, if I said that fire-breathing fairies don’t cause tornados, then I would be correct, but it leaves open the possibility that fire-breathing fairies cause snowfall. Obviously, both scenarios are absurd because fire-breathing fairies do not exist.

What does HIV-positive mean anyway?

As Anthony noted in our conversation below, the former president rejected the foundational premise and was scientifically correct. David Rasnick is a biochemist and explained why on my podcast.

The alleged virus associated with the syndrome called AIDS was never isolated.


I strongly recommend watching the award-winning documentary House Of Numbers which includes interviews with top scientists including Luc Montagnier (who won the Nobel Prize for “discovering” HIV).

And if you’re so inclined, then read through Thabo Mbeki’s 2001 AIDS Report. (Go to page 18 and stop yourself from feeling déjà vu after reading the critique of PCR tests.)

Our conversation

Anthony is also the national chairman of the Treatment Information Group, a voluntary association he founded in 2002 to promote research-based public debate of antiretroviral (ARV) drug policy, non-toxic treatment approaches to AIDS and HIV testing issues in South Africa.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Breaking Free From Deception and Control

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Breaking Free From Deception and Control

by Josh Sigurdson, World Alternative Media
December 8, 2022


Josh Sigurdson invites Andrew Kaufman, M.D. for a discussion about mRNA injections, mass control, Andy’s thoughts on the film “Died Suddenly,” and the world economy.

Josh and Andy discuss practical solutions to surpass the influence of authoritarian control, and how to avoid the deception that comes with it.

Josh Sigurdson’s Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/c/WorldAlternativeMedia


Connect with Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Connect with Josh Sigurdson at World Alternative Media

James Corbett on Canada’s Freedom Convoy Commission

Canada’s Freedom Convoy Commission

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
December 13, 2022


In January of 2022, in the darkest days of the scamdemic, a miracle occurred: a trucker convoy traversed the length of Canada and descended on Ottawa to protest Canada’s vaccine mandates.

The convoy galvanized freedom lovers across Canada and around the world. But on February 14, the Canadian government invoked the Emergencies Act, brutally clearing protesters from the nation’s capital and freezing bank accounts of targeted individuals.

This is the story of the Public Order Emergency Commission that was just convened to investigate those events.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack / Download the mp4

Freedom Convoy Prepares to Roll Over Mandates – #NewWorldNextWeek
Time Reference: 02:41


Trucking For Freedom Chapter Two: Winter Wildfire
Time Reference: 03:27


Protest convoy arrives in Ottawa for major demonstration
Time Reference: 03:58


Trudeau discusses anti-vaccine mandate convoy rally planned for Parliament Hill
Time Reference: 07:16


Gravitas: Trudeau flees as protesting truckers besiege Ottawa
Time Reference: 07:49


CBC suggests Russia is behind the convoy
Time Reference: 10:14


Banks have started to freeze accounts linked to the protests, Freeland says
Time Reference: 11:18


Give Send Gone
Time Reference: 11:42


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invokes Emergencies Act
Time Reference: 12:49


Investigation begins after woman gets trampled by police horse | APTN News
Time Reference: 14:47


Ottawa police use anti-riot weapons on convoy protesters, arrest 170 total
Time Reference: 15:47


Dan Dicks in Ottawa Down But Not Out!!!
Time Reference: 16:20


Freeland says some protesters’ bank accounts frozen
Time Reference: 18:51


Episode 411 – States of Emergency
Time Reference: 20:02


Emergencies Act
Time Reference: 21:54


Emergencies Act General Explainer
Time Reference: 23:31


Government of Canada declaration and revocation of a public order emergency under the Emergencies Act to end disruptions, blockades and the occupation of the city of Ottawa
Time Reference: 28:54


Trudeau on the Stand – #NewWorldNextWeek
Time Reference: 35:12


Time Reference: 38:15


Christopher Diana opening remarks Day 1
Time Reference: 39:33


Day 21 – November 10 (Degrand testimony)
Time Reference: 39:57


Day 21 – November 10 (Tommaso testimony)
Time Reference: 40:59


OPP Supt. Pat Morris testifies on Day 5
Time Reference: 42:56


Day 22 of Public Hearings (Robert Stewart testimony)
Time Reference: 44:01


CSIS head urged Trudeau to invoke Emergencies Act during convoy, inquiry hears
Time Reference: 45:10


Day 27 – November 21 (Vigneault testimony)
Time Reference: 45:45


The head of CSIS testified — and the Emergencies Act inquiry got even more complicated
Time Reference: 46:57


Watch Marco Mendicino’s full testimony at the Emergencies Act inquiry
Time Reference: 49:25


‘Freedom Convoy’ organizer Chris Barber full testimony | Emergencies Act inquiry
Time Reference: 52:38


Tom Marazzo testifies at Emergencies Act inquiry
Time Reference: 53:31


Tamara Lich: Full testimony at Emergencies Act inquiry
Time Reference: 55:50


Day 30 – Miller cross-examines Freeland
Time Reference: 59:28


‘False start’: Justin Trudeau arrives at Emergencies Act inquiry
Time Reference: 1:03:25


Day 31 – Chipiuk cross-examines Trudeau
Time Reference: 01:04:49


Lawyer collapses while questioning witness at latest Public Order Emergency Act Commission
Time Reference: 01:08:22


Interview 1771 – The Freedom Convoy Commission with the JCCF
Time Reference: 01:09:21


Trucker Commission Day 26 Breakdown
Time Reference: 01:19:42


Connect with James Corbett

Dr. Tom Cowan With Drs. Mark & Samantha Bailey: In Response to Kevin McKernan’s Statements to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International Group

Dr. Tom Cowan With Drs. Mark & Samantha Bailey: In Response to Kevin McKernan’s Statements to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International Group



Baileys & Cowan Respond to Kevin McKernan

by Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey with Dr. Tom Cowan
December 8, 2022


Recently, the CSO of Medicinal Genomics, Kevin McKernan spoke to the Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International group. He was challenged by journalist, Eric Coppolino, about the lack of evidence for SARS-CoV-2 and pathogenic viruses. McKernan made various claims that we believed needed to be addressed.

Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Mark Bailey join me to demystify the virological and biotechnological nonsense.


  1. Kevin McKernan Bio
  2. Medical Doctors For COVID Ethics International Full Video Interview: Kevin McKernan
  3. Medical Doctors For COVID Ethics International Video Interview: Dr. Mark Bailey
  4. Medical Doctors For COVID Ethics International Video Interview: Dr. Kevin Corbett
  5. Airborne-transmission-of-SARS-CoV-2: The World Should Face The Reality
  6. Baric, R et al. SARS-CoV-2 Reverse Genetics Reveals a Variable Infection Gradient in the Respiratory Tract
  7. Consensus Statement: The species Severe acute respiratory syndromerelated coronavirus- classifying 2019-nCoV and naming it SARS-CoV-2
  8. Follow Dr. Tom Cowan here


Connect with Drs. Samantha and Mark Bailey

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Referenced in the video:

  • Mark Bailey’s essay “A Farewell to Virology“.
  • Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio

Excerpts from video transcript (prepared by Truth Comes to Light):

Introduction by Sam Bailey:

In this video. Mark and I are joined by Dr. Tom Cowan to analyze the claims about “viruses” made by Kevin McKernan. Kevin is the CSO and founder of Medicinal Genomics and is a specialist in the areas of genetic sequencing and PCR technology.

He made the claims in a recent talk he gave to the Doctors for COVID Ethics International Organization.

This is the group headed by Dr. Stephen Frost and Charles Kovess, and I’d like to give credit to them for allowing all sides to the arguments to be presented through this forum. In fact, Mark spoke on their platform about the virus existence issue in October, as did Kevin Corbett a few weeks earlier.

Kevin McKernan has been promoted by Steve Kirsch as one of his proof of virus knights. So let’s find out if he is riding a horse or an imaginary unicorn.

The no-virus group has previously dismantled the claims of Sabine Hazan and Dr. Sin Lee, Kirsch’s other virus champions.

Kirsch has admitted that he doesn’t know the intricacies of virology and relies on “expert opinions” about where the viruses have been shown to exist. That’s not a wise move in my experience, because if you don’t understand what the so-called expert claims to understand, you are still in the dark.

Those promoting the virus narrative may want to reconsider where their plotlines are coming from.

Tom Cowan:

So the problem with all of this is, in a sense, it’s a philosophical problem. A sequence is a part of a whole, right? There’s this whole particle, which is a replication competent DNA or RNA encased in a protein which replicates in a cell and that causes lysis of the cell or cytopathic effect and therefore causes disease.

So they never found that whole, right?

They never referenced they find the whole. In fact, this guy actually says you cannot find that whole particle. So we’re going to skip that and we’re just going to take a piece of it and we’re going to say that represents this entity called a virus.

But as I said, you can’t say a piece of something belongs to a whole unless you had the whole first. You can’t say a paw is part of a cat unless you’ve had a cat first. They don’t have the cat first. So they say this sequence matches up to the sequence that has been published before that says it’s a coronavirus.

Well, where did that one come from?

That one came from the sequence that was published before that was said to be a coronavirus.

So where did that one come from?

That came from the sequence before. And that guy made it up.

Mark Bailey:

And once again, we’ve followed the trails back. So for coronavirus, specifically “coronavirus”, we followed the trail back to the 1980s when they claimed to have sequenced the very first “coronavirus genome”.

And I looked at all of those experiments, which were done with chicken embryos, and at no point did they demonstrate that they had anything that fulfilled the description of a virus.

They just started sequencing what they found in these experiments and then said, ‘well, we think there’s a virus in there’.

One of the experiments was fraudulent and said that they had purified the sample of variants and there was absolutely no evidence.

But unfortunately, since the 1980s, these genomes have just been put onto databases, And now we have people like Kevin McKernan saying it’s valid because we can check the sequences against what we find on a database.

And if we find them again, that means that we’re finding “viruses”, when absolutely no evidence that that’s what they’ve got.

Tom Cowan:

In some ways, after this two and a half, three year odyssey we’ve all been on, I almost wish we had never got into the thing about exosomes because the reality is, what they claim to be the proof of the existence of a virus is they take unpurified samples and inoculate those onto mostly vero cells, which are monkey kidney cells. And if it breaks down, they claim that is the proof of the virus.

Now, I was going to show you, and I think Sam will put up there’s the study of Enders, there’s three more studies from the 50s showing that vero cells break down without having any virus in the sample, any sample that could possibly have a virus.

So that’s a total of four from the 50s. Then Stefan [Lanka] did a study showing the same thing. You don’t need any sample with the virus to have the cells break down.

…Now, what, what happens when the cells break down, whether in a culture or in us, is it makes basically breakdown products, which is like garbage. And unfortunately, we started calling those exosomes as if they had some special importance, like messengers around the body or something. But the fact of the matter is, as far as I can see, while there may be something called an exosome, it’s just garbage. The cells break down, they make little things that you could see on an electron microscope, which are just typical normal cellular breakdown products.

So there are no exosomes circulating around the world. That’s nonsense. There are no viruses.

Now, the other thing that he doesn’t seem to understand, which is mind boggling, is the reason you get the same sequence all over the world is because you put this library of RNA into a computer and you give it a template which says ‘make SARS-CoV-2’. So, by God, it does!

It’s like ‘make a Volkswagen all over the world’. So they have Volkswagen plants all over the world. And oh, my God, the Volkswagens are traveling all over the world. No, they’re not. You’re telling each factory to make a Volkswagen. That’s the template. Each virology sequencing lab, it puts in the template to take these letters and make it into SARS-CoV-2 sequence. So it does. That’s not traveling all over the world. That’s just making Volkswagens at different factories all over the world. Nobody’s traveling anywhere.

Mark Bailey:

Well, exactly, Tom with his claim that something is traveling around the world. I mean, we were trying to point this out in 2020, and Sam’s co-author Claus Köhnlein was one of the first in the world to point this out. He said there’s nothing passing around apart from a PCR protocol. And he pointed out, he said, wherever you take the PCR protocol, you’ll find this “COVID-19” or the “virus”. It’s not something that’s necessarily passing around. It’s just — it’s literally a PCR pandemic. And if you set the protocols to find a certain sequence, you end up finding them.

Now, the other thing is that we’re not always saying that these sequences don’t change over time. So they might say, well, we got some samples from ten years ago and we couldn’t find these sequences. But that’s not how nature works. We know that genetic sequences have variations over time. I mean, our own genomes are not fixed, as we know if we take it from different parts of our bodies at different points in time, we’ll find different sequences. But the problem is, with this form of indirect evidence, they’re trying to say that if we find these sequences and at some stage someone declared that they’re viral, and if we find them again, that’s our evidence that we’re finding a virus that’s spreading around.

The other aspect that Kevin introduced there was the cycle threshold. Now, what he’s saying there is, he’s saying that if the cycle threshold is set too high, then it’s invalid. But if the cycle thresholds set at an appropriate low level, then it is valid. This is problematic because it comes back to our first point that these particular sequences that the PCR is amplifying have not been shown to be viral. So the cycle threshold is not an issue. I mean, that’s a technical issue and it relates to good laboratory practice. And we know that once you get to thresholds at about 35, it’s basically an artifact result. And we know they’re doing that a lot. But I think he misses our point. We’re not saying it’s a cycle threshold issue, we’re saying it’s a provenance issue and it’s a proof of these sequences actually belonging to a virus.

And it is difficult because for a lot of lay people, when they get presented with epidemiology or a news story and they get a headline that this thing is spreading around the world, they don’t understand that simply all that spreading is a PCR protocol.

And I think the other issue is that someone like Kevin would say, well, everyone in the household, we detected the same sequence. And again, that’s evidence of nothing in particular.

I mean, it would be like saying that you isolated strep pneumonia from someone in the family and then a week later you’ve found that you could isolate it from every member of the family. But it doesn’t mean anything. That’s just particles. In this case, that would be bacteria, something that we can actually see passing around between people, but it’s not a pathogenic process.

So again, to claim that we can use the protection of sequences to claim that there’s a virus spreading, it’s simply that’s a logical fallacy, pure and simple.

See related:

Getting to the Truth About “Viruses”: Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey, Andrew Kaufman & Tom Cowan Respond to  Del Bigtree’s Statements in a Recent Interview With The Conscious Resistance

‘The End of Germ Theory’ Documentary: An Easy-to-Understand, Step-by-Step Analysis of the History of Germ & Virus Theory, the Erroneous “Science” Behind Vaccination & a Close Look at What Really Makes Us Sick — The Big Pharma Cartel & the Deep Deception of Viral Pandemics

Jon Rappoport With Dr. Sam Bailey: The Virus Cover Story

Jim West: The Toxicology Taboo

Bioweapon BS — The Lab Leak Narrative & Virology’s Ongoing, Cruel, Pointless Torture & Massacre of Animals

Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense Leads Discussion of the Documentary “The Viral Delusion: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & The Madness of Modern Virology”

The Path Paved by Dr. Lanka: Exposing the Lies of Virology

Dr. Tom Cowan: Lab Created Viruses? Gain of Function Research? Bio Labs? — Smoking Gun or Bad Science?

The Viral Delusion (2022) Docu-Series: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & the Madness of Modern Virology

Why Nobody Can Find a Virus

Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Andrew Kaufman: A Challenging Response to Dr. Mercola’s Article “Yes, SARS-CoV-2 Is a Real Virus”

The Emperor Has No Corona

CoroNo Virus: A No Show

CoroNo Virus: A No Show

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath
December 11, 2022


Where’s Waldo?

Yet, after continents have been shut down, economies and lives destroyed, illegal mandates invoked and revoked, and millions of people made to be inoculated with experimental “authorized” products, over 211 health science institutions, and 32 countries, cannot provide or even cite one proof of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever. 

Why has the majority of the world been duped? Have people trusted politicians who practice medicine without a license? Have governments that, until now, never agreed about anything, suddenly agree on a virus that does not exist? The question that still exists in the minds of many is this:  The Virus: To Be or Not to Be?

In actuality, scientists have known that a virus does not exist as a life form outside a cell. Viruses function without sensory organs and without a means of locomotion. A virus is incapable of entering the cell membrane because a virus cannot detect it. In the 19th century, when Pasteur was promoting his theory, German biologist Dr. Rudolph Virchow stated:

If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat—diseased tissue—rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue; e.g., mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant.

Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908) explained that “The characteristic microbe of a disease might be a symptom instead of a cause.” In his book, Mycrozymas, Béchamp laid the foundation for the concept of pleomorphism. Why bring up Béchamp now? Because this foremost pioneer of science, medicine, nutrition and genetics, along with his discoveries, could have saved humanity a whole lot of misery and suffering. It was “by design” that Louis Pasteur’s “Germ Theory of Disease was promoted; to build and profit a colossal pharmaceutical/medical empire.

Several people have attempted to prove that the Waldo of viruses, SARS-Co-2, is the causal agent for COVID-19. However, according to Canadian citizen, Christine Massey, a former statistician who has compiled a paper trail of official responses, the virus is an imposter. It simply does not exist. See an interview with Christine here. Her main conclusions can be found at this website and are excerpted here:

  • There is no way to claim scientifically that the alleged “novel coronavirus” (blamed for widespread death/disease/lockdown measures) actually exists.”
  • “In their responses, numerous institutions have made it explicitly clear that isolation/purification is simply never done in virology, and that “isolation” in virology means the exact opposite of what it means in everyday English. This is also evidenced in every “virus isolation” paper we have ever seen, for any alleged “virus”.

Ruh-roh! Isolation of viruses is not done by virologists?

See Christine Massey’s collection of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) responses grouped by country:

As of September 11, 2022: 211 institutions and offices in over 35 countries have responded thus far, as well as some “SARS-COV-2 isolation” study authors, and none have provided or cited any record describing actual “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification.

Response from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

 A search of our records fail to reveal any documents pertaining to your request.

Response from Health Canada:

Response from Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Taiwan:

The realtime RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2, does not “isolate” the virus but rather detects short target sequences of the virus in clinical samples. If these target sequences are detected in clinical samples, these can be amplified and detected through the test. 

Response from Public Health Wales:

…. has not produced any of the above mentioned material. 

Response from the UK:

I confirm that we do not hold this information.

On and on, no one has validation of the cause of a global pandemic? In cases where officials claim to I.D. SARS-Cov-2, they point to modeling studies and gene sequencing (See the NIH GenBank Website), all of which are tied to patents.

Fake “Isolates” Used in Vaccine Development

Several research teams claimed isolation of the virus, which they call versions of a virus.  Can versions be an original? Researchers at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac) at the University of Saskatchewan tried to claim, early in 2020, to have isolated a version of the virus. See the March 202o Press Release:

On Friday, Paul Hodgson, associate director of business development at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-International Vaccine Centre in Saskatoon, confirmed to The Globe and Mail that the joint federal-provincial facility had quietly reached the same milestone a few weeks earlier and is now using its version of the virus for a vaccine development effort.

Samples of the Saskatoon-derived version of the coronavirus are now available for approved research groups through the National Microbiological Laboratory in Winnipeg. The Ontario group also plans to generate its version for distribution.

In reality, viruses are exosomes.  In the paper titled, Is Complete Purification/Isolation of a “Virus” Even Possible? The medical literature summarizes the challenges of purification and isolation:

  • In order to claim a particular particle is a “virus” and can cause the symptoms of disease associated with it, logic dictates that it must be completely separated from all other potential variables/factors in order to prove that particular particle is indeed the cause of disease. This is the only logical way to show that no other particles in the sample could have been the cause of disease and in the case of genomics, that the DNA/RNA sequences belongs to only that particular particle which is believed to be a “virus.”
  • Viruses” are considered exosomes in every sense of the word as they are identical in size, shape, and appearance.
  • Exosome isolation remains a challenge for biomedical research. There is still no consensus over which purification technique produces the best results.
  • There is no methodology providing enough robustness regarding purification yield, selectivity, and reproducibility.
  • Contamination from other vesicles, molecules or particles that overlap is expected.
  • The main difference is that exosome research regularly attempts purification using one or multiple methods whereas Virology does not…. the methods discussed all suffer from contamination from other particles.

An Abstract written by Drs Mark Bailey and John Bevan Smith demonstrates what a growing number of people have discovered for themselves: If SARS-CoV-2 is a fraud, then COVID-19 is a fraud.

In The case of the Missing Virus, the curtain has been pulled back to reveal the great deception of the foundation of medical science. Is Virology a science or a hoax? Are Virologists making claims without the ability to draw conclusions or provide proof?

Again, the CDC states the virus is not available. The July 13, 2020 CDC document titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel” [For Emergency Use Only] section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” p. 39 reads:

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA.

The germs are laughing.

It’s time to call out medical science for its false narratives and shaky foundations. Why not make world governments prove the basis for injections? Because it is impossible to prove the virus. After all these years, The Germ Theory appears to be a dud and virologists everywhere are having the last laugh as long as people believe in them.


Related Past Articles:




Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.



Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

Cover image based in Creative Commons work of GDJ

Operation Soul Disconnection

Operation Soul Disconnection

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
December 6, 2022


The spirits of darkness are now among us. We have to be on guard so that we may realize what is happening when we encounter them and gain a real idea of where they are to be found. The most dangerous thing you can do in the immediate future will be to give yourself up unconsciously to the influences which are definitely present.” ~ Rudolf Steiner, October 1917 lectures 

The truth about The Transhumanist Agenda has been bubbling to the surface in rashes, heart ailments, mental disorders, miscarriages, and infertility, along with increased deaths in certain groups. There are no signs of healing on the horizon because the symptoms mirror a deeper truth that touches the sanctum of human divinity, itself.

Spiritual PSYOP 

The Psychological Operation, or PSYOP, appears to be spiritual, fought on two fronts, directed by two groups of authorities: 1) earthly human/androids/humanoids (top politicians, scientists, Hollywood), and 2) non-earthly, non-human, Inter-dimensionals (spirits) who direct their earthly underlings from behind the scenes.

As the Transhumanist Reset plays out against the backdrop of a pandemic PSYOP, the tools wielded are both material and energetic (mind control): from media and entertainment, to controlled opposition and the rituals of social distancing, lockdowns, and masking.

The people will believe what the media tells them they believe. ~ George Orwell

The PSYOP uses inverted ideology and language. Thus, pandemic injections, promoted as cure-alls, do the opposite. Ultimately, they end human procreation through infertility and ‘fetal demise.’ They take out the human defense system, known as the innate immune system, through the Trojan Horse of inoculations. And they leave a shell. An October 2021 COVID vaccine efficacy study confirms the results on the immune system:

Questions remain regarding a booster dose and waning immunity, the duration of immunity, and heterologous vaccination. 

Before most humans can wake up to see through the multidimensional layers, the damage is done. The known dangers of mRNA inoculations and the PCR test, a delivery system, are disclosed after ‘deployment’ (a military word). Only now do reports show actual casualty reports, published in medical journals and in obituaries. Thanks to medical databases, and search engines, anyone can search physical adverse events and symptoms associated with the PSYOP products:

  1. adverse heart effects (myocarditisvestibular neuritis, thrombosis)
  2. adverse mental effects: psychotic disorders 
  3. changes in hearing: Tinnitus and mind control
  4. waning immunity and immune dysfunction
  5. endocrine dysfunction: hypopituitarism, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, and adrenal insufficiency
  6. increased miscarriages in pregnant women from VAERS data reports  and here, and fetal demise
  7. increased sensitivity to 5G through ionization
  8. 388K excess American deaths, see report
Authorized Not Approved

The technology of these authorities remains without FDA-approval, and with more boosters coming down the pipeline. The inoculations continue to be rated Emergency Use Only (EUA), or experimental, because authorities are still testing the population. The companies contracted to manufacture this technology by these authorities have not provided a complete list of ingredients but they have disclosed that the ingredients incorporate into the recipient DNA.

A new Swedish study published in MDPI found that the Pfizer vaccine goes into liver cells and converts to DNA, challenging claims so far that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way.

At least two questions should arise in everyone’s mind:

  1. Does DNA tampering affect human consciousness? The soul? The spirit?
  2. Are warnings from prophets meant as disclosures?

“I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination toward spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life – ‘foolish’ here, or course, in the eyes of materialists. . . .

“. . . a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination toward spiritual ideas to develop and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive with the senses.  ~ Rudolf Steiner, October 1917 lectures

Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left. ~ Aldous Huxley

Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. ~ George Orwell

Elites Playing God

The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him, the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. ~ Aldous Huxley

The Elite authorities, from politicians to scientists to authors, and billionaire engineers, like to ignore and deny that human beings have a soul essence because they, themselves, lack a soul. While the Elite did not always push their agenda, they have waited patiently, and their time has come.

In the Roman Empire, Galen of Pergamon, was a Greek polymath: physician, surgeon and philosopher who believed that the body was the physical vehicle for the indwelling soul. Considered to be one of the most accomplished of all medical researchers of his time, Galen influenced the development of various scientific disciplines, including anatomyphysiology, pathologypharmacology, and neurology, as well as philosophy, logic, and herbalism. Galen developed the Four Humors System that Hippocrates had created by adding the ideas of Physis and Pneuma. Galen’s most famous medicinal formula was Theriacan herbal tonic with 64 different ingredients that was a cure-all for many diseases, and an antidote to many poisons and viper venoms. His ideas encompassed the life force, spirit, and breath that is infused in all living beings that was slowly written out of western medicine.

Yet, as times change, so does acceptance of long suppressed concepts. Slowly, the concept of the soul is bleeding through the mire of medical science. The medical journal Psychology Today features a 2011 article: Biocentrism: Does the Soul Exist? Evidence Says ‘Yes’. Author Robert Lanza writes:

The results not only defy our classical intuition but suggest that a part of the mind — the soul — is immortal and exists outside of space and time. ~ Robert Lanza M.D

What is known, despite a lack of acknowledgment by authorities, is that human beings are a body, a mind, a soul, and a spirit rolled into one. Human beings are the seen and the unseen. They are electric and magnetic, made up of matter and energy. How does magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) technology work without a human energy biofield?  When looking into a mirror, humans are more than meets the eye: Spiritual beings having a human experience.

While adding synthetic foreign matter to the human body produces known negative physical consequences, less is disclosed about changes of the human bioenergetic field. Will an altered human vibrate at a frequency different from the vibration of the soul essence? Does the synthetic inoculation create incoherence? Do humans remain divine, sovereign, and free?

Only the authorities know for sure. And they are not telling because they have reached their goal of attacking human energy using advanced technology through a needle.  In October  2019, Microsoft promoted an initiative called ID2020, a platform for an” implantable digital ID vaccine system, whose goal was “giving every human on the planet a digital ID.”  This ID is in the form of a DNA vaccine tattoo. Today, the technology is called The Good Health Pass to restrict travel among the masses.

Does this sound like the dystopian, futuristic Netflix series, 3%, labelled as a post apocalyptic thriller where only 3% are allowed to transition to a “better” life after being tested in a game of wits? However, once they get to the “better life”…. spoiler alert….. they are vaccinated and told they can never have children.

Human divinity is a birthright because humans give birth. Is there anything more valuable than human divinity to those who lack it? What happens when the divinity supply line is cut off? Do humans become mere vessels for Inter-dimensionals?

Ironically, these answers have been prophesied as warnings by Rudolf Steiner, and Aldous Huxley, and George Orwell, well known elites themselves.

By now it is widely known that the mRNA patented injections do not live up to their marketed promises because they were never meant to benefit humans at all, but rather benefit another group of beings that stays hidden.

The Borg Culture

In 1961, Aldous Huxley warned of a sinister agenda, stating that “there will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude.”  He did not say there could be. He said there will be.

Were Rudolf Steiner and Aldous Huxley prophets who offered a warning to individuals of a coming soul-less world? Or were they programmers who carried out a ritual by planting a seed in the minds of men? Predictive programming.

In Klaus Schwab’s Global reset to Transhumanism, the message is clear. Klaus is a programmer who seeks to cut off the soul connection present in each individual (something he lacks), and replace it with a materialist hive-mind.  Through rituals that work like an alchemical transformation of consciousness, the “I” of individual disappears. Why create a a society of automatons?

Freedom is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You must comply. ~ The Borg

Hollywood, a branch of the political system, is complicit in the PSYOP, providing disclosure through fiction. Star Trek’s The Borg shed light, early on, on planned human transformation. The Borg are cybernetic organisms (cyborgs) linked in a hive mind called “the Collective.” The Borg’s purpose is to co-opt the technology and knowledge of other species through the process of “assimilation”: forcibly transforming individual beings into “drones” by injecting nanoprobes into their bodies and surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components.

The Borg, The Stepford Wives, The Sentenels-X-Men, Terminator, Ultron, The Avengers, are all forms of disclosure by those who seek to sever the human soul from the body. What better way to offer humanity implied consent than through entertainment on the big screen where people pay to participate in the story of their soul’s demise? What more efficient way to wage a war on the mind of humanity than from the inside out?

The movie, Ex Machina disclosed that humanoid robots and Syntheticas already walk among us. Are there more non-humans than we are told? Anything is possible, especially since human bodies now contain more foreign’ microbes than human cells. The headlines alert us to this truth: “Engineers create ‘lifelike’ material with artificial metabolism.” According to this April 2019 article:

Cornell engineers constructed a DNA material with capabilities of metabolism, in addition to self-assembly and organization – three key traits of life.

Natural human DNA acts like a biological antenna, a receiver, transmitter, and retainer of information past, present, and future. Through natural evolution, DNA expands abilities in individuals, including psychic ability and telepathy. DNA is of Nature and functions under Natural law. DNA is also highly sensitive to harmful frequencies (3G, 4G, 5Gnanobots). Add patented mRNA injectables to the bloodstream and DNA is now targeted by ionizing frequencies that cause humans to veer off course, from a natural organic evolution to a divergent devolution. 5G frequencies play a pivotal role as a directed energy weapon.

If people are unaware of how their energy feels in their own bodies, if they do not know of their divine right to be sovereign and free, then how do they notice any changes once the soul is severed? What will divinity look like then?

If your head comes away from your neck, it’s over. – Sean Connery as Ramirez in Highlander, 1986

The disconnection of human consciousness, alluded to by Rudolf Steiner, Hollywood, and others, suggest a bifurcation or split into two different consciousness streams for humans, one organic of Nature and regeneration, and one inorganic of Synthetics and degeneration.

The compression of human consciousness is happening now, like the splitting of a cell under pressure. However, in this universe, there is also The Light to balance The Darkness. That Light is inside each of us. We come to Earth equipped with everything we need. We only have to remember and choose it. The only way to know which direction to go is to be aware of all directions and choose one.


Related Past Articles:



Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.



Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath

Cover image credit: KELLEPICS

Terrain Therapy

Terrain Therapy

by Dr. Sam Bailey
December 3, 2022


We are very pleased to announce the release of a new book, ‘Terrain Therapy’. This has been months in the making and brings back to life the important writings of Dr Ulric Williams.

In this video I read my foreword for Terrain Therapy and outline how it has been one of the most important factors in shaping our understanding of health and the fundamental errors of the medical system.

This book contains information on:

  • what disease is and how it is brought about
  • why orthodox medical treatments are unable to cure
  • “healing crises” and how to manage them
  • dietary principles for adults and children
  • special diets (including hundreds of recipes)
  • how to start and end a fast to promote healing
  • mental and spiritual healing

and much more health and well-being wisdom!

If there is one book that I always come back to, it’s this one – my guide book to health, life, and spirituality.


Connect with Dr. Sam Bailey

What is Anarchy?: Anarchy Needs To Be Understood as a Vector Towards Freedom and Not Towards Chaos.

What is Anarchy?
Anarchy needs to be understood as a vector towards freedom and not towards chaos. 

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
December 5, 2022


Etienne de la Boetie2 (yes, with a squared sign and, no, it isn’t his real name) previously chatted to me about why all governments are illegitimate authorities and, basically, why anarchy is not a bad word. Establishment propaganda has done a great job in duping a lot of people into believing that being governed by a self-imposed authority with a monopoly on violence, is equal to freedom.

What is anarchism?

For clarity, anarchism is a collection of ideas that lead to anarchy, although it’s probably acceptable to use both words to describe the same idea.

Rejection of the state equates to anarchism. But the problem that I have found is that anarchism is misunderstood, whether by design or not. Anarchism (or anarchy) does not mean chaos. Anarchism, in the words of Benjamin Tucker, could be described as

the doctrine that all the affairs of men should be managed by individuals or voluntary associations, and that the state should be abolished.

He goes on to say that

the state is the embodiment of the principle of invasion in an individual, or a band of individuals, assuming to act as representatives or masters of the entire people within a given area.

Basically, the government is the subjection of the noninvasive individual to an external will. Anarchy is a synonym for liberty, freedom, independence, self-government, non-interference and you-don’t-speak-for-me.

Governments are a scam

Etienne‘s book – which is available via his website The Art Of Liberty – is certainly worth buying because it highlights all of the aforementioned talking points in an easily digestible format.


Basically, Government – The Biggest Scam In History is about

[p]roving the case that “Government”, of every flavor, has been a scam of inter-generational organized crime since the beginning… and they have been getting away with it… until now… because they have been controlling the media and academia.

Think of it even more simply.

If an armed gang knocked on your door and demanded that you pay them a percentage of your income, no matter what their reasons might be, then any rational individual will agree that such behaviour is criminal.

Replace “armed gang” with “government”.

Our conversation

I really enjoyed this conversation. In fact, it’s one of my favourites.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

cover image credit: Peggy_Marco

How BlackRock Conquered the World — Part 3

How BlackRock Conquered the World — Part 3
Aladdin’s Genie and the Future of the World

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
November 27, 2022


As those who have been following the How BlackRock Conquered the World series know by now, BlackRock, Inc. started out as an asset management subsidiary of investment giant The Blackstone Group, but quickly spun off into its own entity. It made its mark by emphasizing risk management for its clients, and by the time the Global Financial Crisis hit in 2008, BlackRock was perfectly positioned to take over Wall Street, helping to sort through the mess of toxic subprime mortgages that BlackRock CEO had helped pioneer decades before.

And, as we saw last week, BlackRock leveraged this power to begin shaping the course of events. They proposed a radical new form of market intervention that central banks could use to pump money directly into the retail economy, and just weeks later the Federal Reserve was employing that “Going Direct” plan in their repo market intervention. The scamdemic, it turns out, was largely an excuse for the Fed to cover their multi-trillion dollar market intervention and for BlackRock to consolidate their mammoth economic and political power, engineering yet another bailout for the benefit of their own investments.

At this point in our exploration, we find ourselves confronting the most important question of all: now that BlackRock has scaled the summit of Mount Olympus and are in control of a mind-boggling amount of wealth, what is Larry Fink and his gang planning to do with their newfound powers? As we shall see, this is not a trivial question. As it turns out, BlackRock’s ambition is nothing less than to shape the course of civilization for the benefit of themselves and their Wall Street cronies.

In Part 1 of this series, A Brief History of Blackrock, I described how BlackRock came to be the economic and political juggernaut it is today.

In Part 2 of this series, I examined how BlackRock’s Going Direct reset paved the way for the massive economic and monetary transition that we have just lived through under the cover of the scamdemic.

This week, we will examine the Aladdin system and the other creepy ways BlackRock is planning to use its power to mould society in its own interest.

Part 3: Aladdin’s Genie and the Future of the World


As we saw in Part 1 of this series, BlackRock started out life as “Blackstone Financial Management” in the offices of The Blackstone Group in 1988. By 1992, it was already so successful that founder Larry Fink and Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman spun the company off as its own entity, christening it BlackRock in a deliberate attempt to sow confusion.

But it was in 1993 (or so the story goes) that arguably the most important of BlackRock’s market-controlling tools was forged. It was that year that Jody Kochansky, a fixed-income portfolio manager hired the year before who began to tire of his daily 6:30 AM task of comparing his entire portfolio to yesterday’s numbers.

The task, hitherto done by hand from paper printouts, was long and arduous. Kochansky had a better idea: “We said, let’s take this data, and rather than print it out, let’s sort it into a database, and have the computer compare the report today versus the report yesterday, across every position.”

It may seem obvious to us today, but in 1993 the idea of automating a task like this was a radical one. But, as radical as it may have seemed at the time, the idea paid off. After seeing the utility of having an automated, daily, computer-generated report calculating the risk on every asset in a portfolio, Kochansky and his team hunkered down for a 72-hour code-writing exercise that resulted in Aladdin (short for “asset, liability, debt and derivative investment network”), a proprietary investment analysis technology touted as “the operating system for BlackRock.”

Sold as a “central processing system for investment management,” the software is now the core of BlackRock Solutions, a BlackRock subsidiary that licenses Aladdin to corporate clients and institutional investors. Aladdin combines portfolio management and trading, compliance, operations, and risk oversight in a single platform, and is now used by over 200 institutions, including fund manager rivals Vanguard and State Street; half of the top ten insurers in the world; Big Tech giants like Microsoft, Apple and Alphabet; and numerous pension funds, including the world’s largest, the $1.5 trillion Japanese Government Pension Insurance Fund.

The numbers themselves tell the story of Aladdin.

It is used by 13,000 BlackRock employees and thousands of BlackRock customers.

It occupies three datacentres in the US with plans to open two more in Europe.

It runs thousands of Monte Carlo simulations—computational algorithms that model the probability of various outcomes in chaotic systems—every day on each one of the tens of millions of securities under its purview.

And by February 2017, it was managing risk for $20 trillion worth of assets. That’s when BlackRock stopped reporting the number because—as the company told The Financial Times—”total assets do not reflect how clients use the system.” An anonymous source in the company had a different take: “the figure is no longer disclosed because of the negative attention the enormous sums attracted.”

In this case, the phrase “enormous sums” almost fails to do justice to the truly mind-boggling wealth under the watchful eye of this computer system. As The Financial Times went on to report, the combination of the scores of new clients using Aladdin in recent years and the growth in the stock and bond markets in that time has meant that the total value of assets under the system’s management is much larger than the $20 trillion reported in 2017: “Today, $21.6tn sits on the platform from just a third of its 240 clients, according to public documents verified with the companies and first-hand accounts.”

For context, that figure—representing the assets of just one-third of BlackRock’s clientele—itself accounts for 10% of the value of all the stocks and bonds in the world.

But if the idea of this amount of the world’s assets being under the management of a single company’s proprietary computer software concerns you, BlackRock has a message for you: Relax! The official line is that Aladdin only calculates risk, it doesn’t tell asset managers what to buy or sell. Thus, even if there was a stray line of code or a wonky algorithm somewhere deep inside Aladdin’s programming getting its investment analysis catastrophically wrong, the final decision on any given investment would still come down to human judgment.

. . . Needless to say, that’s a lie. In 2017, BlackRock unveiled a project to replace underperforming humans in their stockpicking business with computer algorithms. Dubbed “Monarch,” the scheme saw billions of dollars of assets snatched from human control and given to an obscure arm of the BlackRock empire called Systematic Active Equities (SAE). SAE was acquired in the same 2009 deal that saw BlackRock acquire iShares from Barclays Global Investor (BGI).

As we saw last week, the BGI deal was unbelievably lucrative for BlackRock, with iShares being acquired for $13.5 billion in 2009 and rising to a $1.9 trillion valuation in 2020. It’s a testament to BlackRock’s commitment to the machine-over-man Monarch project, then, that Mark Wiseman, global head of active equities at BlackRock, could tell The Financial Times in 2018, “I firmly believe that, if we look back in five to 10 years from now, the thing that we most benefited from in the BGI acquisition is actually SAE.”

Even The New York Times was reporting at the time of the launch of the Monarch operation that Larry Fink had “cast his lot with the machines” and that BlackRock had “laid out an ambitious plan to consolidate a large number of actively managed mutual funds with peers that rely more on algorithms and models to pick stocks.”

“The democratization of information has made it much harder for active management,” Fink told The NY Times. “We have to change the ecosystem — that means relying more on big data, artificial intelligence, factors and models within quant and traditional investment strategies.”

Lest there be any doubt about BlackRock’s commitment to this anti-human agenda, the company doubled down in 2018 with the creation of AI Labs, which is “composed of researchers, data scientists, and engineers” and works to “develop methods to solve their hardest technical problems and advance the fields of finance and AI.”

The actual models that SAE uses to pick stocks is hidden behind walls of corporate secrecy, but we do know some details. We know, for instance, that SAE collects over 1,000 market signals on each stock under evaluation, including everything from the obvious statistics you would expect in any quantitative analysis of the equities markets—trading price, volume, price-earnings ratio, etc.—to the more exotic forms of data harvesting that is possible when complex learning algorithms are connected to the mind-boggling amounts of data that are now available on seemingly everyone and everything.

A Harvard MBA student catalogued some of these novel approaches to stock valuation undertaken by the SAE algorithms in a 2018 post on the subject.

One of the ways BlackRock is including machine learning in its investment process is by ‘signal combination’, in which a model mines data attempting to learn the relationships between stock returns and various quantitative data. For example, it would analyze web traffic through corporate’s websites as an indicator of future growth of the company or would look at geolocation data from smartphones to predict which retailers are more popular. In doing so, researchers must recalibrate and refine the model, to make sure it was adding value and not just rediscovering well known market behaviors already know by ‘fundamental’ fund managers.

Another important machine learning application came when it was combined with natural language processing. In this model, the technology learns in an adaptive way what are the words that can predict future performance of stocks. This model was used on analysis of broker reports and corporate filings, and the technology discovered that CEO’s remarks tend to be generally more positive, so then it started giving more importance to the comments of the CFO, or the Q&A portion of conference calls.

So, let’s recap. We know that BlackRock now manages well in excess of $21 trillion of assets with its Aladdin software, making a significant portion of the world’s wealth dependent on the calculations of an opaque, proprietary BlackRock “operating system.” And we know that Fink has “cast his lot in with the machines” and is increasingly devoted to finding ways to leverage so-called artificial intelligence, learning algorithms, and other state-of-the-art technologies to further remove humans from the investment loop.

But here’s the real question: what is BlackRock actually doing with its all-seeing eye of Aladdin and its SEA robo-stockpickers and its AI Labs? Where are Fink and the gang actually trying to take us with the latest and greatest in cutting edge fintech wizardry?

Luckily, we don’t exactly need to scry the tea leaves to find our answer to that question. Larry Fink has been kind enough to write it down for us in black and white.

You see, every year since 2012, Fink has taken it upon himself as de facto world’s wealth to pen an annual “letter to CEOs” laying out the next steps in his scheme for world domination.

. . . Errr, I mean, he writes the letter “as a fiduciary for our clients who entrust us to manage their assets – to highlight the themes that I believe are vital to driving durable long-term returns and to helping them reach their goals.”

Sometimes referred to as a “call to action” to corporate leaders, these letters from the man stewarding over a significant chunk of the world’s investmentable assets actually do change corporate behaviour. That this is so should be self-evident to anyone with two brain cells to rub together, which is precisely why it took a team of researchers months of painstaking study to publish a peer-reviewed paper concluding this blindingly obvious fact: “portfolio firms are responsive to BlackRock’s public engagement efforts.”

So, what is Larry Fink’s latest hobby horse, you ask? Why, the ESG scam, of course!

That’s right, Fink used his 2022 letter to harangue his captive audience of corporate chieftains about “The Power of Capitalism,” by which he means the power of capitalism to more perfectly control human behaviour in the name of “sustainability.”


It’s been two years since I wrote that climate risk is investment risk. And in that short period, we have seen a tectonic shift of capital. Sustainable investments have now reached $4 trillion. Actions and ambitions towards decarbonization have also increased. This is just the beginning – the tectonic shift towards sustainable investing is still accelerating. Whether it is capital being deployed into new ventures focused on energy innovation, or capital transferring from traditional indexes into more customized portfolios and products, we will see more money in motion.

Every company and every industry will be transformed by the transition to a net zero world. The question is, will you lead, or will you be led?

Oooh, oooh, I want to lead, Larry! Pick me, pick me! . . . but please, tell me how I can lead my company into this Brave New Net Zero World Order.

Stakeholder capitalism is all about delivering long-term, durable returns for shareholders. And transparency around your company’s planning for a net zero world is an important element of that. But it’s just one of many disclosures we and other investors ask companies to make. As stewards of our clients’ capital, we ask businesses to demonstrate how they’re going to deliver on their responsibility to shareholders, including through sound environmental, social, and governance practices and policies.

Yes, to the surprise of absolutely no one, Larry Fink has signed BlackRock on to the multi-trillion dollar scam that is “environmental, social, and governance practices and policies,” better known as ESG. For those who don’t know about ESG yet, they might want to get up to speed on the topic with my presentation earlier this year on “ESG and the Big Oil Conspiracy,” but—as the always well-researched Iain Davis summarizes in his article on the globalization of the commons (aka the financialization of nature through so-called “natural asset corporations”):

This will be achieved using Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics. Assets will be rated using environmental, social and governance (ESG) benchmarks for sustainable business performance. Any business requiring market finance, perhaps through issuing climate bonds, or maybe green bonds for European ventures, will need those bonds to have a healthy ESG rating.

A low ESG rating will deter investors, preventing a project or business venture from getting off the ground. A high ESG rating will see investors rush to put their money in projects that are backed by international agreements. In combination, financial initiatives like NACs and ESGs are converting SDGs into market regulations.

In other words, ESG is a set of phoney-baloney metrics that are being cooked up by globalist think tanks and would-be ruling councils (like the World Economic Forum) to serve as a type of social credit system for corporations. If corporations fail to toe the line when it comes to globalist policies of the moment—whether that’s committing to industry-destroying net zero (or even Absolute Zero) commitments or de-banking thought criminals or anything else that may be on the globalist checklist—their ESG rating will take a hit.

“So what?” you may ask. “What does an ESG rating have to do with the price of tea in China and why would any CEO care?”

The “so what” here is that—as Fink signals in his latest letter—BlackRock will be putting ESG reporting and compliance in its basket of considerations when choosing which stocks and bonds to invest in and which ones to pass over.

And Fink is not alone. There are now 291 signatories to the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative, an “international group of asset managers committed to supporting the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner” that includes BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and a slew of other companies collectively managing $66 trillion of assets.

In plain English, BlackRock and its fellow globalist investment firms are leveraging their power as asset managers to begin shaping the corporate world in their image and bending corporations to their will.

And, in case you were wondering, yes, this is tied into the AI agenda as well.

In 2020, BlackRock announced the launch of a new module to its automated Aladdin system: Aladdin Climate.

Aladdin Climate is the first software application to offer investors measures of both the physical risk of climate change and the transition risk to a low-carbon economy on portfolios with climate-adjusted security valuations and risk metrics. Using Aladdin Climate, investors can now analyze climate risk and opportunities at the security level and measure the impact of policy changes, technology, and energy supply on specific investments.

To get a sense of what a world directed by digital overlords at the behest of this ESG agenda might look like, we need turn no further than to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. As Fink wrote in his letter to shareholders earlier this year:

Finally, a less discussed aspect of the war is its potential impact on accelerating digital currencies. The war will prompt countries to re-evaluate their currency dependencies. Even before the war, several governments were looking to play a more active role in digital currencies and define the regulatory frameworks under which they operate. The US central bank, for example, recently launched a study to examine the potential implications of a US digital dollar. A global digital payment system, thoughtfully designed, can enhance the settlement of international transactions while reducing the risk of money laundering and corruption. Digital currencies can also help bring down costs of cross-border payments, for example when expatriate workers send earnings back to their families. As we see increasing interest from our clients, BlackRock is studying digital currencies, stablecoins and the underlying technologies to understand how they can help us serve our clients.

The future of the world according to BlackRock is now coming fully into view. It is a world in which unaccountable computer learning algorithms automatically direct investments of the world’s largest institutions into the coffers of those who play ball with the demands of Fink and his fellow travellers. It is a world in which transactions will be increasingly digital, with every transaction being data mined for the financial benefit of the algorithmic overlords at BlackRock. And it is a world in which corporations that refuse to go along with the agenda will be ESG de-ranked into oblivion and individuals who present resistance will have their CBDC wallets shut off.

The transition of BlackRock from a mere investment firm into a financial, political and technological colossus that has the power to direct the course of human civilization is almost complete.



As bleak as this exploration of this world-conquering juggernaut is, there is a ray of hope on the horizon: the public is at least finally becoming aware of the existence of BlackRock and its relative importance on the global financial stage. This is reflected in an increasing number of protests targeting BlackRock and its activities. For example:

NOW – BlackRock HQ in NYC stormed with pitchforks

Keen-eyed observers may note, however, that these protests are not against the BlackRock agenda I have laid out in this series. On the contrary. They are for that agenda. These protesters’ main gripe seems to be that Fink and BlackRock are engaged in greenwashing and that the mega-corporation is actually more interested in its bottom line than in saving Mother Earth.

Well, duh. Even BlackRock’s former Chief Investment Officer for Sustainable Investing wrote an extensive, four-part whistleblowing exposé after leaving the firm documenting how the “sustainable investing” push being touted by Fink is a scam from top-to-bottom.

My only gripe with this limited hangout critique of BlackRock is that it implies that Fink and his cohorts are merely interested in accumulating dollars. They’re not. They’re interested in turning their financial wealth into real-world power. Power that they will wield in service of their own agenda and that they will cloak with a phony green mantle because they believe—and not without reason—that that’s what the public wants.

Slightly closer to the point, you get nonprofit groups like Consumers’ Research “slamming” BlackRock for impoverishing the real economy for the benefit of themselves and their colleagues. “You’d think a company that has made it their mission to enforce ESG (environmental, social and governance) standards on American businesses would apply those same standards to foreign investments, but BlackRock isn’t pushing its woke agenda on China or Russia,” Consumers’ Research Executive Director Will Hild explained earlier this year after the launch of an ad campaign targeting the investment giant.

But that critique, too, seems to miss the underlying point. Is Hild trying to say that if only Fink applied his economy-destroying standards equally across the board then he would be beyond reproach?

More hopefully, there are signs that the political class—always willing to jump out in front of a parade and pretend they’re leading it—are picking up on the growing public discontent with BlackRock and are beginning to cut ties with the firm.

In recent months, multiple US state governments have announced their intention to divest state funds from BlackRock, with 19 state’s attorneys general even signing a letter to Larry Fink in August calling him out on his agenda of social control:

BlackRock’s actions on a variety of governance objectives may violate multiple state laws. Mr. McCombe’s letter asserts compliance with our fiduciary laws because BlackRock has a private motivation that differs from its public commitments and statements. This is likely insufficient to satisfy state laws requiring a sole focus on financial return. Our states will not idly stand for our pensioners’ retirements to be sacrificed for BlackRock’s climate agenda. The time has come for BlackRock to come clean on whether it actually values our states’ most valuable stakeholders, our current and future retirees.

As part of this divestment push, the Louisiana state treasurer announced in October that the state was withdrawing $794 million in state funds from BlackRock, South Carolina’s state treasurer announced plans to divest $200 million from the company’s control by the end of the year and Arkansas has already taken $125 million out of money market accounts under BlackRock’s management.

As I noted in my recent appearance on The Hrvoje Morić Show, regardless of the real motivations of these state governments, the fact that they feel compelled to take action against BlackRock is itself a hopeful sign. It means that the political class understands that an increasing portion of the public is aware of the BlackRock/ESG/corporate governance agenda and is opposed to it.

Once again, we arrive at the bottom line: the only thing that truly matters is public awareness of the issues involved in the rise of a financial (and political and technological) giant like BlackRock, and it is only general public opinion that can move the needle when it comes to removing the wealth (and thus the power) from a behemoth like the one that Fink has created.

But before we wrap up here, there’s one last point to be made.

You might remember that we opened this exploration by highlighting BlackRock’s position as one of the the top institutional shareholders in Walmart:

And Coca-Cola:

And Moderna:

And Exxon:

And Amazon:

…and seemingly every other company of significance on the global stage. Now, the fact checkers will tell you that this doesn’t actually matter because it’s the shareholders who actually own the stock, not BlackRock itself. But that raises a further question: who owns BlackRock?

Oh, of course.

Now, I realize this is a lot of information to take in at once. Go ahead and re-read this series once or twice. Follow some of the many links contained herein to better familiarize yourself with the material. Share these reports (or the info itself) with others.

But if, after reading all of this you find yourself looking back over these “Top Institutional Holders” lists and saying: “Hey wait! Who’s The Vanguard Group?” . . .

. . . Well then, I’d say you’re starting to get it! Good job! And don’t worry, friends, that is a question that we will be exploring in these pages in the not-too-distant future. Stay tuned . . .


Connect with James Corbett

Engineering Winter: The Untold Story of Hurricane Nicole

Engineering Winter: The Untold Story of Hurricane Nicole

by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
November 20, 2022


Was hurricane Nicole a random act of nature? Or is there much more to the story? What agendas and objectives might Hurricane Nicole have served for those in power? Can winter weather be engineered from what started out as a tropical storm? For how long after the initial event might the implications and consequences of engineered weather linger? This 4 minute video report provides insight and answers to the questions posed.

 [Video available at GeoEngineering Watch BitChute channel.]

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.


Connect with GeoEngineering Watch

Geoengineering & Climate Change: Gambling With the Human Species

Geoengineering & Climate Change: Gambling With the Human Species

by Ryan Cristian, The Last American Vagabond
with Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
November 20, 2022


Joining me today is Dane Wigington, founder & editor of Geoengineering Watch, here to discuss one of the most obvious lies of the past century, and that is the coverup of the use of geoengineering to alter the weather and our environment. Despite being a publicly admitted effort today, this is still regarded as science fiction or “conspiracy theory” in mainstream circles. Dane and I will also discuss this program’s now obvious overlap with the climate change manipulation, and how both are being used to achieve ends that could put the entire human species at risk, not to mention the potentially catastrophic effects of the actions themselves.

[Video available at The Last American Vagabond Odysee, Bitchute or Rumble channels.]


Connect with The Last American Vagabond

Connect with GeoEngineering Watch

cover image credit: Skitterphoto

We Need to Talk About Mr. Global (Part 3): “The Propaganda”

We Need to Talk About Mr. Global (Part 3): “The Propaganda”

by CJ Hopkins
November 20, 2022


Here it is … Part Three of We Need to Talk About Mr. Global, the four-part series of dialogues I had with Catherine Austin Fitts about what I call “GloboCap” and she calls “Mr. Global,” and the rollout of the New Normal, and the Going Direct Reset, and official propaganda, and totalitarianism, and God, and other things like that.

Part One was released in late August, and was kind of an introduction to the series, exploring the question of how we got here (i.e., all of us, collectively, to this point in history, and Catherine and I, personally, to the little Dutch fishing village where our dialogues were filmed in 2021, just as the New Normal was getting extremely ugly).

Part Two was about the financial coup that GloboCap (a/k/a Mr. Global) has been carrying out for the last thirty years (and arguably since the end of World War II), central banks, the Secrecy Machine, and other nefarious Mr. Global activities.

Part Three is about official propaganda, and the official New Normal propaganda campaign that we’ve all been subjected to for nearly three years, and how and why such propaganda works. I don’t want to say too much about it. So, without further ado, here it is. Click the image to watch it on OVALmedia’s website.


Connect with CJ Hopkins

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts

Is Mental Illness Real?: Kevin Corbett on Mental Illness, HIV and Paradigms

Is Mental Illness Real?: Kevin Corbett on Mental Illness, HIV and Paradigms
The pharmaceutical industry is creating drugs for imaginary illnesses.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
November 17, 2022



When I think of a mental hospital or mental asylum, the first image that pops into my head is the one in Gotham City. I picture crazy people in dark and dingy hospitals, with wide eyes, straitjackets, creepy laughter and imaginary friends.

Of course, reality is different.

Is mental illness real?

So much so, in fact, that I have begun to wonder whether or not mental illness is even real in any meaningful sense. I mean, sure, it’s a thing here and there, but its prevalence and diagnosis are what I’m finding myself questioning.

For example, how is it diagnosed and how what are the clinical criteria?

Allen Francis is a psychiatrist and lead editor of the fourth edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (universally known as the DSM-IV). He is the guy who wrote the book on mental illness.

There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bullshit. I mean, you just can’t define it. These concepts are virtually impossible to define precisely with bright lines at the boundaries.

We’re taking every day experiences that are part of the human condition and we’re over-diagnosing them as mental disorders, and way too often providing a pill when there’s not really a pill solution for every problem in life

Allen Francis

Peter Breggin is also a psychiatrist and has suggested that over-diagnosis is a moneymaking machine for the pharmaceutical industry.

All these antidepressants, the SSRI antidepressants, and the serotonin-norepinephrine uptake inhibitors, SNRI antidepressants, are all knock-offs of a drug that’s very common on the street, and it’s called cocaine.

Peter Breggin

I’m quickly getting the impression that, not unlike fake diseases (like Covid) that are invented for the purpose of profit via “new” medicines, fake mental issues are invented for the purpose of profit via “new” treatments”.

In other words, yes, it’s probably real but needs to be correctly defined and it’s not nearly as common (or comical) as what the establishment media and Hollywood would have us believe.

Our conversation

Kevin Corbett is a nurse who grew up in a mental hospital. His biography and website are fascinating.

He chatted to me about mental health as well as the HIV swindle (which David Rasnick has also spoken about). Kevin also touched on why it matters that we challenge our paradigms about what we think we know.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

cover image credit: GDJ

The CIA and the News Media 2.0

The CIA and the News Media 2.0

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
November 14, 2022


By now, Corbett Reporteers know all about the CIA’s infiltration of the news media, from Wisner’s Wurlitzer and the CIA’s global propaganda network to the Church Committee revelations and the CIA whistleblowers of the 1980s. We were told that the CIA stopped all that (which is a lie, of course). But do you know how the CIA is manipulating the media today? Join James on today’s important edition of The Corbett Report podcast as he exposes the incredibly brazen trick behind The CIA and the News Media 2.0.

 Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack / Download the mp4

The CIA and the Media (Bernstein, 1977)
Time Reference: 01:16


The CIA and the News Media (Corbett, 2011)
Time Reference: 01:41


Edward Snowjob tweets Frank Snepp clip 
Time Reference: 11:59


CIA Officer Frank Snepp Discusses Planting Stories in Vietnam
Time Reference: 12:06


The CIA’s Global Propaganda Network – #PropagandaWatch
Time Reference: 14:21


Gekaufte Journalisten by Udo Ulfkotte
Time Reference: 19:59


Journalist Who Blew the Whistle on CIA Media Control Drops Dead at 56
Time Reference: 20:22


Mass Media: A History (purchase the course at NewWorldNextWeek.com)
Time Reference: 21:18


Mass Media: A History (course notes and sneak preview)
Time Reference: 21:49


Ex-CIA Director Admits Agency Meddles in Foreign Elections (“only in the interest of democracy”)
Time Reference: 25:42


CNN analyst compares Trump’s CPAC speech to Hitler
Time Reference: 26:14


Ex CIA/FBI Official Calls Julian Assange ‘Pedophile’ on CNN Live TV, Wikileaks Threatens Lawsuit HD, 12
Time Reference: 26:41


Ex-CIA Official Jeremy Bash Calls Protesters Domestic Extremists, Calls for Surveillance and Penetration
Time Reference: 26:57


John Brennan Warns MSNBC About “Deeply Disturbed” Conspiracy Theorists
Time Reference: 27:39


CIA Officer Ralph McGehee Reveals How the Agency Deceived the Country During the Vietnam War
Time Reference: 31:15


“There has never been a conspiracy in this country!” (I’ll leave this as an Easter Egg for now. Can you remember/find this clip? The answer will be included in next weekend’s subscriber exclusive video!)
Time Reference: 39:05



Connect with James Corbett

All Governments Are Illegitimate Authorities

All Governments Are Illegitimate Authorities
Etienne de la Boetie argues that the government – any government – is the biggest scam in history.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
November 12, 2022


I recently read an excellent book called The Most Dangerous Superstition, by Larken Rose, in which he argues that the government – any government – is completely illegitimate, immoral and no different to a cult. In other words, the government’s existence should be rejected for the fake superstitious authority that it is.

“The root cause of most of society’s ills – the main source of man’s inhumanity to man – is neither malice nor negligence, but a mere superstition – an unquestioned assumption which has been accepted on faith by nearly everyone, of all ages, races, religions, education and income levels. If people were to recognize that one belief for what it is – an utterly irrational, self-contradictory, and horribly destructive myth – most of the violence, oppression and injustice in the world would cease.”

~ Larken Rose

Etienne de la Boetie (which is not his real name) is the author of a similar book called Government – The Biggest Scam in History, in which he makes an overlapping argument with some excellent additions.

[The book] “exposes the hidden control system and pseudo-religion of Statism used by an inter-generational organized crime system centered around banking and central banking to rob and control the population.”

Although one can technically debate subtle differences between “the state” and “the government”, I am keeping things simple by using the terms interchangeably (since that is how most people understand the terms anyway).

What is anarchism?

For clarity, anarchism is a collection of ideas that lead to anarchy, although it’s probably acceptable to use both words to describe the same idea.

Rejection of the state equates to anarchism. But the problem that I have found is that anarchism is misunderstood, whether by design or not. Anarchism (or anarchy) does not mean chaos. Anarchism, in the words of Benjamin Tucker, could be described as

“the doctrine that all the affairs of men should be managed by individuals or voluntary associations, and that the state should be abolished.”

He goes on to say that

“the state is the embodiment of the principle of invasion in an individual, or a band of individuals, assuming to act as representatives or masters of the entire people within a given area.”

Basically, the government is the subjection of the noninvasive individual to an external will. Anarchy is a synonym for liberty, freedom, independence, self-government, non-interference and you-don’t-speak-for-me.

Our conversation

Etienne joined me for a conversation about all of the above and explained how society would benefit from abolishing the state and why the free market can do anything and everything the government does, but better.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

cover image credit: TheHilaryClark


PDF links:

The Most Dangerous Superstition   (or use this alternate link)

 Government – The Biggest Scam in History





Dr. Tom Cowan Interviews Marvin Haberland, the German Engineer Who Deliberately Got Himself Fined for Not Wearing a Mask as a Strategy for Challenging Virology’s Flawed “Science” in Court

Dr. Tom Cowan Interviews Marvin Haberland, the German Engineer Who Deliberately Got Himself Fined for Not Wearing a Mask as a Strategy for Challenging Virology’s Flawed “Science” in Court

by Dr. Tom Cowan
November 10, 2022


Hi, everyone. I consider today’s podcasts one of the most important ones I’ve done. My guest is a young German man, Marvin Haberland, and our conversation revolves around his upcoming court case in Germany, as well as the foundations of virology.

Marvin is an engineer who, as a result of a health tragedy in his family, decided to take a deep look at medicine. That exploration led him eventually to virology. Like many of us, he discovered that the foundations of virology are based on anti-scientific misconceptions. Unlike most of us, he decided to do something about this realization. He proceeded to deliberately get himself fined for not wearing a mask, which gained him entry into the German court system. He intends to base his entire case on the anti-scientific methods of virology, specifically, the lack of controls.

He is confident enough in his understanding of these issues that he readily agreed to have me “cross-examine” him, essentially, having me take the side of the virologist. Marvin had no trouble answering any question I put to him. Tune in, and you will gain a further understanding of the massive anti-scientific nature of the entire field of virology.

All the best,

 [Video available at Dr. Tom Cowan’s BitChute and Rumble channels.]


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan


See related:

German Engineer Marvin Haberland Challenges the Existence of Covid Virus in German Court


‘The Origins of America’s Secret Police’: New Documentary Released

‘The Origins of America’s Secret Police’: New Documentary Released



New Documentary Released: ‘The Origins of America’s Secret Police’ 

by Matthew Ehret, Matt Ehret’s Insights
November 7, 2022


Do leading members of secret societies managing many of the levers of influence throughout history wield genuine “knowledge known only to the inner elites”… or is something else at play?

In this Canadian Patriot Review documentary produced by Jason Dahl, narrated by myself and based on the work of Cynthia Chung, you will be introduced to the ancient origins of the occult societies that penetrated the heart of America’s intelligence agencies after the murder of William McKinley in 1901.

This journey will take you into the heart of ancient occult societies that managed wars, financial and cultural policies over two millenia ago. You will learn of the underlying methodology of manipulation used to induce foolish kings and generals into self destruction during the days of the Persian Empire which continue to be used to this very day.

With this overview, you will be introduced to 1) the British roots of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry founded in 1801 by British grand strategists in South Carolina, 2) a figure named Albert Pike who led in the largest expansion of this foreign agency within the USA after Lincoln’s victory in 1865 and 3) the “seat of government” which 33rd degree FBI director J. Edgar Hoover managed in the USA during the course of eight presidencies.

This dark history is contrasted to the courageous efforts of men who devoted their lives resisting the growth of this occult agency including President Franklin Roosevelt, Senator Thomas J Walsh, Congressman Hale Boggs, Attorney General of New Orleans Jim Garrison, Martin Luther King Jr, Bobby Kennedy and his brother John F Kennedy.

This documentary was based on the essay “The Origins of America’s Secret Police” by Cynthia Chung, whose new book on the growth of 20th century fascism can be purchased here.

Watch the full movie on Rumble, Youtube, Bitchute and don’t forget to share it far and wide.


Connect with Matthew Ehret

David Icke’s Speech for Amsterdam Peace Rally That Had Him Banned From 26 Countries

David Icke’s Speech for Amsterdam Peace Rally That Had Him Banned From 26 Countries

by David Icke
November 6, 2022


 [Video available at David Icke BitChute channel.]


Connect with David Icke


Excerpts from transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light


We must not just talk about freedom, we must live it and live it by ceasing to cooperate with that which is by the hour now destroying freedom.
So where do we go from here? Well, the moronic people who long ago handed their minds to the state and authority — well, where are they going? They’re going down the road to exactly what I’m talking about. And they’ll do nothing about it. Too busy stopping those that are trying to warn them. So that leaves the rest of us.
And there are three types of people. Two of the groups are responsible for every tyranny in history. And the third group is responsible for ending every tyranny in history.
Group number one — those who mindlessly accept anything authority tells them without question… And they will just do whatever they’re told and think whatever they’re told to think.
Then there is group number two — those that don’t want to do what authority tells them, but they’re terrified of not doing so cause they fear the consequences.
Those two groups together have been responsible for every tyranny in history. Fascism is not imposed by fascists. There’s never enough of them. Fascism is imposed by the population acquiescing to fascism. See Nazi Germany.
So if anyone says, well, what can we do? Well, you can get off your bloody ass, stiffen your backbone and stop being a bloody wimp. There’s a start. Look your children and grandchildren in the eye and tell them what you were doing when fascism was introduced…
And then there’s group number three that has ended every tyranny in history — the true renegades of this human family. Those that see they’re being lied to, who see where this is going and refuse to cooperate. The people who understand the most powerful word in the English language: No! No! No!
Stop giving your power to authority and then you’ll see, authority never had power in the first place because it was always yours.
People now have to realize when they talk about spirituality that true spirituality comes with a spine. True spirituality is never spineless. An open heart is the place where we go beyond fear, where you do what you know to be right simply because you know it’s right.
And we’re at that point now — we’re at that point now where if there is not a mass refusal to cooperate with this unfolding fascism, then we are moving very quickly into a state of global fascism that people would almost be unable to comprehend in terms of its depth and its evil.
And that, ladies and gentlemen of the Netherlands and the world, is the nightmare that we are leaving our children and grandchildren to suffer and endure.
Freedom is not just a word. It’s not just a platitude. It’s something that has to be lived. Because unless we live freedom, how can we possibly be free?
And we are at the point now where we are allowing eight billion people to be controlled and dictated to and have their lives taken over by, at the core of the core of this cult, people you would get into a single room.
That is how far the self respect of humanity has fallen. And that’s the point. Self respect. You do not have self respect when you mindlessly believe whatever you’re told by authority. You do not have self respect. When you do it, though, you don’t want to do it because you fear not doing it.
You have self respect when you stand up for your rights and your fellow humans’ rights and don’t let consequences cower you into submission.
The Netherlands is a fascist country now. My country is a fascist country. America, Canada, New Zealand, all of them. Australia. Fascist countries. France, Belgium, all of them.
And it’s only possible because we allow it.
It’s time to be a lion and not a sheep. It’s time for humanity to roar! No! No! No! No more fascist dictatorship. No more submission to Rutte and those who control him. It’s now or it’s never.


The Holistic Vision

The Holistic Vision

by Elva Thompson
November 7, 2022


The dimming of the light of the spiritual worlds

According to Rudolph Steiner, the dimming of humanity’s spiritual nature happened in the mid Atlantean epoch.  I have no idea how long ago that was because time is relative, and also irrelevant in the investigation of spiritual worlds.

What we do know, is that at some time in our past, we lost our connection to the living spiritual realms that surround us, and lost the ability to see the elemental being within the form of living things.

We became asleep to spiritual reality…blind to the other half of our being. With the fading of our spiritual light, we turned our attention exclusively to the physical world of sensation until it became our only world.

As a result, the energetic world that creates physical form, the magical faerie worlds, the wonder-ful impressions of early childhood, the archetypes of flowers and trees and all creatures great and small became dead to us….

……because we became dead to them.

As the vision splendid faded, our higher fields of vibration withdrew. We became denser in form, imprisoned in the ivory tower of our arrogance and chained ever deeper into matter.

Barely conscious

Since the industrial revolution, we have been systematically de-sensitised and dumbed down. Organised religions have replaced meaningful spiritual experience calling it savage superstition, demonism and witchcraft.

The densification of our energy has accelerated in our modern digital age. We pride ourselves on our intellectual and technological prowess, and are so clever that we have disappeared up our own arseholes. We are stuck fast in the reductionist mindset, a perspective that believes that the whole is no more than the sum of its parts. This inverted view of reality has reduced ourselves and nature to nothing more than a mechanism. A market where human bodies have become repositories of spare parts, and many see man as nothing more than an accident of evolution.

Out of step

In the harmonious pattern of the cosmos there is one area that is out of balance and is deviating from Divine Law. This is the emotional state of mankind.

Cold intellect and rabid ego are so prevalent in today’s society, that most people are dead to any other world but their own physical bubble of existence. There is no room in their crammed life to have a spiritual experience.

They have no clue about the all pervading spiritual power that penetrates matter, and electromagnetically holds it together. All they can do is study the physical outer form and reduce it to its parts, but the inner energetic being that powers the form eludes them and remains forever inaccessible to their barren reductionist minds.


Whatever event caused the Separation of our spiritual and physical worlds, whether it be a catastrophe of immense proportions, or genetic interference by some alien species, it de-spiritualised our species by blocking out the other half of our being. Our spiritual eye has been blinded.

Sacred sympathy

When we overcome the natural identification with our lower, instinctual animal needs, and turn our attention to the unseen world of spirit, we will awaken to the fact that we are eternal beings. With the understanding comes a rush, an in-flooding of awareness, a sacred sympathy for all life that lifts us out of, and beyond, the materialistic, reductionist view of life… and we intuitively see that the whole is much more than the sum of its parts.

Holistic Vision

“There was a time when meadow, grove and stream. The earth and every common sight, to me did seem apparelled in celestial light. The glory and freshness of a dream.

It is not now as it hath been of yore; turn wheresoe’er I may. By night or day. The things that I have seen I now can see no more.”  Wordsworth

The few lines from Wordsworth show the longing of our spirits for the magic realms, spiritual worlds of beauty that have been lost by our ever increasing materialism.

If we are to experience the spiritual realm, we must employ our inner eyes, inner ears, and a subtler sense of thought without distraction. These practices will widen and intensify our imaginative thinking, and this will lead us to the understanding that there is divinity in all manifested life, and our affinity with nature is an echo of our connection to the whole.

Amazing things happen when we turn our attention inward. We discover that we do have a Higher Self; A quiet mind and its vibration is the gateway to wholeness.

The quiet mind is the magic portal through which we can pass into eternal spiritual realities. The gateway that shows us that we are far more than a physical body. We are divine in essence and that droplet of divinity cannot be extinguished when the worn out body, the house of our spirit crumbles and dies. We are eternal beings.

“You will never enjoy the world aright till the sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with heavens and crowned with stars.”  Traherne.

The coming storm

We live in momentous times of change. We only have to look around at our world, a realm clouded with fear where violence seems to have the loudest voice. These are the times in which we live and the spiritual signposts point to chaos ahead.

So, dear friends, let us not think of our lower, limited self defined by our ego and personality. Instead let us fix our attention on our higher self which transcends the sense world and unites us with the timeless, eternal power of the Divine.

“Come to the edge of the precipice,” He said.

“No, we afraid.”

“Come to the edge of the precipice,” He said again.

They came. He pushed them and they flew.

Much love to you all.


Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia, and Book Three: Walking In Three Worlds. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @ amazon.com/author/heartstar


Connect with Elva Thompson

cover image credit: knollzw

Conspiracy Author David Icke Banned From EU, Labeled a “Terrorist”

Conspiracy Author David Icke Banned From EU, Labeled a “Terrorist”
Was set to speak at event in Amsterdam this weekend. 

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News
November 4, 2022


Conspiracy author David Icke has been banned from entering the EU and designated as a “level three terrorist,” according to his son Gareth Icke.

The public speaker and former BBC television host was due to attend an event in Amsterdam this weekend, but will now reportedly be prevented from entering any country in the European Union for a period of two years.

“Received an email from the Dutch. My dad, David Icke, has been banned from entering the EU for two years,” tweeted Gareth Icke. “They claim he is a “level three terrorist,” he added.

“The old man is banned from entering the Netherlands,” wrote Icke in another tweet. “Zero convictions, zero crimes committed. Banned by the government. Wow.”

Icke had been set to feature at an event called Together for the Netherlands, but far-left activist groups complained to the government and demanded he be barred from entering the country.

The municipality of Amsterdam also asked the Dutch IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Service) “to investigate whether Icke can be refused entry to the country,” an appeal that was apparently successful.

The municipality complained that Icke had made “anti-Semitic statements in the past that are unacceptable and deeply hurtful,” although it didn’t cite any specific examples.

The same authority even asked that if Icke had been allowed into the country, his speech at the event “be closely monitored by the Public Prosecutor to assess whether criminal statements are being made.”

Questions about the event were also asked in the Dutch parliament.

It remains to be seen what justification Dutch authorities actually used to ban Icke from speaking in the country, and why the ban also reportedly applies across the entire European Union.

Icke was previously deplatformed by multiple Big Tech platforms for opposing lockdown and vaccine mandates.

Some respodents to the news asserted that Icke had been banned for being outspoken against former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and his role within the World Economic Forum.


Connect with Summit News

Dr. Tom Cowan: Viruses, Bacteria and Parasites Are in Our Body to Clean Things Up and Heal

Dr. Tom Cowan: Viruses, Bacteria and Parasites Are in Our Body to Clean Things Up and Heal

by Patrick Timpone, One Radio Network with Dr. Tom Cowan
October 31, 2022


Show Notes:


  • What responses has Dr. Cowan received regarding his stance on viruses?


  • What is needed to prove something exists?


  • They say there’s not enough virus in a person to measure, even in someone who is said to have died from it.


  • Supposed isolation of a virus by giving antibiotics and starving the cell sample.


  • Separating the snot from the person and putting it in a culture. Culture cells die, supposedly proving the virus exists.


  • List of structures or functions said to exist in human biology that haven’t been proven to exist or proven to not exist. They are actually artifacts of the way we find thing in cells.


  • Ribosome supposedly makes protein and means the rib of the body. They are mocking you.


  • DNA in nucleus makes RNA, which supposedly goes to ribosome and makes protein. How can RNA escape from the nucleus yet nothing can get into the nucleus?


  • Mitochondria supposedly located in endoplasmic reticulum. But the cristae lines look like cracks formed from freezing.


  • Can’t be receptors in membranes.


  • How does water make structure out of impulse?


  • Wedding ring image created in water in petri dish laid on top of a wedding invitation.


  • What is falling down? Water creates a London Bridge image.


  • Antenna on top of Taj Mahal dome structure, and other historical buildings, conveying information to water.


  • Thoughts or conceptions become actions which have consequences.


  • What was the cause of death of a HIV scientist dying after 4 COVID jabs? His belief that the jabs would help him.


  • Can’t treat anyone for an illness as long as their brain work is delusional.


  • Dr. Cowan doesn’t want to change the system. Instead, commit to finding reality. The world will give you clues and help you.


  • Trust senses, verify reality with others, then do science and validate every step. Keep looking to see if evidence is congruent with belief.


  • Guides or angels will help you in your quest for discovering reality.


  • How come all these smart people think something else? How smart are they really? Are they committed to not looking at the evidence?


  • No such thing as right or wrong. No objective reality – it’s only what I say that determines right or wrong. That is the path of nothing is real, of nihilism.


  • There is an ultimate reality. We don’t create reality, it is given in the world. We do create beliefs though.


  • Creating reality is where we went wrong.


  • Real food comes from nature. Eating fake or human engineered food is what makes people sick.


  • Is more meat and less carbs a species appropriate diet? There are no successful human cultures that only ate animal foods. They ate what was growing In abundance in their area.


  • You can’t live without killing things. Overly sentimental to think otherwise.


  • Parasites come in and eat the impurities in us. Stop poisoning yourself and the parasites go away. They recycle your dead and dying tissue. Parasites eat poisons.


  • What to do for someone that’s had the jab? Use it as a lesson in you’ve got to see the world differently. It’s a spiritual awakening.


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Patrick Timpone

[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: On a number of occasions, Dr. Tom Cowan references the work of Dr. Harold Hillman. See A Serious Indictment of Modern Cell Biology and Neurobiology by Harold Hillman. (PDF also available here.) Below, you will also find links to related articles.]

See related articles: 

Modern Medicine: A Castle Built on Sand?

Drs. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman & Stefan Lanka: On the Myth That Virology Is Real Science & What We Don’t Yet Know About These Highly Toxic Covid “Vaccines” 

Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Lee Merritt: Debunking Virus & mRNA Theory

Bioweapons: The Myth of Man-Made Pathogens

Challenging the Foundations of Virology: Corona Investigative Committee With Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Randall Carlson: The Mysterious Origin of Halloween

Randall Carlson: The Mysterious Origin of Halloween

by After Skool with Randall Carlson
October 24, 2022


[Video available at After Skool Odysee and YouTube channels.]

Halloween is seen in our modern age as a day lacking in any historical meaning. It has become known for scary movies, candy, costumes and mischief.

But there is a deep, universal tradition behind Halloween, also known as the Festival of the Dead, All Souls Day or Feast of the Ancestors. This festival is observed around the world, in the northern and southern hemispheres at the SAME time of year.

In this video, we take a dive down the rabbit hole with Randall Carlson to uncover the mysterious origin of Halloween.

Randall Carlson is a master builder and designer, a geologist, anthropologist and historian. He specializes in sacred geometry, ancient civilizations, climate and environmental change, myths, legends, cosmic cycles and catastrophes. He is a proponent of the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, and has theorized about the extinction of historical advanced human civilizations.

Get the complete, in depth halloween lecture from Randal Carlson at https://www.howtube.com/13916

To learn more about Randall please visit https://randallcarlson.com/

Check out Randall’s Podcast, Kosmographia https://www.youtube.com/c/TheRandallC…

To learn about geology tours with Randall https://randallcarlson.com/

Special thanks to the Lowell Observatory for providing some of the astronomy footage. 


Connect with After Skool

Vaccination Is the Opposite of Sustainability and Care for the Planet’s Limited Resources

Vaccination Is the Opposite of Sustainability and Care for the Planet’s Limited Resources

by Robin Monotti Graziadei, No Place Without Spirit
October 30, 2022


Vaccines are false virtue signalling symbols of mass consumerism. They are the epitomization of fraudulent overconsumption. In order to not reduce  transmission and to fail at reducing minor symptoms of a disease in one person, hundreds of people need to be injected with hundreds of vials and plastic syringes which required thousands of hours of energy production and close to millions of hours of refrigeration. All of that overuse of energy and resources is wasted, as a normally functioning healthy human immune system evolved precisely to overcome disease without any superfluous injection.

Add to that trillions of single use plastic masks which fail at preventing transmission of any disease carried by particles much smaller than the gaps where they meet the face, all along their edges, or the ones in the weave of the plastic fibres themselves.

Then add the amount of resources required to address the inevitable percentage of adverse events to vaccinations, in some cases lifetimes of extra treatment and extra production of again largely superfluous further factory energy consuming industrially produced medications.

Do we want to reduce overconsumption? Reduce the consumption of energy? Let’s start with ending the production of superfluous vaccines, and most of all let’s stop injecting healthy people with any energy consuming factory produced deep refrigerated single plastic syringe using vials of substances which will make a number of them ill some severely ill, even ill for the rest of their life in some cases, requiring further resources where none were necessary.

Vaccination belongs to another era, to an age of ignorance, it is not sustainable and not compatible with environmentalism and care for the planet.

Vaccination is in fact the most blatant symbol of superfluous overconsumption of the modern era.

Let’s “degrow” our economy by starting with ending all mass vaccinations, and heal ourselves and our planet outside of the fraudulent logic of industrial production.


Connect with Robin Monotti Graziadei

cover image credit: geralt

‘It’s Elementary My Dear Watson’ – Unmasking the Viral Paradigm

‘It’s Elementary My Dear Watson’ – Unmasking the Viral Paradigm

by Dr. Kevin Corbett, Christine Massey and Dr. Mark Bailey
sourced from drsambailey.com
October 21, 2022


The British nursing academic, Dr Roger Watson, recently cited a Canadian study by Banerjee et al as an example of adequate controls being used in “viral isolation”. Watson’s article appeared in Toby Young’s The Daily Sceptic which purports to exist for airing views others refuse to publish.

The cited study actually failed to prove any viral phenomenon because it did not use purified particles as independent variables. Only impure (crude) clinical samples from a patient were added to monkey kidney (Vero E6) cells without any suitable control. Subsequent phenomena were observed which were then claimed to be the actions of a ‘virus’ hence presumptively termed ‘cytopathic effect’. Similarly, the RNA used for sequencing the so-called ‘viral genome’ was extracted – not from any purified particles proven to be of viral origin – but from the contaminated supernatant of the Vero E6 cells used in Banerjee et al. The resulting ‘sequenced genome’ was no such thing. It was an in silico modelled confection created from the same contaminated supernatant. These unscientific claims inform the current ‘consensus’ on how to do ‘viral isolation and sequencing’, despite having been rebutted by The Perth Group of scientists decades ago.

All of these deviations from scientific method were pointed out to Dr Watson in e-mail messages by one of us (CM). Dr Watson was also asked to explain his stance in relation to this evidence which is anomalous viz a viz the scientific method and the paradigm of virology. Watson’s initial response sidestepped the question. On further probing, Watson politely indicated that he had not considered these particular anomalies and thus would need to give further thought to the lack of valid controls used by Banerjee et al. Watson further stated that this whole debate “was cue to an article on why those who believe in viruses will not be convinced by the evidence”. We fully agree.

These particular e-mail messages are one example of a messenger exposing the multiple anomalies of modern virology to those who are conceptually invested in that paradigm. Instead of being able to look at what has been presented with a fully detached eye, the usual recourse is to bolster that failing anomaly-stricken paradigm by trying to dismiss the message, either by side stepping the questions posed, or by attacking the messenger ad hominem.

Dr Watson attempted the former but (on this occasion) resisted doing the latter.

We respectfully argue that this response is still a strategy of deflection to cover up ignorance of the caveats in modern day ‘viral isolation’ which are axiomatic within virology. This sort of defensive manoeuvre was previously identified by both Thomas Kuhn (1962) and Stephen Cole (1983). Kuhn argued that scientists reject anomalous data which potentially break down the existing consensus as a means of trying to maintain certainty. These rejections, which (after Kuhn) were proved by Stephen Cole to occur within modern science, are essentially defensive actions similar to knee-jerk responses. 

In this case, highly convincing observational data was presented (by CM) casting grave doubt over the veracity of this accepted ‘consensus’ on viral isolation. Some scientists have even argued that these sorts of observations fatally damage the whole concept of ‘viral disease’. This so-called ‘consensus’ on ‘viral’ isolation is a necessary condition for both maintaining and advancing the current paradigm of virology and its claims of ‘viral isolation’. Following Kuhn and Cole, those like Watson who seem very heavily invested in this paradigm will inevitably provide a knee-jerk response to reject any anomalous observations. We argue that this e-mail exchange is a modest example of premature closure of debate on the observed anomalies about modern virology’s claims of ‘viral isolation’.


Dr. Kevin Corbett website
Dr Kevin Corbett, BA (Hons) MSc PhD is a health scientist and qualified nurse with over thirty years of experience in higher education, health care research and clinical practice.

Christine Massey website
Christine Massey, MSc is a former biostatistician collating virology-related freedom of information responses from around the world.

Dr. Mark Bailey website
Mark Bailey, MB ChB PGDipMSM MHealSc is a microbiology, medical industry and health researcher who worked in medical practice, including clinical trials, for two decades.


cover image credit:
Illustration by Sidney Paget from ‘The Adventure of the Crooked Man’, The Strand Magazine, Volume 6, 1893
(in public domain)

Why Nobody “Had, Caught or Got” COVID-19

Why Nobody “Had, Caught or Got” COVID-19


by Dr. Mark Bailey
October 16, 2022


Recently I spoke to an international consortium of doctors and researchers about the COVID-19 situation and the issue of virus existence. I was asked whether I thought COVID-19 cases were fictional in nature, which is an interesting question. It goes beyond the matter of whether pathogenic viruses exist and are the cause of disease. It also allows us to address the frequent claim people make that whatever COVID-19 is supposed to be, they “got it,” based on their experience or one of the so-called tests they took. Let’s examine why there is no “it” even though there are lots of “cases”…

When most people hear the word “case” in a medical context there is a natural tendency to think that the individual being counted has an actual disease. It may come as a surprise that this is not a requirement at all because in the field of epidemiology it can be defined as simply, “the standard criteria for categorizing an individual as a case.” ‘Standard criteria’ can be anything and this opens the door to all sorts of misuse and misinterpretation. In fact, it has been used to propagate outright fraud, as Dr John Bevan-Smith and I documented last year in “The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity.”

In 2020, Sam published a video “What is a COVID-19 case?,” which succinctly outlined the problems of the World Health Organisation’s COVID-19 ‘case’ definition. It is evident that the cases are “confirmed” by in vitro (outside the body) molecular detection assays – in 2020 that was mostly PCR kits and today we also have the widely-deployed Rapid Antigen Tests, which I have discussed in another article. Whatever tests are being used, they have been completely disconnected from the concept of disease. By mid-2020, it was more than apparent that COVID-19 was not a clinically defined condition. A Cochrane review published in July that year concluded that, “based on currently available data, neither absence nor presence of signs or symptoms are accurate enough to rule in or rule out disease.” In other words, COVID-19 cases can be solely determined by molecular “tests” such as the above-mentioned ones.

It is astounding that the vast majority of the medical community went along with this nonsense, including many of those who have been opposed to the “pandemic” responses. What does it mean to diagnose or treat a “case” of COVID-19? Even some PCR critics have been gaslit by debates about the “accuracy” of the PCR and appropriate cycle threshold limits in determining ‘cases’. However, this falls back into the same trap, being the belief that these particular tests are capable of telling them something useful about the condition of a person. They think the PCR just needs to be tweaked in a certain way so it can be used as a diagnostic tool. For clarity, I am not talking about clinically-validated molecular assays with known diagnostic specificity and sensitivity such as urine pregnancy tests. Sam has covered the pertinent differences in her video “COVID-19: Behind The PCR Curtain.”

Beyond the medical community, the public have been deceived by linguistic legerdemain where the PCR or Rapid Antigen Test results are then called, “cases of the virus,” or, “cases of infection,” by public institutions and the corporate media. This is a game of deception because the WHO’s own definition of a case has been completely misrepresented. If they were honest they would say, “cases of a detected chemical reaction in an assay.” However, this would have failed in the marketing department and nobody would have bought into the pandemic narrative in 2020.

In summary, there are indeed cases of COVID-19 but the case definition has been disconnected from the concept of disease. The Johns Hopkins “COVID-19 Dashboard” displays hundreds of millions of meaningless cases, which look impressive to the uninitiated viewer. However, knowledge of how these numbers have been produced brings an understanding that we have just witnessed a pseudo-pandemic, or what Virus Mania’s Dr Claus Köhnlein christened a “PCR Pandemic” in 2020.

The COVID-19 fraud and the concept of “cases” is illustrative of a wider problem concerning medical training and practice within the allopathic paradigm. It is one that I am acutely aware of, having been in the conventional medical system for two decades until my exit in 2016. The paradigm is based on claimed disease entities, many of which are allegedly caused by one “pathogen” and are supposedly treated with one “magic bullet.” Medicine was subverted in this way last century after the stifling implementation of the Rockefeller-backed Flexner Report (1910) and has never recovered. Dr Montague Leverson pointed out an example of this misguided thinking about disease around the same time:

“You here assume smallpox to be a thing, an entity. This blunder is committed by nearly all the followers of the self-styled “regular school”, and it will probably be a new idea to you to be told that neither smallpox nor any other disease is an entity, but is a condition.”

Dr. Montague Leverson, Bridgeport Evening Farmer, Connecticut USA, August 21, 1909

One of the worst things that can happen when visiting an allopathic doctor is being labelled with a disease entity. Medical practice has deteriorated into protocol-driven paradigms in which the practitioners blindly follow pathways and tick boxes. Hapless patients are given a tag and then subjected to prescribed “treatments” rather than being advised on how to help cure their body’s real problems. One silver lining to the COVID fiasco is that it blatantly exposed the nature of the medical system to many people and they could see that it cannot help them with achieving true health.

New Zealand’s Dr Ulric Williams (1890-1971) was another who understood the follies of attempting to classify disease “cases” through not only investigations but also through criteria involving symptoms and signs. Rather, he identified these patterns as healing crises and the body’s attempts to restore itself to health. On that note, we are pleased to announce that we will soon be publishing a book that will once again make Dr Williams’ wisdom and curative methods available to the world.

We are frequently asked about what really makes people ill if it is not “viruses” or other disease entities. It is a matter of changing our way of thinking from the misleading model of getting or suffering from “it” to a new understanding of what our body is trying to do to get well again. As well as addressing this in our free content, we explore these concepts further in our monthly Q&A sessions. Access to this bonus content is available through Dr Sam’s Community Membership. Please sign up for this membership if you would like to support our work and have even more of your questions answered. You can also sign up for Dr Sam’s free newsletter so you don’t miss out on any of the latest developments.


Connect with Drs. Mark and Sam Bailey

cover image credit: Dieterich01

Dr. Tom Cowan: Five Simple Questions for Virologists

Five Simple Questions for Virologists

by Dr. Tom Cowan
October 13, 2022


Hello, everyone. Almost three years into the “great virus debate,” we’re still awaiting answers to questions we have for virologists. I thought this would be a good time to put forward in one place the five most basic unanswered questions, with the hope that any virologist will reply with answers. I’m happy to share their answers with my audience.

Question One: When attempting to prove the existence of any “thing,” we follow certain procedures. First, we define the thing we are looking for, then we go to the natural habitat of that thing and attempt to find it. If we find it and we isolate it (meaning, separate it from its environment so we have it in pure form), this step allows us to find out what the thing is composed of and what it does. It works very well with trees, frogs, bacteria and even nanoparticles.

Can you give us a reference in which this step has been done for any pathogenic virus, and, if this reference doesn’t exist, explain why not?

Question Two: Virologists claim that the “viral culture” experiment proves the existence of the virus. In that experiment, an unpurified sample is taken from a sick person and mixed with fetal bovine serum, toxic antibiotics, and a starvation medium. It is then inoculated on a highly inbred cell culture, which results in the breakdown of the cells (called “cytopathic effect”). This process is called “isolation” of the virus.

Can you define what the term “isolation” means to you, and whether you agree that the above process is a scientifically based isolation procedure?

Question Three: The scientific method at its core means the choosing of an independent variable (that which you wish to study) and a dependent variable (the effect this independent variable causes). By this widely accepted definition of the scientific method, one would need to isolate and test the virus and only the virus as the independent variable. So, a proper experiment would be to isolate a pure virus from a sick person that you allege is made sick with this virus and inoculate this and only this virus onto the cell culture and see whether it causes the CPE. Then, of course, one would run a control experiment: The identical steps would be taken, except no virus would be added to the culture.

Can you point us to a study in which this clear experiment has been done? If it doesn’t exist, please explain why. If the reason is that you can’t find the purified virus in any fluid of any sick plant, animal, or human, then are you willing to acknowledge that the only experiment one could do to prove the existence of these viruses simply can’t be done? If you agree that this experiment can’t be done, could you please refer us to a paper that shows how a “viral culture” is experimentally validated with proper controls at every step of the experiment?

Question Four: It is often claimed by doctors and scientists that every nook and cranny of our bodies is teeming with viruses. These viruses, it is claimed, make up what is called a “virome.” Some claim there are 10 to the 48th number of viruses in our bodies.

If this is true, when you inoculate unpurified lung samples onto cell cultures, presumably containing gazillions of these viruses, why is the only virus that “grows” the one you’re looking for, i.e., SARS-CoV-2? Why aren’t these other viruses seen, photographed, and found in the broken-down cell culture?

Question Five: Finally, can you offer other examples of “things” that are claimed to exist solely through the finding of pieces of that thing? To be clear, if no records of a purified virus such as SARS-CoV-2 exists, by what logic or scientific principles can one claim to prove that any piece, such as an antigen or genome, has come from that “thing?”

All the best,



Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

cover image credit: Rednic

We Need to Talk About Mr. Global (Part 2)

We Need to Talk About Mr. Global (Part 2)


by CJ Hopkins
October 9, 2022


So here it is, Part Two of We Need to Talk About Mr. Global, the four-part series of dialogues I had with Catherine Austin Fitts about what I call “GloboCap” and she calls “Mr. Global,” and the rollout of the New Normal, and the Going Direct Reset, and official propaganda, and totalitarianism, and God, and other things like that.

Part One was released in late August, and was kind of an introduction to the series, exploring the question of how we got here (i.e., all of us, collectively, to this point in history, and Catherine and I, personally, to the little Dutch fishing village where our dialogues were filmed in 2021, just as the New Normal was getting extremely ugly).

Part Two is about The Financial Coup that GloboCap (a/k/a Mr. Global) has been carrying out for the last thirty years (and arguably since the end of World War II), central banks, the Secrecy Machine, the Going Direct Reset, the National Security Slush Fund, and assorted other nefarious Mr. Global-type activities … which means Part Two is mostly me trying to get Catherine to explain it all in terms that a non-financial-expert like me can halfway understand, which, unsurprisingly, Catherine does extremely well. Anyway, here it is … click on the image.

The series is produced by OVALmedia, which (also unsurprisingly) was deplatformed by YouTube just as Part One was being released. So it goes in the New Normal Reich.

Parts Three and Four are now scheduled to be released in November and December, respectively. Here’s what the series should look like when finished …

Part One: How Did We Get Here?
Part Two: The Financial Coup
Part Three: Propaganda
Part Four: The Future

I’ll let you know when the final release dates are announced. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy Part Two (and Part One, if you haven’t already). I certainly had a good time filming them, despite the dystopian subject matter.


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Bioweapon BS — The Lab Leak Narrative & Virology’s Ongoing, Cruel, Pointless Torture & Massacre of Animals

Bioweapon BS — The Lab Leak Narrative & Virology’s Ongoing, Cruel, Pointless Torture & Massacre of Animals


“This cannot be called a contagious entity. It had to be pumped directly into their lungs and was never demonstrated to pass between animals. Furthermore, there was no control experiment where comparable monkeys were knocked out and assaulted by a similar nebulized biological brew, forced into their lungs for 10 minutes, as well as being bled multiple times, being surgically implanted with recording devices, and being confined in isolation chambers.
In other words, it wasn’t a scientific experiment. It was another of virology’s pointless animal massacres.
Those who promote the bioweapon and lab leak narrative are falling for the headlines and parroting the claims of the virologists on face value. They might also want to pause and think why these stories are promoted by the mainstream media.”


“Additionally, as I mentioned earlier, this bioweapon and biosecurity scam is a multi-billion dollar business. So, knowingly or not, those involved will act in a way to keep the gravy train going.”


“The bioweapon narrative relies on one thing. And that is getting the public to keep believing in both germ theory and the existence of viruses. 
Sure, there have been many attempts to make bioweapons. But there is no evidence of any contagious product that can pass from human to human.
All they have are toxic products that can be injected into people or otherwise used to poison them through mechanisms that are not ‘infections’.”

~ Dr. Sam Bailey


Bioweapon BS

by Drs. Samantha & Mark Bailey
October 1, 2022


Many people can see that there are problems with the “virus” model and the concept of contagion in general. However, the notion of “bioweapons” instills a sense of fear in the population. Along with the mainstream media, various members of the health freedom community are promoting “engineered pathogens” and “lab leaks.”

In this video, we take a look at the scientific evidence at the heart of these so-called “bioweapons” claims. Watch as we dismantle the most scary “virus” of them all – Ebola. 

    1. Gain of Function Gaslighting”, Dr Sam Bailey, 30 Jun 2021.
    2. Gain of Function Garbage”, Dr Sam Bailey, 18 Jan 2022.
    3. Biohazard” in New York Times, 20 Jun 1999.
    4. Selling the threat of bioterrorism”, LA Times, 1 Jul 2007.
    5. Dr. Ken Alibek & Dr. Peter McCullough (C19: Origins & Intentions)”, 14 Sep 2022.
    6. The Best Decision Bill Gates Ever Made”, WSJ, 18 Feb 2021.
    7. Ebola: Last British man to survive deadly virus says public must be warned of danger”, 25 Aug 2014.
    8. A case of Ebola virus infection”, BMJ, 27 Aug 1977.
    9. Side effects of interferon-alpha therapy”, Pharm Work Sci, Dec 2005.
    10. Viral haemorrhagic fever in southern Sudan and northern Zaire. Preliminary studies on the aetiological agent”, Lancet, 1977.
    11. The Ebola “Virus” Part 1”, ViroLIEgy, 26 Sep 2022.
    12. Experimental Respiratory Infection of Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) With Ebola Virus Kikwit”, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1 Sept 2015.
    13. The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier”, by Dr David Martin, 2021.
    14. A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition)”, Dr Mark Bailey, 15 Sep 2022.
    15. 21st Century Wire – Patrick Henningsen with Dr. Mark Bailey”, 25 Sep 2022.
    16. Conversations With Dr. Cowan & Friends | EP 53: Dr. Mark Bailey”, 22 Sep 2022.
    17. Anthrax, Arsenic and Old Lace”, Sally Fallon Morell, 19 Oct 2020.



Connect with Drs. Mark & Sam Bailey

cover image credit: Syaibatulhamdi

Totalitarianism Versus Individualism

Totalitarianism Versus Individualism

Reject the New World Order when it comes for you.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare



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Anarchy Means Only No Rule, No Rulers; In Other Words — Freedom

Anarchy Means Only No Rule, No Rulers; In Other Words — Freedom


Anarchy simply means without rule or without rulers; in other words, people working, living, trading, communicating, traveling, and surviving peacefully without government masters and government rule. This is the only state of being that can bring about absolute freedom of the individual.

~ Gary D. Barnett


by Gary D. Barnett
October 4, 2022


“Anarchists did not try to carry out genocide against the Armenians in Turkey; they did not deliberately starve millions of Ukrainians; they did not create a system of death camps to kill Jews, gypsies, and Slavs in Europe; they did not fire-bomb scores of large German and Japanese cities and drop nuclear bombs on two of them; they did not carry out a ‘Great Leap Forward’ that killed scores of millions of Chinese; they did not attempt to kill everybody with any appreciable education in Cambodia; they did not launch one aggressive war after another; they did not implement trade sanctions that killed perhaps 500,000 Iraqi children.

In debates between anarchists and statists, the burden of proof clearly should rest on those who place their trust in the state. Anarchy’s mayhem is wholly conjectural; the state’s mayhem is undeniably, factually horrendous.”

~ Robert Higgs


Language is of such great importance as to be critical to the survival of mankind. While this may sound exaggerated, it is certainly not. The idea of our language, and the root systems from which our language originated, are not able to be altered at will to suit the state or any other individual or entity attempting to create a position based on the fraudulent restructuring of the meaning of words and phrases for their benefit. This is always and only done, to create confusion or to advance an agenda, and usually both. Anytime the state actors decide to control language in their favor, they are intending to steer mass opinion, and contradiction, hypocrisy, and control are the prevailing result. This has never been more apparent than with the term Anarchy, which is the absolute antithesis of state tyranny.

Anarchy simply means without rule or without rulers; in other words, people working, living, trading, communicating, traveling, and surviving peacefully without government masters and government rule. This is the only state of being that can bring about absolute freedom of the individual. The completely bastardized and fraudulent meaning that has been effectively changed, promoted, and propagandized by the state, its institutions, its dictionaries, and its media today concerning the word “anarchy,’ has had the effect thorough indoctrination and brainwashing, of appearing to the lowly ‘public’ as the exact opposite of its true meaning. This purposely induced mindset was planned and done for specific reasons, as honest and legitimate anarchists, are the enemy of state power, and therefore considered dangerous; not to the people, but to those wishing to manipulate and control the people.  These are the ruling class, their politicians, their enforcers, and all government in general. These are the true and evil enemies of humanity and freedom.

The state’s new forged and illegitimate ‘definition’ of the word “anarchy,” is meant to hide the truth, confuse, and control the now ignorant collective masses. This fake definition that is used by all mainstream media and government to marginalize all promoters of freedom, is completely contrary to the actual meaning of the word. Anarchy, according to government tyrants, is said to be a state or society without laws in the midst of political and social disorder due to no government ‘control.’ It is said to mean that there is no ‘obedience to authority,’ which is incorrectly stated as insubordination. Words now used to describe or used interchangeably with anarchy are: lawlessness, disruption, turmoil, chaos, turbulence, disorganization, confusion, rioting, rebellion, insurrection, terror, and unrest, to name only some of the incorrect meanings falsely attributed to this grand word. One could accurately use these terms to describe the state itself, and this is the irony of the state’s lies, for whatever the nation-state claims is usually a gross distortion of the truth. In this case, the manipulated and deceitful meaning attributed to anarchy is a perfectly accurate definition of government and the state itself.

People have been taught (indoctrinated) to beg for their freedom from government agents. This is said to be possible by using a corrupt and worthless voting process to petition those claiming power over you to please allow you to have ‘some’ freedom. Nothing is so pathetic and ludicrous as this state of mind. The very idea that a government must exist and rule over all in order to grant ‘some’ partial freedom to its subjects, is an afront to any intellectual thought or logic concerning liberty. By agreeing to and voluntarily participating in this process, one has already defined himself as a slave.

Freedom is the natural inclination and right of all men, at least until they lose that natural desire by being brainwashed to believe that their freedom can only come due to the permission of their masters. Constitutions, legislation, and laws handed down from ‘above,’ negate all aspects of freedom, because if any state is said to be necessary in order to be free, then it never existed in the first place. Freedom cannot be given, bestowed, allowed, controlled, restricted, or ordered by any men or government. It can only exist in the mind of the individual, and can only survive if the individual is responsible for himself, and not dependent on being ‘governed.’ This is the exact and true meaning of anarchy; no rule.

Voluntary cooperation and non-aggression are the only things necessary to attain freedom and peaceful co-existence. Nothing less and nothing more. The state can offer neither, as all government is based on, and is pure force. Restrictive laws, licensing, taxation, welfare through redistribution, mandates, aggression, extortion, war, control, power of one over another, enforcement, and all rule and oppression of any kind are completely antithetical to being free. No one can legitimately authorize any other to grant any right they do not possess, which means that no one has a right to vote to have another rule over anyone. Given this truth, the basis of all government is dependent on this immoral delegation of non-existent and fraudulently claimed ‘rights,’ and therefore, government has no right to exist at all.

There is no solution to any problem of life or humanity present in any government or governing structure. In fact, the existence of government in and of itself, destroys any ability to live free. The political process then, is anathema to liberty or anything of value. Government and rule are inherently evil, and only spontaneous societal cooperation and non-violence, leaving others to their own desires, will bring about peace and harmony. So long as no force or aggression is used against any other or their property, and willing participation among peoples is evident, a better world is possible. This is the essence of freedom, and the definition of anarchy. No rule and no rulers; a better way forward.


“To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.”

~ Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: successdhamala

Rewilding Food, Rewilding Our Mind & Rewilding the Earth

Rewilding Food, Rewilding Our Mind & Rewilding the Earth
Regenerating Biodiversity in our farms, forests, and our Gut Microbiome for Zero Hunger and Good – Health for All

by Dr. Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International
sourced from Navdanya International
originally published October 22, 2021 at Transcend Media Service



Mother Earth is self-organised. Mother Earth has created and sustained Diversity.

Colonialism transformed Mother Earth, Vasundhara, Pachmama, Terra Madre, into Terra Nullius, the empty earth. Our living, bountiful earth, rich in Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity was reduced to an empty earth. People of the colonised lands were denied their humanity to justify the appropriation of the their lands, their homes, their resources. The Biodiversity of the earth disappeared in the minds of men who reduced the earth to private property to be owned, and raw material to be extracted.

The colonial Monoculture of the Mind separated people from the land, forests from farms, seed from food, food from biodiversity, health and nutrition in order to maximise profits through extractivism. People of colonised cultures and the biodiversity of plants and animals were objectified, enslaved and transformed into the property to be owned.

The colonial industrial paradigm could not tolerate diversity and self organisation and redefined “wild” as place or region uninhabited and uncultivated by humans.

This is clearly a flawed definition. The places and ecosystems recognised as “wild” today are where indigenous people protect nature, the land and biodiversity.

On 22% of land left with the original custodians and guardians, indigenous people protect 80% of biodiversity.

Wild is not the absence of humans, but the loving, compassionate presence of caring communities.

Wild is the opposite of the colonised, enclosed, controlled and exploited, manipulated monocultures and the uniformity.

Wild is where humans are partners of nature, enhancing biodiversity and cultural diversity through co-creativity, respecting the integrity and ecological space of all beings

Wild is self-organised and self-regulated. Wild is living as part of nature, not living in the illusion that we are separate from nature and are her masters and owners. Wild is living in nature’s ways,

Wild societies and cultures respect the integrity of all beings, the sovereignty of all cultures and peoples, and enhance the well-being of all through cooperation, sovereignty, mutuality, and symbiosis. Since the web of life is a food web Rewilding food is the first and most significant step in rewilding the earth, respecting her rights, rejuvenating her biodiversity, her self-organised freedom, her rights.

To regenerate biodiversity and provide more food for more species and more people so no one is hungry, no one is malnourished, no one is sick with chronic diseases, we need to Rewild our minds, our food and food systems.

As Albert Howard observes about Indian and Chinese agriculture in the Agriculture testament,

“In the agriculture of Asia we find ourselves confronted with a system of peasant farming which in essentials soon became stabilised. What is happening today in the small fields of India and China took place many centuries ago. There is here no need to study historical records or pay a visit to the remains of the megalithic farming of the Andes.The agriculture practices of the Orient have passed the supreme test – they are almost as permanent as those of the rival forest, of the prairie or of the ocean.”

Farming like the Forest Is Rewilding

Colonial forestry separated forests from farms and reduced forests to monoculture timber mines, without people, without food. Sacred forests disappeared. Community forests disappeared. Biodiversity and its ecological functions disappeared.

If revenues and profits could not be extracted from land it was declared wasteland by the British even though the forests were rich on biodiversity, local communities were sustained by food from the forests and the waters, and the forests performed vital ecological functions life protection from cyclones. The Sundarbans mangrove forests of India were listed as wastelands in British records.

Farms that had more trees than forests were transformed into Green Revolution monocultures of commodities to maximise profits.

Plants were manipulated to first adapt to external inputs of chemical fertilizers and then genetically engineered to become pesticide factories (Bt toxin GMOs), or resistant to herbicide (Roundup Resistant GMOS). Both applications have failed. Instead of controlling pests, Bt crops have created superpests. Instead of controlling weeds, Roundup-resistant crops have created superweeds.

All sustainable food systems, whether they be the forests, grasslands or farms, have animals integrated in them.

Rewilding food includes undoing the historic injustice to indigenous people and tribals. It includes bringing people and food back into the forests, and trees and animals back on farms.

Rewilding includes rediscovering and regenerating forest foods and wild edibles and creating Food Forests.

This also means not destroying the forest.

It includes taking animals out of factories and putting them back on the land, letting them be free-range, and integrating them back in farming systems, nourishing the plants that feed them.

Rewilding also means regenerating biodiversity on our farms and forests, and rewilding our gut microbiome, our bodies, and our minds.

Nine Principles to follow to Rewild Food, Rewild the Earth and Feed the World

  1. We are part of the web of life, not outside the web. We are members of the Earth Family, other species are our relatives We are not masters and of the Earth, we are not owners of biodiversity. EcoApartheid, the illusion humans being separate from the earth, is at the root of violence against the earth, her biodiversity, her diverse cultures. Returning to our membership in the earth family in our minds and life is the first step of Rewilding. It is a step towards making peace with the earth and creating non violent ecological civilisations.
  2. The web of life is a food web. Food is the currency that flows through the nutrition cycle, nourishing all life. The nutrition cycle is an ecological cycle that weaves the web of life. As an ancient Upanishad states Everything is food, everything is something else’s food”.
  3. Humans are part of the food web, as custodians of biodiversity, as cocreators with other species, as eaters, as growers. Food makes us members of the earth family, nourished by soil micro-organisms, by insects, by plants and animals
  4. Every ecosystem is a home of diverse species. Every ecosystems provides diverse foods to diverse species. Forests, farms and grasslands are interconnected ecologically through the nutrition and water cycle, and cannot be divided and separated.
  5. Self organisation and self regulation is the principle of life and of Rewilding ,from the smallest molecule and cell, to microbes, plants, animals, ecosystems, and Mother Earth herself.
  6. Biodiversity is the organising principle of all living systems and of Rewilding. Biodiversity weaves the web life through interconnections of mutuality and symbiosis. biodiversity produces more food and increases resilience.
  7. The Planet’s Health and our Health is one Health. The Biodiversity in the soil microbiome, the biodiversity of the plants we eat, and the biodiversity in our gut microbiome is one interconnected health.
  8. Rewilding food is rewilding the Earth. The more biodiversity we grow, the more we create conditions for the earth to grow more biodiversity, thus arresting biodiversity loss and species extinction.
  9. The Earth’s Climate system has been created by the living earth through photosynthesis. Climate change is a result of the Earth’s Climate Balance and her self regulation being disrupted through the junk energy from fossil fuels. Rewilding our food and the Earth is a Climate Solution.


Connect with Dr. Vandana Shiva at Navdanya International

cover image credit: Jürgen_Bierlein


The views and opinions expressed in articles posted on this site are those of the authors and video creators, and may differ in some way from views of Truth Comes to Light. Everything posted on this site is done in the spirit of conversation. You’ll get a sense of the positions this site holds in regards to key issues by becoming familiar with the articles we feature and the philosophies we share. Please do your own research, question everything and trust yourself when reading and when giving consideration to anything that appears here or anywhere else.

Dr. Tom Cowan With Dr. Mark Bailey: “SARS-CoV-2 Virus Could Never Have Been Leaked From a Lab Because No Such Particle Has Been Proven to Exist. Ever.”

Dr. Tom Cowan With Dr. Mark Bailey: “SARS-CoV-2 Virus Could Never Have Been Leaked From a Lab Because No Such Particle Has Been Proven to Exist. Ever.”

by Dr. Tom Cowan
September 22, 2022


Dear friends,

As many of you know, economist Jeffrey Sachs, the head of the Lancet Covid-19 Commission, dropped a bombshell recently when he announced his support for the theory that the origin of SARS-CoV-2 was most likely a leak from a virology lab in Wuhan, China. His assertion follows years of speculation — within the health-freedom community, the halls of Congress and in the popular and scientific press — that such an event took place.

After making this announcement, Sachs was interviewed by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., about the circumstances and evidence for this lab-leaked virus. Kennedy is also releasing a new book that purports to lay out the evidence for this theory, and how it proves the duplicity of government officials such as Fauci, who they allege are accomplices in unleashing this plague upon the world.

Other prominent lawyers, doctors and researchers have also publicly endorsed the lab-leak hypothesis. Del Bigtree of the Highwire podcast has even claimed that it’s settled fact that SARS-CoV-2 was created through so-called gain-of-function research, largely funded by Fauci-led government labs. This act, they say, is allegedly the smoking gun, the proof that Covid was and is a “plandemic” organized and funded by the elites to create the conditions to enact the World Economic Forum’s The Great Reset.

While it is not my intention to denigrate the good work done by Kennedy and others in exposing the horrors of the Great Reset agenda and speaking out against restrictions on our freedoms, I strongly encourage them and anyone else to listen to today’s podcast with Dr. Mark Bailey. In doing so, they will hear that a SARS-CoV-2 virus could never have been leaked from a lab because no such particle has been proven to exist. Ever. Not only that, the alleged claim that SARS-CoV-2 is a chimeric virus made from portions of HIV mixed with previously discovered coronaviruses can’t possibly be true because, as you probably already know, neither HIV nor previous “coronaviruses” have themselves been shown to exist.

The most interesting question of all is not the science, as that is easy to demonstrate: No natural, chimeric, lab-created or any other type of SARS-CoV-2 has been proven to exist. The question is, why this story? The answer might have come from Sachs himself, who in a long follow-up article essentially came to the conclusion that, as a result of discovering this lab leak, whether purposeful or accidental, it is no longer possible to trust national governments or virology labs to police themselves. They have been proven to be corrupt, sloppy and untrustworthy. His solution? We must put the oversight of all virology labs and, perhaps someday, of all “science” labs under the gentle and careful guidance of the World Health Organization and related supranational bodies.

I was absolutely shocked to read this purported solution. To centralize control of scientific experimentation in the WHO, an unelected and unaccountable body that pushed the effort to vaccinate most of humanity and drove the disastrous lockdown policies worldwide, would create an even bigger monster to battle. It now feels urgent for the health-freedom community to rigorously investigate the whole story of SARS-CoV-2 in particular and virology in general. As Mark and I point out in this podcast, the health-freedom promulgators of the lab-leak theory now have two options. First, they can demonstrate how they know that HIV, the original coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2 exist, and then show how this chimeric lab-created virus was spread throughout the world. Or, they can investigate further the scientific evidence of virology’s catastrophic and obvious lies.

Their response to this request will help demonstrate whether a “unity conference” as proposed by Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense is a real possibility. My sincere hope is that those in the medical-freedom community have simply misunderstood the science of virology.

All the best,

 Video available at Dr. Tom Cowan BitChute channel. [Mirrored copies available at TCTL Odysee, BitChute & Brighteon channels.]


Read and download at the Bailey’s website (Mark & Samantha Bailey): https://drsambailey.com/a-farewell-to-virology-expert-edition/



Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Dr. Mark Bailey

Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense Leads Discussion of the Documentary “The Viral Delusion: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & The Madness of Modern Virology”

Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense Leads Discussion of the Documentary “The Viral Delusion: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & The Madness of Modern Virology”

by Children’s Health Defense
Mary Holland, CHD president with David Rasnick, PhD biochemist and Mike Wallach, creator “The Viral Delusion”
September  26, 2022


Mary Holland takes on the controversial subject of whether the existence of the COVID virus + other viruses, like the HIV virus – have been thoroughly proven. She brings on two guests, David Rasnick, Ph.D. and filmmaker of the series ‘The Viral Delusion’ Mike Wallach, to discuss this topic and educate viewers on the truth behind ‘public health’ and those in power who control it. Don’t miss this episode!

©September 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Connect with Children’s Health Defense


[Mirrored copies of the video are available at TCTL Odysee, BitChute & Brighteon channels.]’

Excerpt from the documentary trailer:

“For two years, the world has wondered whether the virus that changed our lives emerged from nature or if it leaked from a lab. But a third perspective has been growing among doctors and scientists, that there never was a virus at all. That a host of various sicknesses were repackaged and sold to the public as virally caused without any such proof in scientific papers. Their perspective just might change everything we thought we knew. This is their shockingly compelling story.”

Watch the documentary “The Viral Delusion”: https://paradigmshift.uscreen.io/



Books mentioned:

Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children by Louise Kuo Habakus, Mary Holland

Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries, Roman Bystrianyk

DDT/Polio: Virology vs Toxicology by Jim West

Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey

Also mentioned is the work of David Crowe in regards to the covid pandemic narrative and his prior work in exposing the erroneous AIDS narrative. See video: Rethink All Viruses, by David Crowe and Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory by David Crowe (available via Archive.org or view and download here.]

See related:

The Viral Delusion (2022) Docu-Series: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & the Madness of Modern Virology

“A” Solution for the Masses Does Not Exist: Perceived Reality Is in Fact Only Theatre?

“A” Solution for the Masses Does Not Exist: Perceived Reality Is in Fact Only Theatre?

by Gary D. Barnett
September 24, 2022


This subject is vitally important to understand, and few understand it. The talk of, and the incessant questions received by readers, all demanding to know the “single solution” to all of life’s ills, especially concerning the monstrous tyranny that has consumed this nation state and the world, are not only tiresome, but indicative of a total ignorance of what is actually going on today. The concentration by not only the mainstream, the alternative media, and the public herd, on every single false realty presented as fact, is exhaustive in nature, but telling of symptoms that belie any rational thought. This is troubling to be sure, but it is also extremely dangerous.

As I wrote in my previous article:

“As the “Great Reset” continues to roll forward, most of the media, including the alternative media, is very busy breaking down each and every part of the sub-plots, analyzing everything and every aspect of this plotted terror, and attempting to tackle each element in order to at some point in the far future, hopefully convince their masters to grant them some minor relief. “

“All this and more are meant only to allow the advancement of the “Great Reset,” without debate, or the proper scrutiny necessary to expose the lies that we are told every day. It is all a smoke screen used to hide, confuse, and divide the masses, so that each and every subplot takes enough energy away, and covers up the main agenda of global control enough, so that any honest assessment of the horrible plan to rule the world remains in the shadows. So long as this is the case, world domination by the few will continue to go forward, while the bulk of society fights among themselves, never understanding the scope of what is actually happening.”

What is actually going on here is purposeful, planned, and staged, in order to create as much confusion as possible to the general public, so that all concentration is guided to whatever new bogeyman of the day is the ‘new reality’ desired by the ruling class in order to fool the people into the proper compartments of hate and fear. These techniques are very useful to those who desire to rule, and have been staggeringly successful for the tyrants. This technique was explained very clearly in a quote by Karl Rove in 2004; a Republican policy advisor and Chief of Staff for George W. Bush. He stated it this way:

As to “guys like you,” (people in the media) you are “in what we call the reality-based community” which are people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. That’s not the way the world really works anymore. We are an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you are studying that reality—judiciously as you will—we will act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

This was quoted by James Corbett today, as it has been in the past, and it is oh so telling, important, and on mark. What this indicates is that everything that happens concerning government, is planned in advance and therefore conspiratorial. I have been screaming this for years, but it has mostly fallen on deaf ears. Nothing in politics and ruling structures are natural, organic, or coincidence. All is a plot meant to achieve a particular end. This is so obvious that almost none should ever believe what they are told by the state, but wishing for that kind of clarity it seems, is nothing more than a pipedream.

Nothing irks me more than the notion that any single, or even multiple solutions, exists, and can be magically produced in order to not only change the minds of hundreds of millions, or billions, but also expect the bulk of society to go along with what is considered the perfect plan to fix all these problems within the system that currently exists. Almost every day, I am scrutinized, chastised, and cursed, for not giving the single perfect solution to the world’s ills. So, what is meant by, and expected, as ‘the’ solution?

Those who ask for and promote these simplistic answers to complicated problems, involving these millions and billions of individuals, seem to have lost sight of all logic. Any ‘solution,’ would necessarily require the involvement of the masses. But how is that possible, or even considered by anyone with any ability to think? Those who offer ‘solutions,’ often are giving good advice for certain individuals temporarily, but no one has, or ever will have, the single ‘solution’ to change the world so that all is good and rosy, and all are free. No one has, or ever will, be able to end all tyranny by coming up with a particular ‘solution.’

What has been offered so far? Voting for a new master is very common. Just get the right person as king and master, it is said, and all will be okay. How has that worked out the past 244 years? Another is to march in the streets in protest, which is nothing more than begging your rulers to please grant you some relief. Another is to wake people up by telling them what to do and how to act, but how is that possible? Some recommend forming groups of like-minded people, to work together, farm together, or to build private communities that can act independently. This may help some, but it is only meant to avoid the current system, while it remains in place.

Many attempt to form ‘different’ political groups in hopes of ‘improving’ government. Many choose to fight against or pick one or the other specific option that relies on there being one problem and one enemy; e.g., the Jews, the Federal Reserve, immigration, voting ‘integrity,’ (really) Masonic demons, the Muslims, China, Russia, etc. Some even say all that is necessary is to “follow the Constitution,” that secret government created document that set loose an unlimited and all-powerful and evil federal national central government. And many say the only solution is to follow, worship, and bow down to ‘their god.’

There are good solutions to temporary problems, such as being armed, growing and storing your own food, moving off grid, avoiding the abhorrent government school (indoctrination) system, getting off social media, blowing up your television, and many, many more. But none of these things mentioned address at any level the real problem.

The real problem is the allowance of, which is completely voluntary, a ruling class given the power to lord over and control the masses at will. It is the belief that humanity cannot function or survive without a king and master class called government to guide them, restrict them, steal from them, and kill them when deemed necessary. It is the acceptance of ‘laws’ and mandates said to be only for the good of the people, and only meant to protect them. The ruling class of so-called ‘elites, and their henchmen in government and all government enforcement, are the real problem; at least if one desires to discount the willingness of the masses who freely allow their own slavery.

Once again, and for the thousandth time, the solution to this totalitarian hell lies in understanding and accepting the fact that only the individual has the power to wake up and change himself. No one can do this for another, and no government will ever police itself by implementing its own destruction. Each of us has to take, sustain, and protect his own freedom if it is ever to exist. This does not mean that one is alone, as the many acting as free individuals together, and not allowing any unjust rule, (all government rule is unjust) can move mountains.

I have been told over and over again that negating and ignoring government, non-compliance, no obedience to the state, and ignoring all mandates, is not a solution, but I beg to differ. There are 330 million of us and only a handful of them in this country. If you cannot understand the dynamics of this power, and the numbers involved, then you will never see your way to any liberty. My solution is not something I can give you; it is no solution that can happen due to the efforts of the few, and it is not a fix-all for everyone. It is based solely on each and every individual deciding that he no longer desires to be ruled over and a slave. The responsibility falls directly on each of us, and if enough come to this conclusion, this tyranny would end quickly. I do not because of human nature, believe that enough people at this time will stand on their own two feet and say no regardless of risk. But in my mind, that is our only chance.

In order to gain freedom, you have to want it badly enough to do whatever it takes to gain enough self-respect to understand the importance of your life. No one can ‘give’ you freedom, you have to demand it unconditionally. You have to rebel within yourself, and not rely on any other to give you something that they have no power to give. This is an individual struggle, based on the cooperation of many who desire the same thing. It is not and cannot be accomplished by hiding in the crowd, cowering in fear, expecting others to give you an impossible easy solution, and avoiding the pain of becoming free. You, each of you, has to decide for yourself.

“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first.”

~ Jim Morrison


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: romanen

“Controlled Opposition, Gate Keeper, Agent Provocateur, Plant” — And the Giant Crime

“Controlled Opposition, Gate Keeper, Agent Provocateur, Plant”
And the Giant Crime 

by Jon Rappoport
September 21, 2022


Part One:

For the past 30 years, I’ve heard these terms thrown around. “Controlled opposition, gate keeper, infiltrator…”

In many cases, there wasn’t a shred of evidence on board. Not even a reasonable circumstantial case.

But people would direct these charges at someone AS IF they had the evidence in the bag.

“Did you read that ridiculous piece Fred wrote? It’s absurd. He’s controlled opposition. Someone higher up put him in an influential position to distract us from the truth, to block us from getting to the bottom of the rabbit hole. He’s an agent. He’s a plant.”

However, Fred actually has:

A blind spot on an issue.

He does good work in other areas, but on issue X he got it wrong.

Fred’s accuser has tried to reach Fred and convince him another issue must be covered, but the accuser couldn’t reach Fred. Therefore, Fred is a deceiver.

Fred isn’t perfect, and his accuser takes that as a sign that Fred must be controlled opposition.

Fred gets it wrong on issue X and then paints himself into a corner and refuses to admit he made a mistake. Instead, he doubles down. He looks ridiculous — so he must be an agent provocateur, a gate keeper, controlled opposition.

Because Fred got it wrong on issue X, everything else he talks about must be some kind of deception and an intentional limited hangout.

Fred’s accuser has spent years researching one particular issue, and Fred doesn’t talk about that issue, so Fred must be intentionally covering up the truth about the issue.

Fred hasn’t been attacked from all sides over the years. Therefore, he’s being protected by higher-ups. He’s controlled opposition.

Fred’s accuser thinks, “Since I know all about issues X, Y, and Z, Fred must know all about them, too, and yet he doesn’t talk about those issues, or he covers them superficially by my elevated standards. Therefore, Fred is a gate keeper, he’s a secret agent, he’s an infiltrator.”

Fred’s accuser has actually been through a very difficult meat grinder — a situation where he was wrongly and heavily attacked for doing a good and righteous thing. And so the accuser tends to be, shall we say, a bit oversensitive. Understandably so.

But then some superficial accusers go down this alley: Since there ARE actual persons who ARE put in place to deceive, confuse, and stir up trouble…Fred must be one of them. (The logic of that argument is stunning.)

People who have a habit of throwing around “controlled opposition” and similar terms, like hot burgers off the grill at a picnic…those people tend to have a paranoid world view (which is justified), but the world view gets out of hand. The world view becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Right next door to “he’s a gate keeper and controlled opposition,” we have: “He’s distracting us by covering the wrong issues. We should be focused on Q, R, S, not X, Y, Z.”

And it may be true that we should be focused on Q, R, S, but Fred isn’t trying to distract anybody. He thinks X, Y, and Z are important, and they are. Perhaps they’re not as important as Q, R, S, but so what?

To go down a different path, if Fred happened to be a person whose job it was to notice certain types of crimes and prosecute them in court, and there was a whole list of those crimes Fred obviously knew about, and yet he was doing nothing; then you would have a major case against Fred. That’s a different situation. And doing nothing while egregious crimes pile up is standard operating procedure in government work. Unfortunately.

But Fred isn’t that person. He’s a writer or a video maker or a broadcaster or an editor, and he happens to be limited, and from time to time he makes mistakes. Along the limited waterfront he’s covering, he makes mistakes.

Or Fred is on the crime beat, and he does expose a number of crimes, but not all of them, and not the favorite crimes of his accuser.

Or Fred deals with conspiracies of a deep nature, but not every conspiracy.

Or Fred works to pump himself up and embroider his reputation, and in that process, he sometimes jumps the fence and makes obviously wrong statements.

But he’s not a spy. He’s not a gate keeper. He’s not controlled opposition. He’s not a plant.

The unsupported and excessive spraying of these terms, like “controlled opposition,” into land, sea, and air, has a deleterious effect. It casts a weird glow. It distorts people and situations.

When I look back and think of times I was tempted to engage in that spraying of “controlled opposition,” there was a common denominator. I had my hands on a giant story. A giant crime. I had it nailed down. I put the story out there. And then I decided (rightly or wrongly) that nobody was listening. Nobody was paying attention. Nobody was willing to give the story the coverage it deserved.

And then I could say, if I wanted to — “There’s a whole lot of controlled opposition and gate keeping going on out there. Here’s one guy. There’s another. Here’s a third. They’re all intentionally covering up and deflecting the truth.”

And I was surely right. There were such people. Not the people I was thinking about, while I was so pissed off. But yes, there were such people. Probably a few. Like there always are. So what?

However, for the most part, the people who could have covered my story but didn’t: were afraid to; or were busy with other stories they knew were important; or were worn out; or were considering their audiences (what those audiences would think of my giant story); or just couldn’t see what I was driving at; or felt they lacked the knowledge to agree or disagree with me.

And regardless of their reasons (good or bad, understandable or not), those people who didn’t pick up on my story were not gate keepers or controlled opposition or hostile actors or plants or agents.

And if I went ahead and accused them of being those sorts of persons, that would be ridiculous. Laughable. Worst case, it would be like accusing a short order cook at a diner of intentionally keeping me away from the fantastically tasty Omaha steak he was storing in a special locked fridge — while serving me a cardboard burger instead. Because he was screwing with me. He was working for the elite Junk Food Association of America. And they knew who I was. For some criminal reason, they were keeping me away from the steak.

Nah. They were in the cardboard burger business. That’s all.

Now and then, while I’m sleeping, I might dream I’m chasing a bunch of these cardboard burger people down a long road, or they’re chasing me through a city, and they’ve got helicopters overhead, and they’re agents tasked with keeping my stories away from public view (by rubbing me out), but when I wake up, I shake that off and go to work. This work.

Part Two:

Now let’s look at an actual giant crime. For example, locking the world up.

I’m not talking about the COVID lockdowns. I mean the technocratic lock-up.

This would rate as a mother of all crimes.

You could loosely call this BEHAVIOR CONTROL.

From the top; coming down. Like a clean sanitized shit storm.


It looks nice and neat — it doesn’t have detritus and garbage hanging off of it. It operates smoothly. Like a well-tuned machine.

And you can find a place inside the machine, if you do what you’re told to do. That’s the basic principle, and as you can see, it isn’t very sophisticated.

Now, the technology applied to make the machine work and to keep everybody inside it — that is definitely sophisticated, and it’s improving all the time.

Ultimately, people themselves would be engineered, as in Huxley’s Brave New World, from the womb. That’s some serious fucking behavior control.

And face it, why wouldn’t tech people bent on running the world opt for that sort of control, if they could achieve it? Why stop short at cell phones that report your location and buzz your brain and listen to you talk when you’re not on the phone?

I could go on and paint all sorts of pictures of the Brave New World. I have, and so have others. The ID packages, the wall to wall surveillance, the guaranteed income linked to social credit score, the destructive vaccines, the top-down control of your bank account no matter where you bank, which means the seizure of your assets for any reason under the sun…

Bleak. Bad, bad shit. Universal MKULTRA.


And this is why I keep pushing my favorite theme. The umbrella term is Decentralization of Power. The specific is BULLY PULPIT.

Which means people stepping forward and going all-out to talk to their audiences every day on live stream and deliver what they see and know and believe — NO HOLDS BARRED — about the insanity in our midst, and what sanity would look like. In vivid terms.

No matter what. Come hell or high water.

In my current articles and podcasts, I provide numerous illustrations of how this bully pulpit could look and sound.

I guess you could boil this idea down to: telling the whole truth as you see it, without stinting, without using damped-down neutral language, without holding back emotion, without hedging your bets.

The people who are watching and listening would be AFFECTED, trust me.

1000 bully pulpits, 5000, and more. Heavy action.

Millions and millions of people across the world want to listen and watch.

Here’s my view: These millions of people want to cut through all the bullshit about the COLLECTIVIST “WE” — what I call the cosmic cheese glob — they want to leave all that bullshit behind and get down to THE INDIVIDUAL, who is free to live in freedom as long as he doesn’t impinge on the freedom of others, and who makes his way in the world by EARNING IT. Freedom with responsibility.

The Brave New World is the Collectivist We to the nth degree.

We need to head in the opposite direction. Back to the I.

That’s my starting position.

My jumping off point.

And yes, there are HUGE audiences out there who believe that and want to hear it expressed with no-limit conviction.

The jail break from the fake WE to the real I.

They want to hear a president with conviction. A governor with conviction. A mayor with conviction. A sheriff with conviction. A CEO. A doctor. A movie star. A celebrity athlete. A race car driver. A whoever.

Bully pulpit. VOICES.

We’ve got them. Voices.

To turn around the fetid fake culture…and drown the Brave New World before it takes hold.

— Jon Rappoport


Connect with Jon Rappoport at substack

cover image credit: manfredrichter

The Narrative Matrix Hides the Truth About the World, and About Ourselves

The Narrative Matrix Hides the Truth About the World, and About Ourselves

by Caitlin Johnstone
September 21, 2022


I talk about narrative all the time partly because narrative control is the source and foundation of the power of the US-centralized empire. The ability to control the way people think, act and vote with mass-scale psychological manipulation allows our rulers to dominate us more pervasively than we could ever be dominated by brute totalitarian force, which is why so much energy goes into keeping the people from controlling their own narratives. That’s all the current mainstream panic about “disinformation” is, for example. If narrative control were fully decentralized, our rulers couldn’t rule.

But I also focus on narrative because its consequences are so much more far-reaching than that.

The fascinating thing about paying attention to the way narrative differs from reality is that it doesn’t just change your understanding of politics and power throughout the world: you start to notice that your whole life is dominated by narratives — not just about the world, but about you.

You start out getting curious if the narratives you’ve been fed about your country, your government, and global power dynamics are really true, and if you’re sincere you start taking that curiosity to questions about narratives you’ve come to believe about your own life. Narratives about what’s important, about what’s real, about what’s true, about what’s helpful. Narratives about how you are, narratives about who you are. Narratives that were put in your head by teachers, preachers, friends and family, and narratives you made up yourself long ago and kept believing.

You start getting curious about the way your own life has been shaped by believed narrative, and you start to discover a whole reality underneath the matrix of stories which buzzes around in your consciousness. A reality that could not possibly be more different from your stories about it.

You start to discover that your entire framework for perceiving the world is based on believed stories which are not ultimately true and are generally very unhelpful for moving through life in a harmonious way. Stories about others. Stories about life. And stories about yourself.

That last one is the real kicker. Because it turns out that underneath the narrative matrix, what you are is more different from your mental stories about what you are than you could possibly imagine. And these misperceptions of identity shape your entire experience of reality. You start to see that this finite, separate “me” character your entire mental world has revolved around your whole life has no more reality to it than a fictional character in a storybook. After that illusion becomes clarified, life is no longer dominated by narrative.

To be clear, narrative in and of itself is not the problem; narrative in and of itself is a useful tool. “I went to the store” is a narrative. “Those berries are poisonous” is a narrative. “One should look both ways before crossing the street” is a narrative. The problem isn’t narrative, the problem is that it dominates our experience instead of serving as a tool. The goal isn’t to eliminate narrative but to put it in its proper place as a useful tool rather than the writer, director and star of the entire show of life. The problem isn’t narrative but believed narrative, in the same way watching a horror movie causes no problems for you if you remain clear that it’s just a movie.

Look closer and you see through the stories about your nation, your government and your world. Look closer still and you see through your believed stories about life which lead you to think the way you think and act the way you act. Look even closer and you see through the stories about your actual fundamental nature.

The reason propaganda works is because human experience is so thoroughly dominated by mental stories that if you can control the dominant narratives, you can control humanity. The quest is not just to refute propaganda, but to cease having an experience that is dominated by narrative.

And of course all this is a narrative too. But it points to something real which can be clearly perceived in your own experience without narrative, in the same way you can see your hand in front of your face without having to tell any stories about it.


Connect with Caitlin Johnstone

cover image credit: geralt

Secrets of Virology – “Control” Experiments

Secrets of Virology – “Control” Experiments

by Dr. Sam Bailey
September 17, 2022


Recently, there was a claim that virologists do carry out properly controlled experiments, which show that the “no virus” position is false. ?

Could it be that we missed this vital piece of evidence?

Let’s have a look at what was presented, break down the scientific method and see if there’s been any shenanigans…


  1. The “Settling the Virus Debate” statement.
  2. Mock-infection” definition.
  3. Tom Bethell on evolution, “Iconoclast: One Journalist’s Odyssey through the Darwin Debates
  4. Independent and Dependent Variables Examples
  5. Proteomics of SARS-CoV-2-infected host cells reveals therapy targets” Nature, 14 May 2020.
  6. A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019” NEJM, 24 Jan 2020.
  7. Dr Sam Bailey Video, “What is a COVID-19 Case?” 13 Dec 2020.
  8. EM image: “Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Returning Travelers from Wuhan, China (SM)” NEJM, 26 Mar 2020.
  9. Dr Sam Bailey Video, “Electron Microscopy and Unidentified ‘Viral’ Objects”, 16 Feb 2022.
  10. Dr Mark Bailey, “A Farewell to Virology – Expert Only Edition”
  11. A Comparison of Whole Genome Sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 Using Amplicon-Based Sequencing, Random Hexamers, and Bait Capture”, Viruses, 15 Aug 2020.
  12. Christine Massey’s website.


Connect with Drs. Samantha and Mark Bailey

cover image based on creative commons work of andremsantana & b0red

The Miseducation of Hamilton: America’s First Shadow Banker Redefines Reality

The Miseducation of Hamilton: America’s First Shadow Banker Redefines Reality

by Aaron & Melissa Dykes, Truthstream Media
September 10, 2022


[Video available at Truthstream Media YouTube and BitChute channels.]

Excerpt from essay by Aaron Dykes (see the full essay here):

This video on Alexander Hamilton is over an hour-long, and for several reasons (some better than others). But gave us lots of amusement about history and about bad wannabe hip-hop raps.

With a deluge of information, and mini-perseveration and obsessive focus on the facts of the founding period, against a setting of slow, clumsy medical recovery that is beginning to see the light of day – in that context, I slew the dragons in my mind with the ammunition I could scour from our library in something of an offshoot of our previous series ‘The Trust Game’.

Drawing a duel in my mind with fundamentally-flawed philosophy of Alexander Hamilton, and, mixed up with meta-layers of irony, at the same time dueling with the flawed and deceptive framing of today, the presentation of history by major foundations, by entertainment giants and by the education system.

These and other forces have seemingly teamed-up to inspire the next generation to believe that 2+2=5, that aristocracy was democracy, and that Hamilton reigns over an alternate-dimension of woke hip-hop fantasy legitimized by the power of using “words” to define “reality.” A bent pseudo-realness brought into existence either by scientists at CERN probing dark matter, or whisked into meta-being by influencers who often use the term “meta” in their speeches, or perhaps in combination with one or other creative writers in the entertainment business.

My quixotic quest to right the wrongs of modern remix-history thus morphed from a simple summary about the Rockefeller Foundation sponsoring a play and paying to get kids to watch it, into a meta-analysis disassembling the core significance of our historical founder Alexander Hamilton from our 21st Century dumpster-fire culture. Our chances for a bright future are, thus, impaired, as the powers-that-be have given the young-in-spirit-and-mind the wrong codes and keywords. Instead of treasuring our individual rights and traditions of freedom, to maintain and treasure, even as the future keeps changing our notions of how things ought to be, the powers-that-be have trained impressionable minds to celebrate their own mental enslavement; to cheer on incredible financial rapings, and call for a greater concentration of power in the name of besting dissidents and opponents.

The wisdom and knowledge that too much power in the hands of government is a recipe for disaster. In respect to this principle, takes away the focus on individual rights and limiting abusive powers in all its forms. Too much power has been given away, given to despots and political champions, and technology has made modern people appear and feel minuscule in the grand scheme of things with respect to decision making and agency in writing their own future.

It occurred to me, with a bit of a background in government studies, that the growing public misconception about such fundamental rights as the Freedom of Speech (and the freedom of conscience) is a significant and growing danger to our society. An alarming number of lost sheep are prone to believe that society is vulnerable to “haters” who must be disarmed of their expression by government policies, and by huge tech companies who own and control the prevalent mediums of expression. It is a generation prone to believe that words CAN hurt you, and hurt so much that online speech must be patrolled, terms terminated, certain language left unspoken, and expression narrowly confined with search terms so as to not offend. Verified information only. Vetted, sanitized, safe.

The catastrophic fallout from this kind of thinking — from just this example — has already besieged our generation. It has purged many dissidents, threatening their livelihoods and their rights to expression. It has emboldened those abusing powers, who seek excuses and rationales to grab and use further power, and has empowered the worst abuses we’ve seen in freedom of conscience and freedom of speech both under the cloak of medical emergency in recent years. You know, our generational trauma.

On top of that is Hamilton. Miseducation hidden in the casserole of a trendy musical: a clear example that the truth has become a catspaw to manipulative powers, kneading a dough of history into a tableau that expresses the values of power they way they wish them to be presented, to be perceived. Is there a controller behind the veil? Or are these just shadows, pixels, static?

What has transpired to make this or any other best-selling musical/book/movie speak for a generation IN FAVOR of a figure who specifically represents the quest for more government power?

What is behind the glorification of a reprobate who has been strongly criticized by his contemporaries and by historians for his Machiavellian works towards a Federal Government over-endowed with uncontrollable powers? Superlative powers over the several States, over the revolutionaries who believed in and fought for liberty?

We find a banker, a shadow banker, who instituted a government system vulnerable to the undue influence of the mega-wealth, the elite. Made in the image of his patrons. A founding father thinker who believed that Aristocracy was the most desired form of government, that the monarchy American colonists had just fought against represented not-the-worst-but-the-best system, and that democracy was a totally destructive, unstable, untrustworthy system of government. People in mass a monster.

Yet people today — the typified acolytes of the Hamilton! Musical and its political affiliates — clamor for “democracy” and swoon at the Histor-tainment surrounding Alexander Hamilton whom they see as a climber from the lower classes, as a self-made immigrant, as an abolitionist of slaves, and a beacon of – democracy.

But that’s the very opposite of what Broadway’s most celebrated man actually stood for.

How is that even possible? Are people really that misinformed?

As the Constitutional Convention concluded, Benjamin Franklin was reputedly asked: “Well, Doctor, what do we have, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin famously replied: “A republic, if you can keep it.”

This is our system, but this cannot be in of itself the best of all governmental-forms, because it did not produce or secure a significant-enough quantity of liberty, or distribute freedom widely enough to sustain true progress against ill intent on the part of those in power. Hence our modern disharmonies and disbalances. Things gravitating towards total disaster.

But a republic may have been the best of all outcomes under the circumstances for the young United States. It could have easily buckled under the pressures of world domination, intrigue, foreign loans and finance, and disagreements between political factions, economic sectors, and between the cultures of the Northern and Southern States — struggling to maintain the appearance of total unity in the wake of a doomed geopolitical marriage.

But a Republic based theoretically on past systems like Rome and tweaked by enlightenment insights, and which institutes divided and theoretically balanced powers, and which declares the principle of sustaining individual liberties, while separating duties and jurisdiction among different levels of government, and retaining unexpressed powers to the sovereign states – this Republic was as close as we Americans would get to a pseudo-healthy balance between the rock-and-a-hard-place of the threats of the “tyranny of the few” and that of the “tyranny of the many.”

A Democratic Republic in that elections and public opinion could influence or determine leaders; yet also an Aristocratic Republic, as Senators were selected by States whose politics were dominated by aristocratic land and property owners. Aristocratic, also, in the barriers between public election and the selection of the President, court justices and cabinet appointees, who Hamilton wanted appointed for life. Aristocratic in the heavy influence of the British system of titles, and the relationship between merchants, banks and money with the government that continued or was deliberately imitated by the colonies-turned-republic.

A Plutocratic Republic, in that the United States system was nauseatingly friendly and defenseless against the machinations of its richest, thanks in no small part to Alexander Hamilton himself, who represented for an elite cadre of extremely powerful land owning families, land speculators and investors who were especially dense in New York, fast-developing into one of the world’s foremost financial centers.

Our Republic was, thus, Plutocratic in the relationships and bonds that cemented in with Hamilton’s vision for the country. His role as a banker with a vision. The strings of capitol funds are absolutely connected to the institutions of the Federal capital and the governments of the States. The word puppet comes to mind.

Finance was and is a central pillar in the secretive and unquestionable foundations of the nation. The public face of good government for-the-people assumes the private, unimpeded operations of the wealthy players of plutocracy. This mold of capitalism, and hence its toxic derivatives, were ushered in by Alexander Hamilton, baked into our American traditions. The maker, in one sense, of some of the biggest Titans of Industry and capitalist fortunes. Philanthropists and Misanthropes alike.

And when it comes to the many, to the unfortunate who are dominated by this system, Hamilton enabled life-support and preferential treatment for the parasitic systems that denigrated human life on a grand-scale. He married into them, and cozied up to the powerful families of early America — he didn’t dismantle their institutions or moralize to them until their behavior changed. Abolition, racial justice and economic humanism were never a serious focus for Hamilton. Play things, maybe – concentrating power was his only true aim throughout his influential career.

So for the public to celebrate his cult of personality around these values – democracy, equality, et al. — is truly sickening. Especially when the soundtrack is saccharine-sweet with modern flair and over-hyped production value.

The young United States was a remarkable experiment in self-government and self-determination that espoused noble principles, but its final mold was still quite flawed. The powers-that-be did not make this mold of liberty and freedom easily transferable to less fortunate locales.

The young U.S., as now, had to endure competing interests including participants throughout the continent and abroad who held suspicious aims or dispassionate stakes in the economic factors, but who, nonetheless, helped to keep the weird glue of the union together, for better or worse. Its dark blemishes and severe philosophical oversights are fairly glaring in hindsight.

A Republic was as good as we got; Hamilton originally wanted a full-blown aristocratic monarchy, with total powers for the Federal government and political leaders who would rule for life – even if without an actual crown. The public has been so severely miseducated, however, that they now believe Hamilton fought for democracy.

This false notion had to be corrected. It is my duty, and it is also my pleasure.

The Republic he and other founders secured with his catspaw-Constitutional Convention was one set up to balance disagreements between the enfranchised, the “elect” of 18th Century society. This primarily, and almost exclusively, included property holders in society who were the only people who could vote or hold any true vestiges of power. It did very little to protect those that were subject to the dominance of the former “elect,” little for those under the thumb of any master, and for those who could only eek out an existence under duress, enslavement, indenture or indebtedness – for what was, at best, an illusory promise of freedom.

This was, after all, a system designed by Alexander Hamilton. He wrote more words than any of his nearest competitors; he worked hard. But who did he work for? And what were his words working to bring about? Is it something we should celebrate to a lively, hip-hop score?

Perhaps it’s time you met Hamilton. Once again. This time with feeling. Because he is a best-selling edition of history reshaped, remolded, redefined. Reality reconstructed like a lump of Playdoh.

I want to personally acknowledge and thank my beautiful wife, and partner in thought and expression, for her support in all things during this challenging time. Thank you, Melissa.

In Liberty and Love,



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Jerome Corsi on Oil Not Being a Fossil Fuel

Jerome Corsi on Oil Not Being a Fossil Fuel
Oil is not running out. In fact, oil is one of the most abundant liquids on Earth.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
September 9, 2022


Jerome Corsi is an author with a special focus on energy and all things related to actual climate science (rather than the establishment garbage perpetuated daily).

Jerome has published 25 books on economics, history, and politics, including six New York Times bestsellers, and was a senior editor at World Net Daily.

As Tony Heller noted, there is no climate emergency. As Patrick Moore noted. As Denis Rancourt noted, Earth is fine. As Valentina Zharkova noted, the biggest driver of temperature is the sun.

Book Worth Reading

Jerome is writing a trilogy in which he debunks all of the mainstream propaganda surrounding Sustainable Development, which is the UN’s version of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, which is essentially centralised global control (and has nothing to do with Earth’s climate).

The first in the trilogy is The Truth About Energy, Global Warming, and Climate Change.

Jerome joined me for a conversation in which he addresses

  • oil not being a fossil fuel;
  • oil being abiotic and almost as abundant as water;
  • the NAZI Germans making oil during WW2;
  • the conspiracy to market oil as a scarce “fossil fuel”; and
  • electric cars and why even Elon Musk knows they’re rubbish.


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cover image credit: eyeonicimages

Reiner Fuellmich: On His Recent Separation from the Corona Investigative Committee & Where His Work Will Be Focused Going Forward

Reiner Fuellmich: On His Recent Separation from the Corona Investigative Committee & Where His Work Will Be Focused Going Forward


Reiner Fuellmich Explains his absence on the Corona Committee and tells us what’s next!

by Farmer_Jones
September 18, 2022

Original video available at Farmer_Jones BitChute channel. Mirrored at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute & Brighteon channels.


Truth Comes to Light Editor’s Notes (September 19, 2022):

Discussed during this interview —

  • What is happening with the Corona Investigative Committee.
  • Why Reiner Fuellmich has been absent from recent committee sessions.
  • What caused the separation. Viviana Fischer is now in control of the Corona Investigative Committee.
  • Reiner is creating International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC), broadening the scope to look at all parts of the Great Reset, including the Ukraine crisis, global warming, breakdown of supply chains, etc. There will be a focus on showing people what they can do to stop this and to go for damages.
  • Farmer Jones brings up the Dr. Wagh [Poornima Wagh] controversy.
  • Farmer Jones mentions “fact checkers” involved in investigating Poornima Wagh and their attacks on Reiner Fuellmich. He speculates on possible set up of Dr. Lee Merritt as well.
  • Reiner explains issues with his telegram account which is being controlled by an IT person who is aligned with Viviana Fischer. Wolfgang Wodarg is now aligned with Viviana Fisher and her new version of the Corona Investigative Committee.
  • Reiner will be setting up a new telegram account and will be back within 10 days to 2 weeks within information about the International Crimes Investigative Committee.


Reiner Fuellmich interview with Stew Peters: https://rumble.com/v1jyjft-dr.-reiner-fuellmich-speaks-out-on-vax-genocide-global-class-action-lawsuit.html

On September 2, 2022, this announcement by Viviane Fischer was posted at the Corona Investigative Committee telegram channel: https://t.me/CoronaInvestigativeCommittee/131

For background on Poornima Wagh controversy:

Virologist Dr. Poornima Wagh With Dr. Lee Merritt: “It’s Not Just Virology That’s a Scam. Most of Pathology Is Actually Fraudulent.” “People Are Waking Up Very Quickly.” “I Think This Is the Beginning of a Tsunami.”

Dr. Lee Merritt on the “Occult” Controllers of Science | She Also Responds to the Recent Controversy About Her Interview With Poornima Wagh

Poornima Wagh With Regis Tremblay: On the Questioning of Her Credentials & Public Assaults on Her Character [Updated September 3, 2022] 


©2022 Truth Comes to Light. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.


Connect with Farmer_Jones at BitChute

David Icke at Worldwide Rally for Freedom (London, September 17, 2022): “This Is the Time for Humanity to Take Responsibility for Its World”

David Icke at Worldwide Rally for Freedom (London, September 17, 2022): “This Is the Time for Humanity to Take Responsibility for Its World”


“You do not eliminate the low ground by fighting with it. You eliminate the low ground by ceasing to cooperate with it. By building something better and refusing to cooperate with anything else.

Because the most powerful word in the English language or any other language is, and has always been — it is the word that has ended every tyranny in history, and ultimately it will end this one — and that word, of course, is “No! No! No!”.”


“We need to understand where the real power is. And it’s not with satanic forces that operate out of places like The City of London.  Our perception that they have power is a misunderstanding of where the power is…

How can eight billion people be controlled by a handful unless those eight billion — or most of them — give their power to the handful? This has to end! And when it ends, this tyranny will end.”


“What it takes is just that stiffened backbone, that courage to stand up to what is a house of cards — if only we would stop holding it together.”


“This is the time for humanity to take responsibility for its world. To stop pointing the finger and saying ‘it’s them’.

No. It’s us. It’s always been us. It’s always been us throughout known human history who have handed our power to the few. Which is why, throughout human history, the few have always controlled the many.”

~ David Icke, September 17, 2022, London – Worldwide Rally for Freedom


Video courtesy of TheTaoOfAnarchy Rumble channel.


Connect with David Icke

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A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)

A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)


[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Below you will find the abstract & the postscript for Dr. Mark Bailey’s essay entitled “A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)“. Use the links provided to view the entire 67-page report at Mark & Samantha Bailey’s website.]


Read & Download the Full 67-Page Essay in PDF Format


A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)

by Dr. Mark Bailey
September 15, 2022



Virology invented the virus model but has consistently failed to fulfil its own requirements. It is claimed that viruses cause disease after transmitting between hosts such as humans and yet the scientific evidence for these claims is missing. One of virology’s greatest failures has been the inability to obtain any viral particles directly from the tissues of organisms said to have “viral” diseases. In order to obfuscate this state of affairs, virologists have resorted to creating their own pseudoscientific methods to replace the longstanding scientific method, as well as changing the dictionary meaning of words in order to support their anti-scientific practices. For instance, an “isolated” isolate does not require the physical existence of the particles in order to be afforded “isolation” status.

A viral particle must fulfil defined physical and biological properties including being a replication-competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human. However, “viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2 are nothing more than phantom constructs, existing only in imaginations and computer simulations. In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected genetic sequences and proteins purported to be “viral.” The existence of a virus is not required in this loop of circular reasoning and thus entire “pandemics” can be built upon digital creations and falsely sustained through in vitro (“test tube”) molecular reactions.

This essay contains three parts. Part One outlines some of the history of virology and the failures of the virologists to follow the scientific method. The many and far-reaching claims of the virologists can all be shown to be flawed due to: (a) the lack of direct evidence, and (b) the invalidation of indirect “evidence” due to the uncontrolled nature of the experiments. The examples provided cover all major aspects of the virological fraud including alleged isolation, cytopathic effects, genomics, antibodies, and animal pathogenicity studies.

Part Two examines the fraud used to propagate the COVID-19 “pandemic.” A breakdown of the methodology relied upon by the original inventors Fan Wu et al., shows how the fictional SARS-CoV-2 was “created” through anti-scientific methods and linguistic sleights of hands. It is part of an ongoing deception where viruses are claimed to exist by templating them against previous “virus” templates. Using SARS-CoV-2 as an example, the trail of “coronavirus” genomic templates going back to the 1980s reveals that none of these genetic sequences have ever been shown to come from inside any viral particle — the phylogenetic trees are fantasies. The misapplication of the polymerase chain reaction has propagated this aspect of virology’s fraud and created the ‘cases’ to maintain the illusion of a pandemic. Part Three provides an analysis of how some key participants, “health” institutions, and the mainstream media maintain the virus illusion through information control and narratives that parrot virology’s claims. By way of happenstance, the virological fraud now finds itself front and centre of the COVID-19 fraud. From here, however, it can be critically appraised by those outside virology and the pseudo­scientific paradigm virology has built around itself can finally be dismantled and laid to rest.

The aim of this essay is to provide refutations to various claims that pathogenic viruses exist and cause disease. SARS-CoV-2 has been used as the main example but the principles apply to all alleged viruses. What follows addresses virology’s often arcane literature on its own terms, which, it should be said, may make parts of this essay somewhat heavy reading. However, it is hoped that this contribution will fill a niche for the reader seeking a more technical understanding of the virus hypothesis as it seeks to expose the very foundation of purported pandemics and fraudulent medical practices. The threat of virology to humanity is increasing so it is time we bid farewell to these destructive pseudoscientific practices and free ourselves from unnecessary fears.


No matter how long an essay covering this topic may be, there will always be more questions in the form of, “but what about…?” The desire to fit observed phenomena to the virus model is strongly programmed on many levels. It was not the intention of this essay to explain peripheral observations or the cause of various illnesses in organisms such as humans. As has been detailed, it only needs to be demonstrated that the viral hypothesis has refuted itself on its own terms. The virologists have provided no direct evidence of pathogenic viruses and instead have resorted to indirect observations that are invalided due to the uncontrolled nature of the experiments. Additionally, adhering to the scientific method places us under no obligation to provide an alternative explanation for these phenomena — when a hypothesis has been falsified, even once, it is done for. Tragically, the explanations to many of the “but what about…?” questions have already been answered elsewhere but the seduction of the “virus” and the juggernaut of surrounding interests have formed an artificial knowledge barrier for many people. In this light, I have endeavoured to serve the highest purpose I know and hope that my contributions will help humanity throw off the imaginary viral shackles once and for all.

Progress consists, not in the increase of truth, but in freeing it from its wrappings. The truth is obtained like gold, not by letting it grow bigger, but by washing off from it everything that isn’t gold. — Leo Tolstoy


Read & Download the Full 67-Page Essay in PDF Format


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image credit: nicolasdebraypointcom

Who Benefits From U.S. Government Claims That the UFO Threat Is Increasing ‘Exponentially’?

Who Benefits From U.S. Government Claims That the UFO Threat Is Increasing ‘Exponentially’?

by Caitlin Johnstone
September 6, 2022


A US senate report which is an addendum to the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 has people talking due to the surprising statements it includes about the US government’s current position on UFOs.

I mean Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.

I mean Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena.

This latest moniker for the thing we all still think of as UFOs is the US government’s way of addressing how these alleged appearances, which began entering mainstream attention in 2017, are said to be able to transition seamlessly from traveling through the air to moving underwater in what’s been labeled “cross-domain transmedium” movement. Because branches of the US war machine are roughly broken up into forces specializing in air, sea, land and space operations, the notion that these things move between those domains gets special attention.

UFO enthusiasts are largely focusing on a part of the addendum which oddly stipulates that the government’s newly named Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena Joint Program Office shall not be looking into objects “that are positively identified as man-made,” because of the obvious implications of that phrase. This is understandable; if you’ve got a government office that’s responsible for investigating unidentified phenomena, you can just say it won’t be looking into phenomena that are “positively identified”. You wouldn’t have to add “identified as man-made” unless you had a specific reason for doing so.

But for me the claim that really jumps off the page, authored by Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mark Warner, is the claim that these unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena are a “threat” that is increasing “exponentially”.

“At a time when cross-domain transmedium threats to United States national security are expanding exponentially, the Committee is disappointed with the slow pace of DoD-led efforts to establish the office to address those threats,” Warner writes in the report.

“Exponentially” is a mighty strong word. Taken in its least literal sense, it means that threats to US national security from UFOs are increasing at an alarmingly rapid rate. That they have swiftly become much greater than they used to be.

What is the basis for this incendiary claim? What information are US lawmakers being given to make them draw such conclusions and make such assertions? There’s a long chain of information handling between an alleged UFO encounter and a US senator’s pen, and corruption can occur at any point in that chain (including the first and last link).

I remain comfortably agnostic about most aspects of the UFO question, up to and including the possibility that there are actual extraterrestrial or extradimensional beings zipping around our planet in technology our science cannot comprehend. But one thing I absolutely will take a hard and fast position on is that the moment the US government starts labeling something a “threat”, all trust and credulity must be immediately be thrown out the window.

This is after all occurring as the US enters a steadily escalating new cold war against both Russia and China, and we know that during the last cold war the CIA sought to exploit public panic about UFOs as a psychological weapon against the Soviets, and that the CIA has claimed that its newly developed spy planes were responsible for many UFO sightings in the 1950s, and that the US military was working on developing “flying saucer” aircraft during that same time. It also occurs after the assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, technology and logistics stated at a 2020 conference that the Air Force has a brand new aircraft prototype, designed using new digital engineering technology, that has “broken a lot of records.”

This new mainstream UFO narrative also has highly suspicious origins, with key players ranging from shady US intelligence cartel operatives like Lue Elizondo and Christopher Mellon, to corrupt senator Harry Reid and his plutocratic campaign donor Robert Bigelow, to Blink-182’s Tom DeLonge, who believes humanity is being tormented by malevolent extraterrestrials who feed off negative human emotions and that the US military is heroically protecting us from their evil agendas. Filmmaker Steven Greenstreet put out a short, well-sourced documentary with The New York Post this past May laying out copious amounts of evidence that the groundwork for the new UFO narrative was built on journalistic malpractice and negligence, obfuscation, omission, and outright lies. The footage we’re being shown of these supposed vehicles to justify this new narrative consist of blurs, flashes and smudges which can all be explained by mundane phenomena.

So in my opinion this isn’t a subject we can just ignore, as weird and uncomfortable as the subject of UFOs might be for serious analysts. Whatever the subject, when you’ve got the US government claiming on highly suspect grounds that there’s an exponentially growing threat that urgently needs to be addressed militarily, it’s time to sit up and start paying attention.

Not that I myself have any clear idea of what’s going on here beyond the distinct impression that we are being deceived about something potentially very important. And I don’t get the impression that other people have a very clear picture of what’s going on either.

Some say this is just a scam to get more funding for the Space Force or the military in general. That could very well be, but as far as publicly available information goes we’re not seeing anyone saying anything like “Hey we need $40 billion to address this UFO problem.”

Some say this is part of an agenda to justify getting weapons into space, but I suspect anyone likely to support that agenda would support it with or without the claim that we need to fight ET. And again, there’s the problem that nobody’s saying “Hey we need to get weapons into space because of UFOs.”

Some say this is just a deliberate “distraction” designed to keep people from focusing on more important issues, but the problem there is that (A) the empire doesn’t normally roll out distractions in that way, and (B) the UFO issue isn’t getting much mainstream attention. It’s a peripheral story, dwarfed in comparison to real propaganda initiatives like Ukraine.

Some say there’s a conspiracy to use high-tech weaponry to create a false flag alien invasion and unite humanity under a one world government, but that’s a fairly mainstream idea that’s being pushed on viral Netflix films by known fraud Steven Greer. I think the world is paranoid enough at this point that few would buy such a psyop even if it were somehow convincingly orchestrated.

Some say this narrative is all a cover for new technology the empire is keeping under wraps, presenting an official position that the US government has nothing to do with the strange vehicles people are seeing in the air as stated in the ODNI’s report on UFOs last year. That would certainly explain the empire’s cockiness in confronting Russia and China simultaneously when public knowledge of its economic and military capabilities would indicate that that’s a bad idea.

It could be as simple as the fact that once it becomes the established orthodoxy in Washington that UFOs are a threat and something needs to be done about them, it’s a safe bet that we’re going to see massive amounts of money moving around to deal with that threat and the emergence of war machinery that can be used in future confrontations with Russia and China. There are any number of creatures lurking in DC who would stand to benefit from that happening, and would stand to benefit from pushing that agenda. It’s possible that contracts have already been signed. It’s possible that finances have already been allocated for it from the war machine’s dark money slush fund, and that all this public talk is just narrative management to preemptively justify that spending when information about it comes out.

Or maybe it’s some mixture of these things, or none of them. I don’t know. I do know that someone’s benefitting from all this. And I know it’s unreasonable to expect the most murderous and tyrannical regime on earth to tell us the truth about UFOs when it would stand nothing to gain by doing so, and we ordinary people should therefore do our best to understand what’s happening for ourselves.

I think it would be good if people on the anti-empire fringes of the spectrum started looking at this thing more and describing what they’re seeing, even though it’s impossible to see everything behind the walls of government opacity. Otherwise the only people looking at it will be UFO enthusiasts who just want “disclosure” at any cost, and the operatives of the empire itself.


Connect with Caitlin Johnstone

cover image credit: mskathrynne 

Dr. Lee Merritt on the “Occult” Controllers of Science | She Also Responds to the Recent Controversy About Her Interview With Poornima Wagh

Dr. Lee Merritt on the “Occult” Controllers of Science | She Also Responds to the Recent Controversy About Her Interview With Poornima Wagh


“Keep in mind that…there are people who know a lot more about the way the world works…”
“This is a long-term program of controlling the way we are educated, to teach us the way to think, how not to question certain things…”
“They’ve not only got murderous technologies that we don’t completely understand, but they’ve also got psychological techniques that we’re not paying attention to…”
“They not only know things but they know how to manipulate us…”

~ Dr. Lee Merritt


The following interview is clipped from the full September 5, 2022 episode from Sons of Liberty podcast titled: Dr. Lee Merritt Unveils The Dark Occultic Hand In “Science” (Video)

Original full-length video available at Sons of Liberty

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with Dr. Lee Merritt

Connect with Sons of Liberty

cover image credit: Matryx 

See related:


Poornima Wagh With Regis Tremblay: On the Questioning of Her Credentials & Public Assaults on Her Character [Updated September 3, 2022]

Getting to the Truth About “Viruses”: Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey, Andrew Kaufman & Tom Cowan Respond to  Del Bigtree’s Statements in a Recent Interview With The Conscious Resistance

Getting to the Truth About “Viruses”: Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey, Andrew Kaufman & Tom Cowan Respond to  Del Bigtree’s Statements in a Recent Interview With The Conscious Resistance


“I think realistically, we’re talking about the state of the science in virology. And these are facts that we can check within their own publications. So, we’re not presenting a philosophical view about how biology works necessarily. What we’re saying is that when we go to the scientific literature,  we can see that they’ve not established that there are pathogenic particles called viruses.”

~ Dr. Mark Bailey


“…The way I see it right now is — the goal, I’d say, is to stop the tyranny… And the good thing, I would say, is that whoever is the perpetrators of this… in a sense they gave us a gift. And the gift is, they made this particular tyranny — focus of it — to be about a virus. And it turns out that if you actually go into how do you know whether these so-called pathogenic viruses exist, it’s very simple…

…With viruses, there’s no technical problem of finding them. We’ve been able to do this for over 70 years. And the fact of the matter is… you can’t find them in the habitat that they say they are. And so this becomes such a scientific truth — logical, rational way of understanding the world. And it becomes clear to just about everybody that they can’t prove that these viruses exist.

And since the goal is to stop the tyranny… if you show that there’s no evidence that they do exist, which is very easy to do, then all of the things in the tyranny — so-called vaccines, injections, social distancing, masking, closing businesses, restriction of travel — all that makes no sense. No sense. So you don’t have to fight about all those things…” 

~ Dr. Tom Cowan


“Viruses” – Baileys, Cowan & Kaufman Respond to Del Bigtree

by Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey, with Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Dr. Tom Cowan
September 3, 2022


In a recent interview, Del Bigtree suggested that the world is not ready for the “no virus” conversation.

We take a different view, which is why the “Settling The Virus Debate” Statement was launched.

Dr Sam and Mark Bailey are joined by Dr Tom Cowan and Dr Andy Kaufman to analyse Bigtree’s strategy. We discuss why we believe the COVID-19 situation should be used to unravel not only the virus model, but the fraud of germ theory as well.


  1. Del Bigtree Interview
  2. The “Settling The Virus Debate” Statement
  3. Dr Tom Cowan
  4. Dr Andrew Kaufman
  5. Dr Sam Bailey – Virus Debate Statement Video


Connect with Drs. Mark & Sam Bailey

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Dr. Andrew Kaufman

cover image credit: kalhh 

Attorneys Reiner Fuellmich & Michael Swinwood With Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: The Corona Crisis and the Criminalization of Justice

Attorneys Reiner Fuellmich & Michael Swinwood With Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: The Corona Crisis and the Criminalization of Justice
“We’ve really reached a fork in the road. And that fork in the road is — to your left is the apocalypse and to the right is the awakening.” ~ Michael Swinwood

by Reiner Fuellmich, Michael Swinwood with Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
September 2, 2022


[Video available at Odysee and BitChute.]

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky interviews Reiner Fuellmich and Michael Swinwood on the legal issues underlying the corona crisis.

Show Notes [compiled by Truth Comes to Light editor]:

  • Fraudulent PCR test
  • Genocide of indigenous people for centuries — “all roads lead to Rome”
  • Jesuits involvement in Europe and South America — control with threat of death for those who do not comply. Michael Swinwood: “Notice, they actually described the way law is. They said, ‘If you accept the crown and the cross, we will grant you privileges and exemptions.’ That’s law everywhere… This is the beginning of the social credit system that’s coming our way.”
  • Vatican and United Nations both support the corona measures.
  • Michael Swinwood: “How do you put together a legal procedure when the game is fixed? The game is fixed… And this is what  people don’t seem to understand nor will they accept. That the institutions that you spoke of [Vatican, UN, WHO] were designed and made to bring about what we’re in right now.”
  • Within the founding document of United Nation’s UNESCO, Julian Huxley, who wrote the document in 1946, said, “Eugenics philosophically and psychologically is not well accepted but it’s about time that it is.”
  • Aaron Russo said Nick Rockefeller told him nine months before 9/11 that there would be a big event, then there would be a war on terror, and then we’re going into Iraq…
  • Michael Swinwood talks about the lawsuit that he filed challenging the PCR test and how it was deemed “frivolous and vexacious”.
  • Michael Swinwood: “What we have right now is that 80% of the world is dead asleep.”
  • Reiner Fuellmich gives an account of lawsuits around the world. He spoke of three criminal cases against Bill Gates in India.  He shared about lawsuits in Europe and the United States and the difference in the responses from governments when positive judgments were given.Reiner Fuellmich: “In my view, right now, the only place where it makes sense to file a — either criminal complaint or a civil case against the people who are behind this (those who we can see — the Bill Gateses, the Faucis, the Drostens and all the others, Black Rock, Pfizer) — the only place where it really makes sense is the United States. But you do have to do two things. You have to find the right venue where there’s a judge or a court who will give you a fair hearing because that’s what it takes. You have to get a fair hearing in order to be able to show the evidence to the court of law. And the other thing is you have to find the right attorney. It’s not just someone who has all the experience and knows all the law but someone needs to be on our side ’cause you can’t trust anyone else.”
  • Michel Chossudovsky asks about covid vaccine deaths and possibility of lawsuits.
  • Reiner Fuellmich shares the ruling of a judge in Italy and also a judge in Sicily challenging the legality of mandatory vaccination.
  • Michel Chossudovsky talks of the effects on mental health including children committing suicide.
  • Michael Swinwood mentions that four states in the US — Virginia, Kentucky, Massachusetts & Pennsylvania — are actually commonwealths and not states. They belong to “her majesty the Queen”. He talks about the implications of attempting to bring lawsuits in those states.
  • Reiner Fuellmich talks about why it is not “a slam dunk” to win lawsuits against all the criminals even though the evidence is clearly there. “The system has been infiltrated for at least the past 30 years through this Young Global Leaders program of the World Economic Forum, which has been in existence since 1992 — which is the result of a CIA-funded program. The World Economic Forum was founded by Klaus Schwab but he did it because he first went to the CIA-funded program at Harvard University where he met Henry Kissinger… The same thing happened with medicine, the judiciary, the media — everything has been infiltrated.”
  • Michael Swinwood talks about what lawyers are really up against when taking on these giants who have incomprehensible amounts of “blood money”.  “The second world war was brought on by the same people who are bringing this on. The first world war was brought on by the same people who are bringing this on. It’s all family related. It’s all the elitists. And it’s all these people who have been talking this way forever. “
  • Reiner Fuellmich: We’re not giving up, Michel. That’s not it. We just want the people to understand what we’re facing. Because once they understand, we’re going to have their support even if it takes this case outside of the system.”
  • Michel Chossudovsky: “It’s no use having a protest movement because we’re not protesting. We’re questioning the legitimacy of the decision makers.” 
  • Reiner Fuellmich: “We have to expose the fact that these people have always played and paid both sides.”

Reiner Fuellmich: “This doesn’t mean, however that this is totally hopeless. It’s not. Because more of us are waking up. Here in Germany, it’s maybe 10 to 20 percent of the population that is beginning to understand what is going on. The resistance is growing by the day. In the United States, the polarization is much more in our favor. It’s between 40 and 50 percent of the people who do not want to go along with this anymore. And they have guns. And that makes a big difference… That’s why I think that this war will be decided — in our favor, of course — in the United States…

“This is speculation of course, but if you look at the totality of the evidence, if you look at how the government does not dare defy or ignore a federal judge’s decision, how the people do not want to play along — most of them — and how they are even armed. That makes a big, big difference.”

  • Michel Chossudovsky: “I think you’re absolutely right. In a sense, it comes from the heart of the beast, so to speak. There’s an element of dialogue and analysis in the United States, which I think is very important. But, I think just to put it in perspective, what we are living is very similar to the Spanish Inquisition… It’s the globalist inquisition… The inquisitorial doctrine that they have is extremely fragile. The narrative is extremely fragile. And that narrative, that consensus, has to be broken.”
  • Reiner Fuellmich: “Michel, the most important thing that people have to understand is that if they don’t open their eyes to the true facts, it’s going to be — this is a question of life and death… They’re coming after us. They’re trying to kill us. These vaccines are non-vaccines. They’re designed to kill us.”
  • Michael Swinwood: “I think it’s really important to understand also that there’s a spiritual component to all of this. And that we can go on and talk about the facts, and the evidence, and all of the things. And you can conclude very rapidly that what you are dealing with are lies, manipulations and inducements to bigger fear. That’s essentially how you can summarize what we’re really in.

“But if you understand from a cosmic perspective, we do live in a cosmos. It’s not just the planet earth. We live in a solar system. We live in planets that are having their own transmutations and that’s what’s happening on the mother earth in this moment in time.

“We’ve really reached a fork in the road. And that fork in the road is — to your left is the apocalypse and to the right is the awakening. The apocalypse is what the elitists seek to promote. Their script — you’ll find their script in the Book of Revelation…

“But really humanity is faced with that fork in the road where they have to make a bigger choice. The bigger choice is about what they do inside… Because all of this is an inside job. We’re being treated to an inside job but we need to work on our own inside. Because as we change ourselves, we change the world… The challenge for each individual human being is to come to the realization of just what spirituality means to them. It doesn’t have to be identified as a religion. It just has to be identified as a relationship to Spirit…”


Connect with Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research

Connect with Reiner Fuellmich & Corona Investigative Committee

cover image modified from creative commons image by Foundry